Blank Calendar Template
The calendars around us everywhere in the modern world. There are a lot of calendar types, each of them has its own assignment:
- Business calendar
- Personal calendar
- Economic calendar
- Financial calendar
- Daily calendar
- Monthly calendar, and many other useful calendar types.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers you the possibility to make your own unique calendars on the base of the Blank Calendar Template which is included to the Calendars Solution from the Management Area.
Example 1. Blank Calendar Template
Calendars Solution contains the blank calendar template and propose to use it for effective designing your own calendars. You can open this template from ConceptDraw STORE and fill it in minutes.

Example 2. Calendars Solution in ConceptDraw STORE
Calendars Solution includes also variety of samples which you can observe in ConceptDraw STORE too. Click on the preview image to open sample for editing in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM application.

Example 3. Activities Calendar - FEMA Building Science Branch
This monthly calendar was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the blank calendar template from the Calendars Solution and shows the detailed schedule of activities at the FEMA Building Science Branch. An experienced user spent 15 minutes creating this sample.
All source documents are vector graphic documents. They are available for reviewing, modifying, or converting to a variety of formats (PDF file, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, and many other graphic formats) from the ConceptDraw STORE. The Calendars Solution is available for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users.
PERT Chart Software - Activity Network and Project Evaluation and Review Technique, or PERT, charts are a way of documenting and analyzing the tasks in a project.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing software for designing professional looking PERT Charts quick and easy.
Picture: PERT Chart Software
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Picture: Scatter Diagram
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Picture: Soccer (Football) Field Templates
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Electrical Engineering Solution used together with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM drawing facilities makes short a work of drawing various electrical and electronic circuit schemes. A library of vector objects composed from symbols of Analog and Digital Logic elements of electric circuit includes 40 symbolic images of logic gates, bistable switches of bi-stable electric current, circuit controllers, amplifiers, regulators, generators, etc. All of them can be applied in electronic circuit schemes for showing both analog and digital elements of the circuit.
Electrical Diagram Symbols F.A.Q.
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Enterprise systems engineers almost every day face the necessity of network diagrams. We should also take into account that Cisco network design is not only limited to computer networks, but, furthermore, you can design telephone networks and much more. You can build an hierarchical model of your network to get better performance and reliability.
This network diagram represents the utilization of Conceptdraw DIAGRAM for network documentation creation. The diagram shows schematically the structure of a node of a large Internet service provider, which is completed on the basis of Cisco equipment. This diagram was designed using the vector library containing the images of Cisco equipment, supplied with Cisco Network Diagrams solution. In total, the solution has more than ten libraries including more than 500 vector icons of Cisco equipment.
Picture: Cisco Network Design
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