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How to Create a Powerful Infographic
When You do Not Have a Designer

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is an infographics tool with more than 100 library objects that is a scalable vector images. With the Spatial Infographics solution which contains spatial infographics samples, map templates to be filled in for main design elements of spatial infographics.

The addition of this new solution permits users to quickly and easily draw professional infographics that quickly orient viewers so they can be self-directed to a point of interest.

The infographic document that was made by Spatial Infographics solution can be easily exported to PDF format, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, graphic image file, or HTML.

How to Create a Powerful Infographic When You do not Have a Designer

Sample 1. Spatial infographics - The 100th Tour de France 2013.

Solution Spatial Infographics from ConceptDraw Solution Park extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM vector diagramming and business graphics software with easy-to-use spatial infographics drawing tools.

Use Solution:

  • Graphic Communication
  • Information Visualization
  • Data Journalism and Visual Statistics
  • Visual Learning
  • Knowledge Visualization
  • Spatial Infographics Templates and Examples
  • Infographics Vector Elements

This solution contains spatial infographics samples, map templates to be filled in, and libraries of vector stencils for main design elements of spatial infographics.

Use this solution to draw your own geospatial infographics documents with thematic maps, road maps, directional maps and transport maps.

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