Root Cause Tree Diagram
Root Cause Tree Diagram
Analyze the root causes of factors that influence the problem. A diagram is constructed separately for each high priority factor. Identify the root causes for a factor and then propose possible corrective actions. The diagram displays the structure of causes for a factor and possible corrective actions. The Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram is used for further formulation of actions.
How to create Root Cause Tree Diagram
- The Root Cause Tree Diagram (located in Input tab) opens with a basic mind map structure for your diagram
- Your central topic should briefly describe your problem
- The main topics on the next level should be high-level causes of the problem
- The subtopics should give more details about the different parts of those causes
- Last level of your tree of causes, you should describe potential solutions to each of the detailed parts of your causes
- Save your map
- From Output tab, under "7 Management & Planning Tools", select Root Cause Tree Diagram
- Root Cause Tree Diagram will be automatically drawn in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Analyze the root causes of factors that influence the problem.
Example 2. Root Cause Tree Diagram
The Benefits for ConceptDraw MINDMAP Brainstorming Software
- ConceptDraw MINDMAP is effective for brainstorming, designing mind maps, idea generating, creative and lateral thinking, creativity and problem solving.
- ConceptDraw MINDMAP is ideal for team and personal work in Business, Marketing and Project Management.
- The libraries with large quantity of vector objects help to illustrate your mind maps and to make them bright, visual and comprehensible.
- Use of View Navigator tool lets create presentations from a mind map: you can simply select the map parts you want to present, sequence your slides, and preview the presentation.
- ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides wide capabilities of importing and exporting in various formats: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, MS Excel, Mindjet MindManager, image, HTML, PDF file.
Mind map template of a strategy map that can help you display a variety of performance measures that can have an impact on your organization.Picture: SWOT Analysis
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Describing a workflow or approval process can take hours and be too complicated, especially since there are options to do it quickly and vividly. Diagrams called flowcharts replace long paragraphs of boring text and represent information in a graphic way. You can draw one on paper or you can use flowchart software to do it quickly and scalable. This kind of software is easy to use and you don’t need any special skills to start using it. In addition, there are a lot examples and predesigned templates on the Internet.
Flowcharts are a best tool for staking out a huge and complex process into some small readable parts. Surely, flowcharts can be drawn manually but the use of standard symbols that make it clear for a wide audience makes a software tool preferred for this task. The core for a successful flowchart is its simplicity. That is why often before beginning making flowchart through software, people draw the sketch on a piece of paper. Designing an effective flowchart means the combination of the data needed to be shown and the simplicity with which you depict it.Picture: Flowchart Software
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Picture: Context Diagram Template
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