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The Best Productivity Software

ConceptDraw MINDMAP

Capture What You Think, Do What You Plan

ConceptDraw MINDMAP with the new Note Exchange solution allows to distribute and use mind maps from anywhere using powerful Evernote technology. With the launch of Evernote Business in December 2012 you will be able to use our Note Exchange solution to share mindmaps and mindmap data across your entire organization. You have competitive advantage for best productivity software.

The Best Productivity Software *

Pic 1. Decision making mindmap.

This mindmap template helps you to present cons and pro to executives for decision making.
Use Note Exchange solution with ConceptDraw MINDMAP software as productivity tool by exchange with Evernote, and access mind maps anywhere, on any computer or mobile device via Evernote.

See also Samples of mind maps:

All information you send from ConceptDraw MINDMAP is indexed for you by Evernote, making information easy to find and use.Evernote exchange - Personal Productivity *
Picture: Evernote exchange - Personal Productivity
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To launch Projects Exchanging Mind Maps with Evernote using ConceptDraw MINDMAP simply and easily.Launch Projects Exchanging Mind Maps with Evernote *
Picture: Launch Projects Exchanging Mind Maps with Evernote
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ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports sending the information from your mind map to your Evernote account.Personal Memory Assistant *
Picture: Personal Memory Assistant
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