Quality Mind Map Solution
The Quality Mind Map Solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP with the addition of a number of Quality Management Mind Maps (Presentations, Meeting Agendas, and problem-solving techniques). These map templates are great starting points to identify, track, and address quality initiatives in your organization.

Pic.1 Mind map - Value stream mapping (VSM).
This mind map shows how Value Stream Maps can be represented as a mind map. Value Stream Maps can help a manufacturing team visualize the material and information flow required to deliver a product or a service to customers. Value Stream Maps are used in the Lean Manufacturing methodology to analyse and identify potential process improvement opportunities.
See also Samples:
This action mindmap helps to develop good customer references and user success stories.

Picture: Bank Customer Positive Feedback
Related Solution:
Using a combination of Interactive Flowcharts with Action Mind Maps helps professional social media teams be more proactive and prepared with proper responses. Social Media Response solution minimizes Time-to-Response, improves the quality of responses, and assists in your entire marketing strategy.

Picture: That Helps Professional Social Media Teams
Related Solution:
Create value stream maps - for value stream analysis and value stream management, material and information flow mapping, using our quick start templates included with ConceptDraw.

Picture: Value-Stream Mapping for Manufacturing
Related Solution:
A flowchart is a simple but very functional tool when it comes to understanding a workflow or to removing unnecessary stages from a process. When drawing flowcharts, keep in mind that there are four common types of flowcharts, like document flowcharts and data flowcharts that show control over a data or document flow over a system. To show controls on a physical level, use system flowcharts. In addition, to show controls in a program, you can draw a program flowchart.
This flowchart diagram represents the piece of an article editing process, that involves the author and editor. It was created using the Basic Flowchart notation that consists from the basic flowchart symbols. The start and the end of the process are indicated with "Terminator" symbols. The "Process" symbols show the action steps consisting from making edits and searching for a compromise, when the author does not agree with the suggestions of the editor. The "Process" symbol is the general symbol in process flowcharts. The "Decision" symbol indicates a branching in the process flow. There are two branches indicated by a Decision shape in the current flowchart (Yes/No, Disagree/Agree). This basic flowchart can be used as a repeating unit in the workflow diagram describing the working process of some editorial office.

Picture: Types of Flowcharts
Related Solution:
ConceptDraw MINDMAP with the ability to import presentations from Microsoft PowerPoint, as well as enhancing its existing presentation capabilities.

Picture: Best Mind Mapping Program for Making Presentations
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ConceptDraw MINDMAP is the most productive tool you can use to solve problems and generate yout great ideas.

Picture: Professional & Powerful Mind Mapping Software
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Using ConceptDraw quality mind maps is a perfect addition to quality visualization in your company.

Picture: Quality visualization in your company
Related Solution:
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is the best Value Stream Mapping software. The graphical representation of a process is a powerful tool. It helps in the diagnosis of process efficiency and allows companies to develop improved processes.

Picture: Value Stream Mapping Software
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