Network Protocols
Network Protocols Diagrams
ConceptDraw has 10+ templates and 30+ examples for drawing the Network Diagrams . Network Diagrams can illustrate network protocol structure that defines rules of communications between network devices. Network protocols include mechanisms for devices to identify and make connections with each other. With more than 2 000 pre-designed network elements you can design your own Network Diagrams of the simple LAN, WAN, etc.
Example 1. Network protocols.
This sample diagram of computer network based on various protocols (TCP/IP, UDP, IP/ICMP, GSM/EDGE, UMTS/3G, Cable TV, WiMAX, IEEEE WiFi (802.11x), IEEEE Ethernet (802.3x) ) is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with Computer & Networks solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Computer & Networks solution provides templates, samples and libraries of symbols for network floor plan layouts, network communication plans, Cisco network diagrams, Active Directory diagrams, logical network diagrams, LAN and WAN topology and design diagrams.
A list of parameters on which networks differ is very long. A large network with a range up to 50 kilometers is called metropolitan area network (MAN), and this type of network can include several local area networks. Metropolitan networks in their turn connect into global area networks.
Here you will see a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). This is an extensive network which occupies a large territory including a few buildings or even the whole city. The space of the MAN is bigger than LAN, but lower than WAN. MAN comprise a lot of communication equipment and delivers the Internet connection to the LANs in the city area. Computer and Networks solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM provides a set of libraries with ready-to-use vector objects to design various kinds of computer networks.
Picture: Metropolitan area networks (MAN). Computer and Network Examples
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Communication via Internet nowadays is almost irreplaceable part of lifestyle. It’s needless to say that providing that communication is not a piece of cake, and network diagram software is useful for representing all the interconnections between network devices. These diagrams are also helpful for educational purposes.
This drawing depicts the network topology of the sample web studio. This is a physical type of network diagram. It is depicting the network, end-user equipment and connections between them. The given network has combined the both star and mesh network topology features. This diagram is a tool of network administrator. it delivers the actual information on location of servers, hubs, switches, routers, and other telecommunication equipment. The collection of network related symbols provided with ConceptDraw Network Diagrams solution represents the entire network components. All Symbols are standard. Therefore, network specialists can effortlessly decrypt this diagram.
Picture: Network Diagram Software
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The digital communication is a physical transfer of the data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. Channels can be copper wires, optical fibres, wireless communication channels, etc. The data are realized as electromagnetic signals (radiowave, microwave, electrical voltage, etc.).
This example was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park and shows the Digital Communication Network diagram.
Picture: Digital Communications Network. Computer and Network Examples
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ConceptDraw Wireless Network solution includes several wireless network diagram examples that users can modify and make your own diagram.
Picture: Wireless Network Diagram Examples
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Computer networks nowadays are spread all across the world. The large number of parameters, such as geographic scale or communication protocols, can divide networks. One of the most common types of networks is called local area network (LAN). It convenient to represent network examples by means of diagrams.
This local area network (LAN) diagram provides an easy way to see the way the devices in a local network are interacted. The diagram uses a library containing specific symbols to represent network equipment , media and the end-user devices such as computers (PC, mac, laptop) , network printer, hubs, server and finally a modem. There are two types of network topologies: physical and logical. The current diagram represents precisely a physical type of LAN topology because it refers to the physical layout of a local network equipment.
What is a Local Area Network?
Examples of LAN Diagrams
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Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a mechanism in high-performance telecommunication networks that implements the data transfer from one network node to another using the labels.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful network diagramming and vector drawing software that provides the Computer and Networks solution with wide set of ready-to-use predesigned vector stencils and examples to help you design the MPLS Networks quick and easy.
Picture: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). Computer and Network Examples
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