Relative Value Chart Software
Relative Value Chart Software
Relative value is a value measured in the terms of liquidity, risks, return of one investment or financial instrument relative to another.
Relative values are widely used in:
- business
- economics
- investment
- management
- marketing
- statistics, etc.
Analysis of the relative values allows a business to determine the value of the potential investments and the worth of the business. It's permit to compare one firm to another and to industry norms. In economics the value of something (product or service) is relative to the value of other things, usually is measured in money.
Pic 1. Relative Value Chart Software
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software is the best for drawing professional looking Relative Value Charts. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM provides Divided Bar Diagrams solution from the Graphs and Charts Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Relative Value Chart library objects:
Divided Bar Diagrams solution contains the library with 10 predesigned vector objects.
Divided Bar Diagram is a rectangle that is divided into smaller rectangles in proportion to the data. They are used for visual representation of the collected information.

Pic 2. Relative Value Chart library objects
You can simply drop these objects into your document, change values to quickly create your own Relative Value Charts.
Relative Value Chart Example:
Divided Bar Diagrams solution also provides many examples and templates that you can change for your needs.

Pic 3. Relative Value Chart Example. London Election Results
This example was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Divided Bar Diagrams library from the Divided Bar Diagrams Solution. It shows divided bar diagrams that are used for comparing statistics. There are also added the axes that help easier read these comparison diagram.
The Relative value charts produced with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM are vector graphic documents and are available for reviewing, modifying, converting to a variety of formats (image, HTML, PDF file, MS PowerPoint Presentation, Adobe Flash or MS Visio), printing and send via e-mail in one moment.
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Picture: Selecting & Creating Flowcharts
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Design your own style with Business and Finance Solutions from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.
We created a full set of elements, business samples, templates and libraries with vector clip art for drawing the Business Illustrations.
Mark your report or presentation, pay an attention of audience on your drawings with vector business design elements.
Picture: Business - Design Elements
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Picture: TOWS Matrix
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Picture: Authority Matrix Diagram Software
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Picture: Create Graphs and Charts
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To support you in your tasks you can use the power of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM providing
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Picture: Business Productivity - Marketing
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This method of problem analysis is widely used in IT, manufacture industries and chemical engineering. If you want to take a fresh look on your problem, you can draw a fishbone diagram with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software, which supports both MAC OS and Windows. You can see and download fishbone diagram samples and templates in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram can be applied as template for performing the cause and effect analysis of a service industry problems. It can help to determine factors causing problems. Causes in this diagram are categorized according to the 4S’s principle that means Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems and Skills. Grouping causes allows to reveal main interactions between different events. This diagram was made using ConceptDraw Fishbone diagrams solution. It can help to reveal the causes effected a complicated issue. Of course it can be used together with other methods of approaching to the problem solving.
Picture: Draw Fishbone Diagram on MAC Software
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