Excellent Examples of Infographic Maps
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a software for making Excellent Examples of Infographic Maps. The Spatial Infographics solution contains spatial infographics samples, map templates to be filled in, and libraries of vector stencils for main design elements of spatial infographics.
The library objects are scalable vector images that can be easily exported to PDF format, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, graphic image file, or HTML.
Sample 1. Metro map - Northern line extension to Battersea via Nine Elms.
Solution Spatial Infographics from ConceptDraw Solution Park extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM ector diagramming and business graphics software with easy-to-use spatial infographics drawing tools.
This solution contains spatial infographics samples, map templates to be filled in, and libraries of vector stencils for main design elements of spatial infographics.
Use this solution to draw your own geospatial infographics documents with thematic maps, road maps, directional maps and transport maps.
Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the program′s functions. Learn how to assign resources to tasks in ConceptDraw PROJECT with this comprehensive video lesson.
Picture: Project — Assigning Resources
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Picture: Fault Tree Analysis Example
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There are many ways to describe a database structure. One of the most usual is to draw an entity relationship diagram (ERD) using a Crow’s Foot notation to represent database elements. If you don’t want to draw it on paper, you should use an appropriate software.
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is used to show the structure of a business database. ERD represents data as objects (entities) that are connected with standard relationships symbols which Illustrate an association between entities. ERD, there is a wide range of ERD notations used by data bases architects for reflecting the relationships between the data entities. According to the crow’s foot notation relationships are drawn as single labeled lines designating a certain kinds of relationship. Crow foot notation is a most frequently used ERD standard, because of improved readability of diagrams, with a more accurate use of space on the page._Win_Mac.png)
Picture: Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD - Software for Design Crows Foot ER Diagrams
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Software development flourishes nowadays. Students have tons of educational information and courses that would fit every taste. And it's no secret that knowing how to draw data flow diagrams is a useful skill for a future software architect. The diagrams help a lot in understanding how to storage data effectively and how data processes within a system.
This data flow diagram represents the model of small traditional production enterprise. It was created using Yourdon and Coad notation. The data flow diagram include four main objects: entity, process, data store and data flow. Yourdon and Coad notation uses circles to depict processes and parallel lines to represent data stores. Dataflows are shown as arrowed lines. They are labeled with the description of the data that move through them. Dataflow's role is to deliver the pieces of information. A process's function is to transform. the input data flow into output data flow. ConceptDraw Data Flow Diagrams solution contains the data flow diagram symbols of both Yourdon-Coad and Gane-Sarson notations and a set of handy templates to get started with DFD.
Picture: Data Flow Diagrams
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Picture: Seating Chart Template Free
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ConceptDraw DIAGRAM - workflow software extended with the Workflow Diagram solution provides a complete set of samples, templates and features help you to draw diagrams faster. A workflow software you use for drawing workflow diagrams and business process flow diagrams should provide a wide set of examples allows you get closer with workflow diagrams, learn symbols meaning, find appropriate layout and design, and then start drawing your own workflow diagram masterfully. Workflow diagrams used for orchestrating organizational processes between company departments and humans, so critical process diagrams used to train many people to interact must be clear and professional to convey an idea from a view. Thats a reason we created a lot workflow symbols and workflow icons collected them into special Workflow Diagram solution in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Picture: Workflow Diagram Examples
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Building plans are usually very complicated and a hard work to do. It would be nice to use a proper drawing software to facilitate the task. Design a site plan quick and easily with all the stencils and samples from ConceptDraw libraries.
This drawing shows content of the ConceptDraw vector libraries related to the site planning and arrangement of the living environment. ConceptDraw delivers about 50 libraries containing near one and a half thousands vector objects that will help you to design territory arrangement plans and make the Site plan sketches. You can use the Parking and Roads library for designing a parking space, or drawing transport management schemes. The Site Accessories library provides a number of objects, that allow you to depict various equipment of vehicle access control, street lamps, benches, trash cans and other items of the street environment.
Picture: Building Drawing Software for Design Site Plan
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