A KPI Dashboard Provides
the Answers Your Sales Team
Sales Dashboard Solution
The Sales Dashboard Solution gives users the ability to use live data to drive displays that show sales performance in a wide variety of graphs. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a software for making Live charts anв gauges that provide effectiveness to your business. By using dashboards one obtain benefits:
- Saves time compared to running multiple reports
- Align strategies and organizational goals
- Saves time compared to running multiple reports
- Visual presentation of performance measures

Pic. 1. Geographically Sample
PM Made Easy allows you to plan and execute projects using mind mapping techniques, implement planning using mind mapping, and track tasks using ConceptDraw Project.

Picture: Gantt Chart Diagram
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What is a KPI? Key performance indicators (KPIs) represent a set of measures that are focused on the aspects of organizational performance which are the most important for its current and future success.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with Sales Dashboard solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park allows effectively develop, analyze and improve your business thanks to the excellent possibility of monitoring all KPIs on one screen in a real time.

Picture: What is a KPI?
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