Biology Drawing
Being involved in such field of study as biology, it is always useful to have a ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and drawing software in order to make only professionally looking drawings within a short period of time having the Biology solution downloaded from ConceptDraw STORE.
As it is well known, biology is one of the natural sciences, involving the study of living organisms and a life in general, including the mentioned living organisms physical and chemical structures, development, function, etc. Nowadays biology is a vast field, which is known to be composed of many different branches. There are a few unifying concepts, consolidating this study into a single field making it the one which recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life. All the organisms are known to be capable to survive by consuming and, later, transforming energy.

Sample 1. Biology Drawing — Biochemical Metabolic Pathway Map
There are a couple of sub-disciplines of the study of biology, which can be defined by the scale at which life is studied. The kinds of organisms studied as well as the modern methods which are used to study them can be also determined within the mentioned study of biology. There is also such term as biochemistry within the study of biology, which examines the rudimentary chemistry of life. The so-called “molecular biology” studies different complex interactions among different biological molecules and the cellular biology is known to be examining the basic building-block of all life, which is simply the cell. There is also such study as physiology, examining the chemical and physical functions of organs, organ systems and tissues and ecology tries to examine the way all the existing organisms interact with each other in their environment.
Being involved in any mentioned sub-study of biology, as well as a molecular one, known to be the study of biology at the molecular level, you can always rely upon the modern software, such as ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and drawing one as well as the needed solution from ConceptDraw STORE, which is Biology one, developed for making the biology related drawings. The molecular biology field, for example, overlaps with other areas of biology, its sub-studies, such as those of biochemistry and genetics.
Sample 2. Biology Drawing — Catabolism Schematic
The molecular biology itself is a study of the various systems interactions within one cell, including the interrelationships of DNA, protein synthesis, RNA as well as studying the way those interactions are all regulated. The cell biology is known to be the next larger scale after molecular biology, studying the physiological and structural properties of different cells, taking into consideration their interactions with other cells, with their own environment and their internal behaviour. To understand the function as well as the structure of all cells is known to be fundamental objective to all of the biological sciences.
Both the differences and the similarities between different cell types are known to be relevant to the previously mentioned molecular biology. When anatomy is a treatment of the macroscopic forms of the described organ systems and structures organs. At the same time, genetics is the science of genes within the science of biology as a general term. It also studies the variation of different organisms. Taking into consideration that all genes able to encode the needed information for the synthesis of proteins, known to be a central role in influencing the final phenotype of the organism, genetics is the one providing all the necessary research tools, which are all used for conducting the analysis of the genetic interactions. The genetic information within all the organisms is the one physically represented as chromosomes, later on represented in DNA molecules by a particular sequence of different amino acids.
The so-called developmental biology is the one studying different processes by which all the given organisms develop and grow. Such developmental biology is originated from another study — embryology, which studies the genetic control of the cell growth, the so-called "cellular morphogenesis" (the process that gives a rise to tissues, anatomy and organs) and cellular differentiation. The model organisms for the study of the developmental biology is known to be including the round worm named a “Caenorhabditis elegans”, the fruit fly named “Drosophila melanogaster”, the mouse named “Mus musculus”, the weed called “Arabidopsis thaliana” and the zebrafish – “Danio rerio”.
To go into more details, we can mention that any model organism is a species that is studied in order to understand a particular biological phenomenon, having the expectation of discovering something special provided insight into the workings of other organisms.
Sample 3. Biology Drawing — Glycolysis Overview
Ecology is also the study within biology, in particular — the abundance and the distribution of the living organisms, making the interaction between their environment and them. Any organism can share an environment including other organisms as well as different biotic factors and local abiotic factors, known to be “non-living”: e.g., ecology and climate. Another reason for the biological systems being difficult to study is that there are so many different interactions with some other organisms as well as another environment.
Different ecological systems are studied at different levels, from the study of the ecology of the individual organisms to those of populations, to different ecosystems and the biosphere itself. Such term as “population biology” can be often used with another one — population ecology, although the last one is more often used in the case of diseases, microbes and viruses, while the first one is more common for the study of different animals and plants. Being drawn on many subdisciplines, ecology is a very popular study of biology which is interesting to get to know by everyone who cares about their health as it allows to get more understanding of the different processes happening in the entire world nowadays.