Cause and Effect Analysis
Management and Planning tools
ConceptDraw OFFICE suite is a software for decision making. The Seven Management and Planning Tools is a tool for Cause and Effect Analysis that allows users to analyze the root causes for factors that influenced the problem. This diagram is constructed separately for each highly prioritized factor. The Diagram is then used for further formulation of potential actions.

Pic.1 Cause and Effect Analysis. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram Template
With a root cause identified, you can work on causation, and solutions to implement that will address this problem. Problems and solutions are displayed side by side to help when analyzing.
See also:
Any hierarchical structure of any company can be represented as a triangle or a pyramid. You can create a pyramid diagram and pyramid chart of any complexity using special libraries included in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Actually, any knowledge or chain of facts can also be depicted as a pyramid.
A wide range of graph and chart are utilized in marketing to maintain documentation and various visual issues, that deal with marketing information and data. The marketing value pyramid can be created to illustrate how the value of company, or product is based on its competitiveness. To design this diagram we used ConceptDraw DIAGRAM drawing tools in conjunction with Pyramid solution for Solution Park.

Picture: Pyramid Diagram and Pyramid Chart
Related Solutions:
SWOT analysis is an effective method of business planning, the question is how to do it. The most obvious way is to make a SWOT analysis in a Word document, which is not very convenient. Luckily, you can use software like ConceptDraw DIAGRAM that has features and templates made especially for SWOT analyzing.
A SWOT Analysis is a manager's means of the strategic planning. It is used to define and classify considerable internal moments (strengths and weaknesses) and external forces (opportunities and threats) a business faces. You can use ConceptDraw MINDMAP to determine and organize factors utilized for SWOT analysis, and represent them in the SWOT matrix using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Using mind maps empowers you to explore and rank a lot of data engaged for SWOT analysis as well as recognize the relations between various pieces of information.

Picture: How to Make SWOT Analysis in a Word Document
Related Solution:
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful drawing and vector diagram maker software that allows to design the professional looking Influence Diagrams quick and easy.

Picture: Influence Diagram Software
Related Solution:
There are plenty of diagramming tools, the question is to choose the most suitable for your needs. For example, you can choose ConceptDraw DIAGRAM as organizational chart software and get fascinating results in a few minutes. An orgchart is useful for any corporation.
This is an example of a hierarchical organization scheme of the company. It has tree-like structure. Each middle manager is subordinated to a few employees, and he is accountable to one of the top managers. Every type of organizational composition of businesses may be presented in the view of an organizational chart that is supported by ConceptDraw Organisational Charts solution. There are number of ways of building a structure of business organization, establishing how it should function.

Picture: ConceptDraw DIAGRAM - Organizational chart software
Related Solution:
The Building Plans are very useful and even necessary for architects, builders, designers and simple for those who want to build the home, office, flat or anyone other building. They are also convenient for those who want to design or redesign the home, flat, room, etc.

Picture: Building Plan Software. Building Plan Examples
Related Solution:
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Seven Management and Planning Tools Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is the best software for drawing all types of diagrams from the Seven Management and Planning Tools: Affinity Diagram, Relations Diagram, Prioritization Matrix, Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram, Involvement Matrix, PERT Chart, and Risk Diagram (PDPC).
Picture: PDPC
Related Solution:
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is perfect for Cause and Effect Diagram creating. It gives the ability to draw fishbone diagram that identifies many possible causes for an effect or a problem. Causes and Effects are usually grouped into major categories to identify these sources of variation. Causes and Effects in the diagram show relationships among various factor. Fishbone diagram shows factors of Equipment, Process, People, Materials, Environment and Management, all affecting the overall problem.

Picture: Cause and Effect Diagram
Related Solution:
Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) is a commonly used technique that was designed in order to help prepare the contingency plans. The emphasis of the PDPC is identifying the consequential impact of failure on activity plans as well as creating the appropriate contingency plans in terms of limiting the risks. Planning to make the tree diagrams and/or the process diagrams can be extended by a couple of levels when the PDPC can be applied to the bottom level tasks on those diagrams.

Picture: Risk Diagram (Process Decision Program Chart)
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Designing Spa Floor Plan? What can be easier for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users? Use the tools of Gym and Spa Area Plans solution from Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park to depict any of your ideas for the Spa Floor Plan.

Picture: Spa Floor Plan
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