Modelling Concepts for Business Engineering - EPC
Event-driven Process Chain
The Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Diagrams allows engineers visually present process models for they implementation. The EPC diagram shows various business processes in terms of work flows.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM includes tools that are specifically designed to facilitate the process of depicting business processes.

Pic.1 Template of EPC diagram.
The Event-driven Process Chain Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with EPC templates, samples, and vector shape library for the drawing of EPC diagrams.
The Event-driven Chain Diagrams solution assists in visualization of modelling concepts for business engineering.
Sometimes it's difficult to find a path in work processes or to understand the requirements, especially when you are a newcomer. To get your thoughts straight, create a workflow diagram, and put everything on it. This will not only help you to get into the workflow, but also show it’s weaknesses.
This illustration captures the workflow process of payment an invoice for the electricity consumed by certain enterprise. It was drawn in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using its solution for Workflow Diagrams. Making a workflow charts means that you need to depict consistently all processes engaged to the workflow process. Then, you should connect them with symbols meaning study and analysis. Next, add symbols of decisions. A work flow diagram made precisely and correctly can help to clarify your work flow to any person.

Picture: Workflow Diagram
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A wireframe is a scheme of a future web page. Wireframe illustrates the web page structure, location and size of the main elements, as well as their interaction with the user. With such scheme designer defines the functionality of the page, not its appearance.

Picture: Wireframe Tools
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Event-Driven Process chain Diagrams for improvement throughout an organisation.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM - software that reduces the time needed to create a business process model.

Picture: Elements of an Event-Driven Process Chain
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ConceptDraw MINDMAP with the ability to import presentations from Microsoft PowerPoint, as well as enhancing its existing presentation capabilities.

Picture: Best Mind Mapping Program for Making Presentations
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Being usually a very complex process that requires a lot of skills, patience, time, and artistic abilities, the concept mapping process now is incredibly easy thanks to the Concept Maps Solution from the Diagrams Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Picture: Concept Mapping
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Electrical Engineering Solution used together with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM drawing facilities makes short a work of drawing various electrical and electronic circuit schemes. A library of vector objects composed from symbols of Analog and Digital Logic elements of electric circuit includes 40 symbolic images of logic gates, bistable switches of bi-stable electric current, circuit controllers, amplifiers, regulators, generators, etc. All of them can be applied in electronic circuit schemes for showing both analog and digital elements of the circuit.
Electrical Engineering Solution used together with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM drawing facilities makes short a work of drawing various electrical and electronic circuit schemes. A library of vector objects composed from symbols of Analog and Digital Logic elements of electric circuit includes 40 symbolic images of logic gates, bistable switches of bi-stable electric current, circuit controllers, amplifiers, regulators, generators, etc. All of them can be applied in electronic circuit schemes for showing both analog and digital elements of the circuit.

Electrical Diagram Symbols F.A.Q.
How to Use Electrical ConceptDraw Diagram Software
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EPC or The Event - driven Process Chain diagrams that provide Enterprise Resource Planning improvement.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM - software that reduces the time needed to create a business process model.

Picture: Formalization and Verification of Event-driven Process chain
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