Energy Pyramid Diagram
Energy Pyramid Diagram is a visual graphical representation of the biomass productivity on the each trophic level in a given ecosystem. Its designing in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM will not take much time thanks to the unique Pyramid Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Energy Pyramid Diagram begins from the producers (plants) and proceeds through a few trophic levels of consumers (herbivores which eat these plants, the carnivores which eat these herbivores, then carnivores which eat those carnivores, and so on) to the top of the food chain.
Example 1. Energy Pyramid Diagram
For easy drawing the Energy Pyramid Diagram, the Pyramid Diagrams Solution offers Pyramid Diagrams library, and large collection of predesigned templates and samples. You can find them all in ConceptDraw STORE and use as is or change for your needs.
The Pyramid Diagrams library contains large quantity of high-resolution vector objects. They are so various that you are able to create on their base the pyramid diagram of any style you want - 2D or 3D, oriented up or down, and with any number of levels.
Example 2. Pyramid Diagrams Library Design Elements
The Energy Pyramid Diagram you see on this page was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software using the Pyramid Diagrams Solution. It is a classical view of Energy Pyramid Diagram. An experienced user spent 5 minutes creating it.
Use the Pyramid Diagrams Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software to create your own professional looking ecological and energy pyramids quick, easy and effective.
All source documents are vector graphic documents. They are available for reviewing, modifying, or converting to a variety of formats (PDF file, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, and many other graphic formats) from the ConceptDraw STORE. The Pyramid Diagrams Solution is available for all ConceptDraw DIAGRAM or later users.
There are many ways to define the flow of information within a system. Structured-systems analysis method often uses data flow diagrams to show data flow, data storages and data processing visualization. These diagrams are easy to develop and quite useful.
Here is a dataflow diagram presenting an example of the manufacturing process flow. The oval process shapes represent a process that controls data within the current system. The process may produce data or make some action based on data. Data flows are represented by lines. They show the movement of information through the system. The direction of the data flow is depicted by the arrow. The external entities are shown by rectangles. They represent the external entities interacting with the system. The data store objects (unclosed rectangles) are used to show data bases participating in a process flow.Picture: Data Flow Diagram
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26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.Picture: Electrical Symbols — Stations
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