Business Process Modeling Notation Template
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a software for drawing the business processes based on BPMN 2.0. The Business Process Diagram solution contains many templates that allows to create of both simple and complex (nested) models of processes.
Pic.1 Collaborative (public) B2B process diagram BPMN 2.0 sample: Cab booking process.
A public (B2B) process represents the interactions between a private business process and another process or participant. Only those activities that communicate outside the private business process are included in the public process. All other “internal” activities of the private business process are not shown. Thus, the public process shows to the outside world the sequence of messages that are required to interact with that business process. Public processes can be modeled separately or within a collaboration to show the flow of messages between the public process activities and other participants.
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Gant Chart is a graphical representation of tasks as segments on a time scale. It helps plan and monitor project development or resource allocation. The horizontal axis is a time scale, expressed either in absolute or relative time.
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Describing a workflow or approval process can take hours and be too complicated, especially since there are options to do it quickly and vividly. Diagrams called flowcharts replace long paragraphs of boring text and represent information in a graphic way. You can draw one on paper or you can use flowchart software to do it quickly and scalable. This kind of software is easy to use and you don’t need any special skills to start using it. In addition, there are a lot examples and predesigned templates on the Internet.
Flowcharts are a best tool for staking out a huge and complex process into some small readable parts. Surely, flowcharts can be drawn manually but the use of standard symbols that make it clear for a wide audience makes a software tool preferred for this task. The core for a successful flowchart is its simplicity. That is why often before beginning making flowchart through software, people draw the sketch on a piece of paper. Designing an effective flowchart means the combination of the data needed to be shown and the simplicity with which you depict it.
Picture: Flowchart Software
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Any business process consists from a number of tasks carrying out the certain business goal. It is useful to diagram business processes to ensure that they are as foolproof, logical and sequential as possible. This business process diagram describes a typical booking process flow by the example of a cab booking process. It can be used as a roadmap for any booking system implementation. Diagramming a business process allows you to look at the entire project and take into account all types of possible scenarios. Business process diagram helps you investigate and clarify the process thoroughly so that you can find out how it can be improved. Business process diagram supports team communications by ensuring that each process element is clear and everyone in the team is on the same page.
Sometimes your company brings you less profit than you expect it to be, and it’s difficult to reveal the causes. Maybe it’s time to learn new technologies, because business diagram are easily developed by means of special software, so you won’t make any extra effort. In return, you will increase your productivity and get more done in a less time.
Picture: Business Diagram Software
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