Internet solutions with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Only ConceptDraw PRO v 5, 6 is supported. If you are interested in such functionality, leave a request, and we will take into account your wishes when developing new versions. What may interest developers of Internet solutions in ConceptDraw? Internet can be viewed as some resources (web-pages, files, ...) connected with hyperlinks, or as computers connected by a communication environment, or as a set of domain names, whatever, up to being distinguished as necessary or unnecessary information. In any case, you can always find the needed structure for data, which meets all your requirements fully visualizing it in ConceptDraw.
ConceptDraw is a good means of visualization of information of any kind as it features powerful graphic capabilities. Thus, on ConceptDraw graphic kernel the rest products of the line have been built, they are: ConceptDraw PROJECT, ConceptDraw MINDMAP . The powerful graphic kernel (2D-graphics) is supported by a number of open formats for data presentation (including XML). To this add flexibility of data processing connected with the scripting language ConceptDraw Basic. And also flexibility in parameterization of shapes provided by the whole shape parameter table (it is available for editing even right from the program's interface). So in the end it becomes clear that visualization of information in ConceptDraw is a good idea.
There are two approaches to interaction with ConceptDraw at visualization.
The first approach is convenient for sparing you as a developer the necessity of writing the code to generate data in one specific system. You can choose the most convenient or the most familiar environment for your task. As ConceptDraw "reads" four open text formats (XML for ConceptDraw and XML for Visio), the situation is possible, if you do not have to write the code by just using some commercial program's export capabilities. For example, you prefer to get your data ready in MS Visio. In any case, the variety of open formats allows to choose the most suitable one for task: from Outline, good entirely for presentation of hierarchies (but the simplest and the briefest one) to ConceptDraw-document XML, which reflects any peculiarities. A third-party program has an opportunity of presenting its data by means of ConceptDraw providing the user with rich possibilities for their further processing (print, scaling, export to other formats, any corrections etc.). With the appearance of such a tool as ConceptDraw Basic, a closer integration of your programs with ConceptDraw became possible. They can be implemented as scripts and run directly in the ConceptDraw environment. This fact cancels all restrictions dealing with the final number of formats read by the program. The scripting language has its own quite broad capabilities, including interface for interaction with ODBC-compatible databases. Besides, its capabilities can be enhanced on the expense of using the external modules (of shared libraries), created by other applications. Let us consider several instances of visualization which may turn attractive to a developer of internet solutions. In the package of ConceptDraw Professional Web Site Map Wizard is included. It builds a site map with the specified depth level or with no consideration of the depth, but within the domain name. It results in generation of the site map. It gives the user an opportunity to arbitrarily change the generated map (add or remove elements, change their sequence or depth, change the text, type and parameters etc.), export the map to other popular formats, it provides a number of opportunities for changing the document appearance (scaling, changing of colors, fonts and styles) and, of course, full-color print. An additional convenience is that ConceptDraw allows to send a link to the web-browser for viewing the document on this link in the browser window. Thus, the information output has been considerably simplified and functionality of the wizard considerably extended. |

As the result of the work of the wizard appears the menu item for solving the reverse task. It builds up the site frame by the map. The map, used at building, can be generated by the same master. With the help of ConceptDraw the user can independently create a map of any complexity by using the wizard library objects, as well as arbitrary shapes. Also ConceptDraw allows to make all necessary changes to the map made on the existing sites.
The conception of using ConceptDraw and open formats by the programs that work with Internet can be used for displaying any data and any structure in Internet. You can build a map of a computer network, a domain map etc. And if regard Internet as the total of necessary information and spam, you can create a solution to search Internet for the given information and build the site map to meet your requirements. Then, with the help of ConceptDraw you can look through the map, selectively view your files, remove the sites from your map that do not answer your expectations, and modify your map in an arbitrary way.
Knowing HTML, you can write a solution to analyze web-documents by tags and display the results in ConceptDraw. The reverse task in its elementary shape is, basically, solved by ConceptDraw. But if for some specific purpose applied you need another variant of the final HTML-file, another solution could create an HTML document on the data in some other open format, generated with the help of ConceptDraw. Then, the process of web-page creation will turn easy and visual when constructing a ConceptDraw document.
The development of XML technology and the appearance of new browsers that support XML, lead to gradual displacement of HTML and setting XML as a de facto standard. XML support in ConceptDraw will allow you get your documents ready to be published in Internet in most effective way, and will considerably extend opportunities of the programs that use ConceptDraw as the means of visualization of their data.
ConceptDraw can be used both as a means of visualization and further processing of information not only by programs working with Internet, but also in any other field: network, database, analysis of a file system, analysis of any schemes etc.