How to Create a Bar Chart
Vertical bar chart, 3D bar chart and Cylindrical bar chart shapes.
- Drag and drop bar chart shape from the library to your document.
- Select the bar chart by mouse click. The Action menu icon appears.
- Click on the icon to open Action menu.
- To change bar number use Action menu commands Add bar, Remove bar, Set bar number.
- To set maximum value for vertical axis use Action menu command Set max value.
- To change orientation of bar labels use Action menu command Values vertical/horizontal.
- To hide or show values over the bars use Action menu command Hide/Show values.
- To hide or show axises use Action menu command Hide/Show axis.
- To change value in a bar select chart, then select bar and type new value.
- To add or change chart caption select bar chart and simply start typing.
- To change orientation of category labels under horizontal axis use Action menu command Inclined/Horizontal labels.
- To move category labels up and down select the bar chart and use control dot in the bottom right corner of the shape.
- To change bar width and space between bars select the bar chart and use control dot on the horizontal axis.
Horizontal bar chart shape.
- Drag and drop bar chart shape from the library to your document.
- Select the bar chart by mouse click. The Action menu icon appears.
- Click on the icon to open Action menu.
- To change bar number use Action menu commands Add bar, Remove bar, Set bar number.
- To set maximum value for horizontal axis use Action menu command Set max value.
- To change orientation of bar labels use Action menu command Values vertical/horizontal.
- To hide or show values to the right of the bars use Action menu command Hide/Show values.
- To hide or show axises use Action menu command Hide/Show axis.
- To change value in a bar select chart, then select bar and type new value.
- To add or change chart caption select bar chart and simply start typing.
- To move category labels horizontally select the bar chart and use control dot in the bottom left corner of the shape.
- To change bar width and space between bars select the bar chart and use control dot on the vertical axis.
Double bar chart shape.
- Drag and drop bar chart shape from the library to your document.
- Select the bar chart by mouse click. The Action menu icon appears.
- Click on the triangle icon to open Action menu.
- To change bar number use Action menu commands Add bar, Remove bar, Set bar number.
- To set maximum value for vertical axis use Action menu command Set max value.
- To change orientation of bar labels use Action menu command Values vertical/horizontal.
- To hide or show values over the bars use Action menu command Hide/Show values.
- To hide or show axises use Action menu command Hide/Show axis.
- To change value in a bar select chart, then select bar and type new value.
- To add or change chart caption select bar chart and simply start typing.
- To change orientation of category labels under horizontal axis use Action menu command Inclined/Horizontal labels.
- To move category labels up and down select the bar chart and use control dot in the bottom right corner of the shape.
- To change bar width and space between bars select the bar chart and use control dot on the horizontal axis.
- To set category names select the bar chart, then select legend, and then select a category and start typing.

Example 1. Double bar chart example - Changes in price indices.
See Also:
- How to Create a Line Chart
- How to Create a Pie Chart
- How to Create a Pyramid Chart
- How to Create a Scatter Chart
- How to Create a Column Chart
The best bar chart software ever is ConceptDraw. ConceptDraw bar chart software provides an interactive bar charting tool and complete set of predesigned bar chart objects.

Picture: Bar Chart Software
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Picture: Bar Chart Examples
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