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Presentation Exchange

Presentation Exchange


Presentation Exchange solution gives the ability to easily extract the content from the PowerPoint presentation and see how it all fits together in a single view. In a single view you can look over your slide content, see how the slides support one another, refine the story, and then the end result is that you'll look much more professional.


Give all who receives and produces presentation a full set of tools for reviewing and creating any type of presentation quick and easy.

Solution Purpose

Creating and organizing presentations. Structuring received presentations. Presenting mind maps. Preparing to public presenting.

Intended For

Professional speakers and presenters, trainers, lecturers, consultants.

Products and Methods

ConceptDraw MINDMAP extended with Presentation Exchange solution delivers a variety of presentation tools allowing to present mind maps, review and re-work PowerPoint presentations.

Create a mind map from an existing MS PowerPoint presentation. This input gives you the capability to choose any .pptx file and convert it into a mind map.

Example of a MS PowerPoint presentation and how it looks once it has been converted into a mind map

Example of a MS PowerPoint presentation

Example 1. MS PowerPoint presentation

Presentation Exchange *

Example 2. Converted into a mind map

Sample MINDMAP presentation created for a team which identifies the different phases and tasks/steps of a breakout project.

Breakout Project

Example 3. Breakout Project

Sample of a MINDMAP presentation that visually outlines the history of ornament with key terms and illustrated examples taken from A History of Ornament: Ancient and Medieval by Alfred Hamlin.

History of Ornament

Example 4. History of Ornament

Sample of a MINDMAP presentation on pen drawing created with graphics and key terms taken from the Project Gutenburg eBook Pen Drawing: An Illustrated Treatise.

Pen Drawing

Example 5. Pen Drawing

Sample of a MINDMAP presentation about the Solar System showing graphics and basic data about the planets.

Solar System

Example 6. Solar System

The Benefits for ConceptDraw MINDMAP Brainstorming Software

  • ConceptDraw MINDMAP is effective for brainstorming, designing mind maps, idea generating, creative and lateral thinking, creativity and problem solving.
  • ConceptDraw MINDMAP is ideal for team and personal work in Business, Marketing and Project Management.
  • The libraries with large quantity of vector objects help to illustrate your mind maps and to make them bright, visual and comprehensible.
  • Use of View Navigator tool lets create presentations from a mind map: you can simply select the map parts you want to present, sequence your slides, and preview the presentation.
  • ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides wide capabilities of importing and exporting in various formats: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, MS Excel, Mindjet MindManager, image, HTML, PDF file.

Samples, templates and libraries contain vector clip art for drawing the Aerospace Illustrations.Aerospace - Design Elements *
Picture: Aerospace - Design Elements
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