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How Do Fishbone Diagrams Solve Manufacturing Problems

How do Fishbone diagrams solve manufacturing problems? Fishbone diagrams (Ishikawa diagram, Cause and Effect diagram) are successfully used in various fields of industries and manufacturing to analyze the set of possible causes and their effects.

Fishbone diagram provides a process to clearly define the “Effect” and then puts you to thinking about the possible causes, based on the categories of common problems in manufacturing. It is believed that there are 6 main branches of causes in manufacturing, in extensive version are defined 8 branches, which are described accordingly as 6 Ms and 8 Ms of manufacturing. These are:

  • Management / Money Power
  • Measurement / Inspection
  • Material
  • Machine / Equipment
  • Maintenance
  • Environment
  • Man Power / People
  • Method / Process

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM application extended with Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park lets you construct Fishbone diagrams that identify many possible causes for an effect for manufacturing problem solving.

How Do Fishbone Diagrams Solve Manufacturing Problems

Example 1. How Do Fishbone Diagrams Solve Manufacturing Problems

6 Ms and 8 Ms are globally recognized standards for manufacturing. First you need to define an effect of the analysis and add it as a head of your diagram, all causes listed above on this page are added as the bones (without particular order). If necessary, you can also use on the diagram another terms that better suit for your company.

It is convenient to develop a Fishbone diagram representing 8 Ms or 6 Ms on the base of specialized templates, samples of Fishbone Diagrams Solution or using the predesigned objects from the Fishbone Diagrams library.

Design Fishbone Diagrams for Manufacturing in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Example 2. Design Fishbone Diagrams for Manufacturing in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

The template you see on this page was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the tools of the Fishbone Diagrams Solution. It shows the Fishbone Manufacturing 8 Ms diagram and is available from ConceptDraw STORE.

Use the Fishbone Diagrams Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Solution Park to demonstrate how do Fishbone Diagrams solve manufacturing problems.

All source documents are vector graphic documents. They are available for reviewing, modifying, or converting to a variety of formats (PDF file, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, and many other graphic formats) from the ConceptDraw STORE. The Fishbone Diagrams Solution is available for all ConceptDraw DIAGRAM or later users.

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Picture: Bar Diagrams for Problem Solving.Create economics and financial bar charts with Bar Graphs Solution
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