New Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Addition to ConceptDraw Solution Park
New addition to ConceptDraw PRO and the Solution Park provides a four-step process for continuous quality improvement diagrams. The method’s name Plan-Do-Check-Act clearly defines the logical sequence of four stages of a process: the Plan stage, on which a problem is defined and compose a plan for measures to correct; the Do stage, on which developed solution is applied in a real work environment and is tested; the Check stage, verifies that the problem is solved, the results are measured and compared with planned objectives; the Act stage, determines the root causes and implements the countermeasures.
The new solution in the ConceptDraw Solution Park includes a collection of samples, and a library containing 10 vector stencils that support continuous quality improvement of products of any level of complexity.
If the results correct the situation, the new process is standardized, documented, and implemented. This new addition to the Solution Park is free for current users of ConceptDraw PRO.