Chart Templates
Graph and chart templates
Solutions from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provide examples and templates of the most popular graphs and charts as pie and donut charts, bar and column graphs, line and scatter charts that show how you can visualize your numerical data using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software.
You can easy customize these charts templates to quickly create your own graphs for visual data comparison and illustration of business documents, infographics, presentations and websites.
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Pic. 1. Chart Template
More Related Diagrams:
- Bar Chart Software
- Line Graph Charting Software
- Pie Chart Software
- Pyramid Diagram and Pyramid Chart
- Scatter Graph Charting Software
The knowledge and ability to apply various strategies for dealing with problems and difficult situations is very useful in many areas. The Fishbone strategy is one of the most progressive. This graphical technique helps to identify possible causes of problems, to set the goals, and also show internal connections between the different parts of problem. After reviewing all causes and facts, you can easily find right solution.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Fishbone Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful Fishbone Problem Solving tool.

Picture: Fishbone Problem Solving
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The Time-Money-Quality Triangle illustrates an advertising truism, that you can't have all three.

Picture: Pyramid Diagram
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Easy charting software comes with beautiful chart templates and examples. This makes it easy to create professional charts without prior experience.
Graphs and Charts Area provide a wide collection of professional looking predesigned templates, samples and ready-to-use vector stencils that will help you to draw the charts and diagrams of various types: Pie Charts, Donut Charts, Line Charts, Column Charts, Bar Charts, Pyramids, Scatter Charts, Venn Diagrams, Spider Charts, Area Charts, Divided Bar Graphs.

Picture: Chart Software for Better Presentations
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Competitor analysis is a first and obligatory step in elaboration the proper corporate marketing strategy and creating sustainable competitive advantage. Use powerful opportunities of numerous solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park for designing illustrative diagrams, charts, matrices which are necessary for effective competitor analysis.

Picture: Competitor Analysis
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A flowchart is a simple but very functional tool when it comes to understanding a workflow or to removing unnecessary stages from a process. When drawing flowcharts, keep in mind that there are four common types of flowcharts, like document flowcharts and data flowcharts that show control over a data or document flow over a system. To show controls on a physical level, use system flowcharts. In addition, to show controls in a program, you can draw a program flowchart.
This flowchart diagram represents the piece of an article editing process, that involves the author and editor. It was created using the Basic Flowchart notation that consists from the basic flowchart symbols. The start and the end of the process are indicated with "Terminator" symbols. The "Process" symbols show the action steps consisting from making edits and searching for a compromise, when the author does not agree with the suggestions of the editor. The "Process" symbol is the general symbol in process flowcharts. The "Decision" symbol indicates a branching in the process flow. There are two branches indicated by a Decision shape in the current flowchart (Yes/No, Disagree/Agree). This basic flowchart can be used as a repeating unit in the workflow diagram describing the working process of some editorial office.

Picture: Types of Flowcharts
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The Soccer solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM includes also a wide collection of templates and samples to help the soccer specialists and fans to draw any soccer-related diagrams and schemas as quickly as possible.

Picture: Soccer (Football) Field Templates
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Gant Chart is a graphical representation of tasks as segments on a time scale. It helps plan and monitor project development or resource allocation. The horizontal axis is a time scale, expressed either in absolute or relative time.

Picture: Gant Chart in Project Management
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