The Lean Enterprise Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Maps visualize for a manufacturing plant the material and information flow required to deliver a product/service to customers. This graphical representation of a process is a powerful tool that helps in the diagnosis of process efficiency and allows enterprises to develop improved processes. Value Stream Maps are used in lean manufacturing methodology to analyze and identify the process improvement opportunities that are available. The new Value Stream Mapping solution found in the ConceptDraw Solution Park continues to extend the range of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM into a business graphics tool that can be used to document processes in any organization.
Pic.1 VSM - value stream map.
Value stream mapping is used in lean enterprise practice to analyze and identify the process improvement opportunities that are available.
See also Samples:
If you ever tried programming, you could face a lot of problems as a beginner. To help yourself, create a flowchart to follow an algorithm logic. Flowchart represents a program as a sequence of steps depicted in special symbols for each type of action.
This image of the interactive diagram made in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM applying the Live Objects technology. The diagram shows the effect of Selection Sort algorithm. The left part of the chart is the input area. The diagram in the central part of the drawing is a flow chart showing of the selection sort algorithm. The flowchart includes basic flowchart symbols, that represent various stages of algorithm. The flowchart symbols are connected with arrows ended lines, that depict the direction of the process flow. On the right side — the result is displayed.
Picture: Flowchart
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The Value Stream Map is one of the key tools of lean practitioners. It helps aptly describe the manufacturing processes both complex and simple. It supports process improvement, allows identifying waste, and reducing process cycle times. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Value Stream Mapping solution to document processes starting with a professionally designed Value Stream Mapping template.
Picture: Value Stream Mapping Template
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If you want to find a way to understand complex things in minutes, you should try to visualize data. One of the most useful tool for this is creating a flowchart, which is a diagram representing stages of some process in sequential order. There are so many possible uses of flowcharts and you can find tons of flow charts examples and predesigned templates on the Internet. Warehouse flowchart is often used for describing workflow and business process mapping. Using your imagination, you can simplify your job or daily routine with flowcharts.
Warehouse flowcharts are used to document product and information flow between sources of supply and consumers. The flowchart provides the staged guidance on how to manage each aspect of warehousing and describes such aspects as receiving of supplies; control of quality; shipment and storage and corresponding document flow. Warehouse flowchart, being actual is a good source of information. It indicates the stepwise way to complete the warehouse and inventory management process flow. Also it can be very useful for an inventory and audit procedures.
Flow chart Example
Warehouse Flowchart
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Lean Manufacturing tool is a new Value Stream Mapping solution found in the ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Picture: Lean Value Stream Map
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Apart from a well-known quality management, there is also such term as a Total quality management that consists of some particular organization-wide efforts that are taken in order to install and to make permanent some definite climate in which an organization can continuously improve its ability to deliver only high-quality products/services to its customers.
Total quality management techniques are known to be drawing on the previously developed ones used within the quality control. Total quality management enjoyed widespread attention during the early 1990s before being overshadowed by Lean manufacturing, ISO 9000 and Six Sigma.
Picture: Total Quality Management
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An onion diagram is a kind of chart that shows the dependencies among parts of an organization or process. The chart displays items in concentric circles, where the items in each ring depend on the items in the smaller rings. The Onion Diagram is able to show layers of a complete system in a few circles.
But how to create Onion Diagram? Now, it's very easy thanks to the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Stakeholder Onion Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Picture: How To Create Onion Diagram
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There are many tools to manage a process or to illustrate an algorithm or a workflow. Flowcharting is one of those tools. However, it may be difficult to show complex processes that require multiple attributes or several people in a simple flowchart, so a cross-functional flowchart would be a solution for that situation. To create such flowchart, group processes and steps to labeled rows or columns, and divide those groups with horizontal or vertical parallel lines. It is worth mentioning that there are different types of cross-functional flowcharts, like opportunity or deployment flowchart.
This diagram shows a cross-functional flowchart that was made for a trading process. It contains 14 processes, distributed through 5 lines depicting the participants who interact with the process. Also there are connectors that show the data flow of information between processes. The cross-functional flowchart displays a detailed model of the trading process, as well as all participants in the process and how they interact with each other. The lines in the flowchart indicates the position, department and role of the trading process participants.
Picture: Cross-Functional Flowchart
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