ConceptDraw MINDMAP :
Brainstorming, Mind Mapping
for macOS and Windows
ConceptDraw MINDMAPCapture What You Think, Do What You Plan ConceptDraw MINDMAP is a powerful business and personal productivity software application that provides visual organization and access to information for individuals and organizations:

Mind map template that breaks down the organization of a company by departments, management, board of directors, and investors.

Picture: Company Organization
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Architectural drawing allows to show the location of a building or ensemble of buildings on the ground, indicating the cardinal points. For centuries, people had been studying architecture in universities to learn how to draw building plans and now everyone can do it easily just using appropriate software. While developing the building plan, its graphic part, you can display the part of the floor or the entire floor of a building with an indication of the exact location of the drawn premise.
Small-sized apartments does not restrict the advanced interior design opportunities. Here is a detailed and precise floor plan of a pretty small apartment. A furniture objects are added to show possible interior of this home. This plan can be used to help somebody with a floor layout and furniture arrangement. Having this floor plan in a pocket while shopping would be useful to check if there is enough rooms for a new furniture.

Picture: How To Draw Building Plans
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Wireless network topology — logical topology.
Wireless network topology shows how the computers connect each other when there is no physical connection. The computers communicate each using the wireless devices.

Picture: Wireless Network Topology
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ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is new software for business and technical drawing. Powerful business drawing tools, extensive libraries with pre-drawn shapes, free samples of business drawings, technical drawings and flowcharts, support of many graphic formats enable users to visually develop their business drawings charts and diagrams in any combination of drawings, diagrams and flow charts.

Picture: ConceptDraw DIAGRAM The best Business Drawing Software
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ConceptDraw Flowcharts visualize a process or algorithm of program as step/operation blocks of various shapes connected with arrowed lines showed the process flow direction. They are used to visualize business or technical processes and software algorithms.

Picture: Selecting & Creating Flowcharts
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These vector illustrations and cliparts are created for drawing the Project management Illustrations and contain plenty of project management design elements. The clipart library Project management includes 35 icons.

Picture: Project management - Design Elements
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It is convenient to represent various routes, directions, roads on the directional maps and navigation schemes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software supplied with Directional Maps Solution from the Maps Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is effective for drawing Directions Maps.

Picture: Directions Maps
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