Geo Map of Americas
America is the second-largest part of the world and the third-largest country in the world in population. The total area of America is 42,549,000 km2 and the total population is over 953 million inhabitants. Americas contain 35 sovereign states. The largest states by this territory are Canada (9,984,670 km2), the United of America (9,857,306 km2), and Brazil (8,515,767 km2). The largest states by population are the United States of America (333,449,281 people) and Brazil (207,353,391 people).
The United States of America or the USA is in fourth place in the list of the largest countries in the whole world, considering its total area and in third place among the largest countries in the world, taking into consideration their population. The USA is a federal republic that consists of 50 states and one federal district, which is Washington, D.C. Most of the states are situated in the central part of North America and the closest neighbors of the United States of America are Canada and Mexico countries. It also includes one state situated in the north-west from Northern America and called Alaska, and another state located in Oceania and called Hawaii. As for the USA, there are some other territories that belong to it and which are both in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean region.
The USA is also known as one of the most multicultural countries in the world. It is variously ethnically developed as there are so many immigrants living within its borders. Geographically this country is also a very unique one. The reason for it is that this country is so very large that extends along the 9 518 900 square kilometres. If we compare the USA and China, these countries are very similar to each other in terms of the sizes of their territories.
The United States of America is a very well-developed country and its military bases are well-developed as well. It is one of the most powerful countries in the world as many other countries' economies depend on the USA and its leaders. The representatives of the supreme authority of this country are responsible for lots of events that happen in the world, especially nowadays. They are in charge of so much, especially for the way countries from all over the world treat each other and so the United States of America is the one whose leaders can change the situation for the better.

Example 1. The Map of Americas
Geo Map Exploration of America: Continent's Geography, Parts and Regions
America includes two continents in the Western Hemisphere: North America and South America, and a narrow isthmus connecting them and called Central America. The term Middle America is sometimes used to designate Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies. At the same time, America is divided linguistically and culturally into two regions: Anglo-America (Canada and the United States) and Latin America (South America, islands of the West Indies, and part of North America south of the Rio Grande).
The geography of America, landscapes, and climates are incredibly diverse. It includes mountain ranges, deserts, volcanoes, but at the same time these are the continents with a widespread water system, oceanic coasts, navigable rivers, and multiple lakes. The world's largest river the Amazon and the world's driest place the Atacama Desert are in South America. The largest mountain ranges include the Andes, Rocky, and Cordillera. The highest peaks are located in the Andes.
America is a territory of biodiversity and a wide range of ecosystems, its climate zones range from warm and humid tropics und dried deserts to frozen tundra. The American continents are rich for mineral resources, forests, fertile soil, which make it suitable for agriculture and recreational activities. The territory is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.
The climate varies significantly from region to region, from tropical rainforest climate to dry continental. In North America, subarctic climate prevails in the north and becomes warm tropical near the southern isthmus. The climate is tropical in the north of South America and becomes cold marine at south Cape Horn. Central America is characterized by tropical rainforests and volcanic activity. Southeastern North America is an area of often tornadoes and hurricanes.
Example 2. Americas Contour
South America Continent
South America has an area of 17,840,000 km2 and includes 12 sovereign states:
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- Guyana
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Suriname
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
2 dependent territories:
- the Falkland Islands (UK)
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (UK)
and one internal territory:
- French Guiana (France)
Example 3. South America Continent
North America
North America has an area of 24,709,000 km2 and comprises 23 countries:
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belize
- Canada
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- Grenada
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Jamaica
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Trinidad and Tobago
- United States of America
Example 4. North America
Central America
Central America has an area of 523,780 km2 and comprises 7 countries:
- Panama
- Costa Rica
- Nicaragua
- Honduras
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Belize
Example 5. Central America
Discovering America
Discovering America involves exploring its geography, vast and diverse landscapes, from the icy tundras of Alaska to the tropical beaches of Florida, economics, politics, and other aspects. Each region offers unique nature, culture, and travel experiences. Large cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, and many other reveal the cultural and architectural richness of America continents. The country's national parks, Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, the Antelope Canyon, Hawaiian Islands, Yellowstone are unique natural phenomena and natural wonders, and this list of natural beauty and places of historical significance can be greatly extended.
The cultural heritage is also great and the population of America makes up about half of the world's population of millionaires in total. Of course, there are ups and downs in this country's economy, but nowadays there are, for sure, more chances for the United States of America to win the race in terms of providing its own inhabitants with all needed, including growing local food and producing local clothes, etc.
There are so many rich people living in the country called the United States of America, and these rich people are also very influential. Most of these people live in very different states, but the most popular for those, who have money, are Nevada, where Las Vegas is, California, Texas, Washington, and, of course, New York. There are 540 billionaires all together in the United States, stated by 2017. They have all together a combined net worth of 2.399 trillion US dollars. The three richest men come from the state of Arizona, where they all made their money working in the automobile business.
Arkansas is also a very popular state for those who want to make lots of money as that is the state where the Walmart was established. There are five billionaires working in this state. Colorado is a well-known state for going on vacation for those who love sports, especially doing it in the mountains. There are at least ten billionaires living in this state. Americans in general get very high salaries compared to people living in other countries. Their income on average is higher than that other nations get per month.
There is a huge potential in American people and most of them are quite well educated nowadays as there is an opportunity to get the good education within the US borders. At least these people are educated enough to be able to work and so to support their own families. There are many people on benefits in this country, but it proves that their president takes good care of his supporters.
It is always good to be an independent country and to make it possible not to import anything, but to produce whatever is needed within your own countryβs borders, and that is what American people seem to be wanting to do now. Hopefully one day it will become true and there will be no need to ask any other country to make whatever is needed for those who live in the United States of America.
The Geographic Diversity of America: Illustrated Maps and Analysis
The illustrated maps aptly show the rich geographic diversity of America, topographic details, varied landscapes and climates, unique ecosystems, and other nuances and features of the area. These maps uncover the vast plains, rocky mountains, arid deserts, volcanoes, dense tropical forests, tundra, numerous rivers, wetlands, freshwater lakes, glaciers, islands of volcanic origins, etc. Maps reveal how human activities interact with natural features and influence the environment.
The maps are created using different projections of the whole Earth's sphere or its part including the American continents. The drawable US map or America map include physical maps, topographical maps, political maps, and various thematic maps on their base and help to illustrate and analyze agriculture, transportation, economics, business, and recreational opportunities. The maps are perfect to be used in presentations, reports, marketing materials, educational materials, and other documents. They serve as a tool to improve the development and stability of the region, analyze environmental problems, and offer insights to preserve nature, clear air, avoid habitat loss and climate change, and provide efficient resource management and sustainable management.
Example 6. Continent Maps Solution
How to Draw America Map in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Software
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is one of the most popular drawing tools for creating something truly special and its solutions are the developed packages of libraries with stencils, templates, and examples of already made drawings. All they are perfect to be used by those who know a lot about the way diagrams and charts, flowcharts and plans should be created, so they look professional and smart.
The Continent Maps solution for the best map drawing software ConceptDraw DIAGRAM includes the vector design elements libraries "South America", "USA", and "Canada", which contain the numerous contours for America map drawing. All map library objects are easily drag-and-dropped to your map. Use them to simplify the America and US map drawing process and create easily geospatial infographics and maps of the American continents, thematic maps, and vector illustrations for presentations, websites, social media, business documentation, marketing materials, etc. One more library included in the Continent Maps solution is the βFlagsβ library, useful for illustrating your maps with the flags of corresponding countries.
The Continent Maps solution provides also a large collection of pre-made templates to simplify the creation of maps. Choose a map template that fits your purpose and customize it with your data, colors, logos, and other details, highlight the important locations and areas, indicate differences and features, add graphics, a legend, and a compass to indicate north and other directions.
Example 7. South America Map Template in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Benefits of Using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to Draw America Map
In case you need to create a correct and good-looking map of the American continents or their parts, then we can recommend using already previously made templates offered by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM - the best app for drawing maps. Because it can be a very hard job for beginners to create the right and accurate map from a blank sheet. Once you want to have a simply great-looking result describing each state as it looks from space, then you can always find very useful and correct examples of the already existing maps, previously created by the IT specialists of CS Odessa.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM map drawing software provides its users with a convenient option of choosing any needed sample and changing it the way they want to change it. Having all of these tools (which include other different solutions for making not only maps but other drawings) is always beneficial as using them means spending less time, rather than making all of the maps from scratch.
Use Cases
CS Odessa team of IT professionals who know a lot about drawing maps and who are experienced in making charts, flowcharts, plans, schemes and different infographics, always can give you advice on what is better to create and in what way, how to draw map of America and how to draw USA map easy, and many more other questions.
When downloading ConceptDraw DIAGRAM charting and vector drawing software, we recommend to get also all needed solutions which can be found in ConceptDraw STORE and used in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM, including the Continent Maps solution to design pictorial maps of America, draw a map of USA, and other continents and countries.
Example 8. United States
Using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM vector map drawing program allows you to create something special that can be based on what already was made by other people β IT specialists of the company named CS Odessa. These people were those, who established the company in the city of Odessa and developed ConceptDraw DIAGRAM, one of the main products of CS Odessa.
Also, besides the use of the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM application for drawing the maps, you can always use it for making other drawings, such as different kinds of charts, diagrams, plans, schemes, and flowcharts as there are many different solutions available for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users to utilize. Downloading ConceptDraw DIAGRAM today enables you to make your own geo map of USA, South America, North America, and Central America, and so to use it for the purpose you need having a very professionally looking and simply smart result.
All ConceptDraw DIAGRAM documents are vector graphic files and are available for reviewing, modifying, and converting to a variety of formats: image, HTML, PDF file, MS PowerPoint Presentation, Adobe Flash, MS Visio (.VDX, .VSDX).