Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP
to PDF (Adobe Acrobat®) File
The export options in ConceptDraw MINDMAP allow mind maps to be exported in various graphical formats such as images, webpages, or PDF files. They can also be exported into Microsoft Office applications or into different mindmapping programs. So there would be no difficulties to share your ideas with other people. |

Pic. 1. A PDF-file exported from ConceptDraw MINDMAP
There is no special settings in ConceptDraw MINDMAP required for this export, so you can create a PDF file from your document within a seconds.
See also Samples of mind maps:
- Mind Maps
- Mind Maps — Marketing
- Mind Maps — Idea Communication
- Mind Maps — Mind Map Exchange
Mind Maps — Presentation Exchange
SEVEN RELATED HOW TO's:There are many tools to manage a process or to illustrate an algorithm or a workflow. Flowcharting is one of those tools. However, it may be difficult to show complex processes that require multiple attributes or several people in a simple flowchart, so a cross-functional flowchart would be a solution for that situation. To create such flowchart, group processes and steps to labeled rows or columns, and divide those groups with horizontal or vertical parallel lines. It is worth mentioning that there are different types of cross-functional flowcharts, like opportunity or deployment flowchart. This diagram shows a cross-functional flowchart that was made for a trading process. It contains 14 processes, distributed through 5 lines depicting the participants who interact with the process. Also there are connectors that show the data flow of information between processes. The cross-functional flowchart displays a detailed model of the trading process, as well as all participants in the process and how they interact with each other. The lines in the flowchart indicates the position, department and role of the trading process participants.Picture: Cross-Functional FlowchartRelated Solution:ConceptDraw MINDMAP can export to MS Project file from a mind map; it can also import a project file from MS Project giving team members who use Macintosh or Windows, a working visual map of a planned project. The ability to import/export MS Project files is made possible because of the Project Exchange solution.Picture: Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to MS Project® XMLRelated Solution:Venn diagrams are illustrations used in the branch of mathematics known as set theory. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to quick and easy design your own Venn Diagram of any complexity.Picture: Venn DiagramRelated Solution:The SWOT Analysis solution contains easy-to-use mind map templates that help identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, as well as outputs to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM for presenting analysis results.Picture: SWOT AnalysisRelated Solution:Pyramid diagram is a convenient way of representing data hierarchical structure and visualization relationships between hierarchy levels. You need create the diagram of a pyramid? ConceptDraw diagramming and vector drawing software supplied with Pyramid Diagrams Solution from the Marketing Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is the best tool for drawing attractive and successful diagram of a pyramid.Picture: Diagram of a PyramidRelated Solution:ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports exporting to many Microsoft Office products, including Word, PowerPoint and Project, as well as exporting to Evernote, Apple iCal, PDF, HTML and graphic format files.Picture: ConceptDraw MINDMAP Export CapabilitiesRelated Solution:ConceptDrawMINDMAP 16