Chen ERD Diagram
An entity–relationship model is also known as “ER model”. This model describes the inter related things of interest in a limited domain of knowledge and it is composed of the entity types, which all classify the so-called “things of interest”. The model specifies all of the relationships that can exist between instances of the entity types.
An ER model is very commonly used in software engineering, being formed in order to represent the things that some business needs to remember. It is being done in order to perform any needed business process, making the ER model to become an abstract “data model” for a reason of it defining a data structure, which can be implemented in a database (also known as a “relational database”).
Entity–relationship modelling was originally developed for a purpose of using it in a database design in 1976 by Peter Chen. Some other ER-modellers insist of showing the subtype entities connected by the generalization as well as specialization relationships, so ER-model can be used also in the specification of the domain-specific ontologies.
Such entity–relationship model is expected to be a result of the analysis, conducting systematically. This analysis is usually being conducted for a reason of defining as well as describing what is important in order to process in an area of the certain business. Such model does not define any business process, but presents a business data schema in a way of a graphical form. The ER model can be drawn in a graphical form in a way of boxes, which represent entities, connected by lines, which represent relationships, expressing the associations as well as dependencies between those entities.
The mentioned entities may be characterized not only by relationships but by the additional properties (or attributes), including the identifiers known as the "primary keys". The diagrams created in order to represent the needed attributes and entities, as well as any relationships may be called “entity-attribute-relationship diagrams”, or “entity-relationship models” (which is not as common).
A database is known to be the one implementing an ER model. Once there is a simple relational database implementation, each of the existing rows of the table each represents one instance of an entity type. At the very same circumstances, each of the fields mentioned in a table represents some particular attribute type. Once the “relational database” is being discussed, then any relationships between entities are implemented in a way of storing the primary keys of each of the entities.
There are a few kinds of data models, main of which are “conceptual”, “logical” and “physical”. Within the “conceptual” model (which is the highest level possible of any ER model) there is the least granular detail, which establishes the overall scope of what has to be included within the model set itself. Such “conceptual ER model” is meant to define the master reference data entities which are commonly used by any organization, which is involved in the process. This model can also be used as the foundation for one or more than one logical data models and the purpose of having it is to establish the so-called “structural metadata” between the set of the different logical ER models. Do not forget also that this ER model can be used for forming the commonality relationships between the similar models as a basis for the further data model integration.
Another type of the ER models is the “logical” one. This model does not require a conceptual ER-model and it contains more details than the first mentioned one (see above). Additionally, both transactional and operational data entities can be defined to the master data entities. The details of each of the data entities can be developed in this case and the relationships between the data entities can be established no problem. This logical ER model is independent in its development within the so-called specific “database management system”, into which this model can be implemented.
And the last type of the ER models is a “physical” one, being developed from each of the logical ER models. This physical model is usually developed in order to become an instantiated as a “database”. Each of such models must contain enough details in order to produce a database. This last model is being instantiated in the “structural metadata” of a database management system in a way of the relational database objects, for example: database indexes, database tables and so on, as so-called “unique key indexes”. The physical ER model can also be used for designing any needed modifications for the relational database objects and for maintaining the structural metadata of the database.
Once again, “ERD”, or “entity relationship diagram”, is the one being very simple to create in case you know what to start from and how to implement your plans of creating. It would be much better if you had experience in making any similar diagrams before. But once you do not have enough of the experience in making the needed diagrams, including the ER one, then the examples and templates, developed by the team of the professionals, may help you a lot, making it possible to finish with the dream drawing in only a couple of hours.
Thus, having ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software and the “Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution”, which contains a large collection of pre-designed examples of “Entity Relationship Diagrams”, as well as samples and templates for the data modelling, can simplify your task and so to make the planned drawing appear in front of you as a great looking and smart diagram. In case you decide to use the mentioned solution full of examples as well as stencil libraries, then you can always download it from ConceptDraw STORE application or from this site.
Example 1. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution
So getting all needed, you can use the various icons as well as developed elements in order to develop a model of a database of any complexity according to the Chen's notation. The available drawing tools from Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution can be very useful for all of our clients, including you. This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with 2 libraries containing 45 objects advocated by Chen's and Crow’s Foot notations: so helpful while describing any database needed.
Use the Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) solution to draw data model diagrams for your business documents, presentations and websites.
Example 2. Chen ERD Diagram - Database of a Surgeon
The example above illustrates an entity with its' attributes. A surgeon is an entity, and information about him such as name or address is shown as attribute.
The world-best Entity Relationship Diagram software suitable for professional ERD drawing is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution. This solution contains all libraries, templates and samples you may need for professional ERD drawing.Picture: Entity Relationship Diagram Software
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There are many ways to describe a database structure. One of the most usual is to draw an entity relationship diagram (ERD) using a Crow’s Foot notation to represent database elements. If you don’t want to draw it on paper, you should use an appropriate software.
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is used to show the structure of a business database. ERD represents data as objects (entities) that are connected with standard relationships symbols which Illustrate an association between entities. ERD, there is a wide range of ERD notations used by data bases architects for reflecting the relationships between the data entities. According to the crow’s foot notation relationships are drawn as single labeled lines designating a certain kinds of relationship. Crow foot notation is a most frequently used ERD standard, because of improved readability of diagrams, with a more accurate use of space on the page.Picture: Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD - Software for Design Crows Foot ER Diagrams
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Creating of Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) is a complex process that requires convenient, automated tools. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers a powerful ER Diagram Tool - the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution from the Software Development Area.Picture: ER Diagram Tool
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Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is the world-known way to show the logical structure of databases in visual manner. The best software tool for drawing Entity-Relationship Diagram is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM vector graphics software with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from Software Development area which gives the ability to describe a database using the Entity-Relationship model. The vector graphic diagrams produced using this solution can be successfully used in whitepapers, presentations, datasheets, posters, or any technical materials.Picture: Entity-Relationship Diagram
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This diagram represents UML class diagram used for a software system development using an object-oriented method. Class diagrams are categorized as static structure diagrams that depict the physical structure of a system. Class diagram divides a software system's structure into "classes". Classes are defined by the methods and variables of objects. UML Class diagram is used to depict relationships and source code dependencies between objects.Picture: UML Diagram
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A database is a data collection, structured into some conceptual model. Two most common approaches of developing data models are UML diagrams and ER-model diagrams. There are several notations of entity-relationship diagram symbols and their meaning is slightly different. Crow’s Foot notation is quite descriptive and easy to understand, meanwhile, the Chen notation is great for conceptual modeling.
An entity relationship diagrams look very simple to a flowcharts. The main difference is the symbols provided by specific ERD notations. There are several models applied in entity-relationship diagrams: conceptual, logical and physical. Creating an entity relationship diagram requires using a specific notation. There are five main components of common ERD notations: Entities, Actions, Attributes, Cardinality and Connections. The two of notations most widely used for creating ERD are Chen notation and Crow foot notation. By the way, the Crow foot notation originates from the Chen notation - it is an adapted version of the Chen notation.Picture: ERD Symbols and Meanings
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ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful tool for business and technical diagramming.
Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides 5 solutions:
Data Flow Diagrams, Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), Graphic User Interface, IDEFO Diagrams, Rapid UML.Picture: Software Diagram Examples and Templates
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It is easy to recreate any informational system structure using diagrams. There are three main components of any ER diagram: entity, attribute and relationship. Basing on these three components, one can define other, less used elements, such as weak entity or relationship, derived attribute, recursive relationship etc.
This is the set of graphic elements of ERD Chen's notation. This ERD notation is used to represent an entity–relationship models. It involves the set of geometric forms: rectangles - depicting entities, ovals - representing attributes and diamonds depicting relationships assigned for first-class objects, that can have relationships and attributes of their own. Connections are displayed with arrowed lines. It is known that the Chen's ERD notation is used to show a detailed view of entities and relationships. ConceptDraw Entity-Relationship Diagram solution from the Software Development section of Solution Park provides the ability to create ERD of database structure for software development purposes using the Chen’s notation elements.Picture: Components of ER Diagram
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It is very difficult to get into database model idea without any examples. To create one, you can use Chen’s notation for Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) and try to see all the peculiarities yourself. This notation describes entities and relations as basic geometric shapes like rectangles and diamonds.
Chen notation for Entity-relationship diagrams is used for designing relational databases. It depicts the database entities as a set of subjects. For example events, people, ideas, etc. All entities has common characteristics (attributes). Any object of the system is identified as the sole and unique. The name of entity should indicate the class or type of the the whole object, not a given example. The connection commonly represents a relationship between entities. Conceptdraw Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) solution provides the libraries with ready-to-use ERD element fitting Chen's notation objects and relationships.Picture: Design Element: Chen for Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD
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