Sample Pictorial Chart.
Sample Infographics
Sample Pictorial Chart
Everyone loves infographics! It is very popular tool that allows to represent the complex information, data, knowledge in simple, visual and attractive graphical form.
But how to draw pictorial chart simply and quickly? ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with unique Pictorial Infographics Solution from the “What is Infographics” Area will help you design pictorial infographics illustrations without efforts.

Sample Pictorial Chart 1. Tourism in the World
Pictorial Infographics solution provides easy-to-use design infographics drawing tools, large collection of different sample infographics and infograms, sample pictorial chart and templates to be filled in, and 10 libraries with great quantity of predesigned vector pictograms.

Sample Pictorial Chart 2. Licensed Vehicles by tax Class Great Britain Annually (2008 to 2012)
How to use infograms included in the Pictorial Infographics solution? They can be effectively used for quickly drawing your own professional looking, interesting and attractive infographics. Or if you want, you can use them as-is.

Sample Infographics 3. World Population Infographics
The easiest way to design pictorial infographics is:
- choose the sample appropriate for your needs from the Pictorial Infographics solution,
- and make changes – edit the text, add pictograms from the libraries.

Sample Infographics 4. Computer and Internet Use in the United States
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM also gives you the perfect possibility to change the colors of predesigned pictograms. It is indispensable tool to make your design infographics illustrations more beautiful and colorful!
Sample Pictorial Chart 5. Small Business Statistics (UK 2013)
The samples you see on this page were created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the vector pictograms from the Pictorial Infographics Solution libraries. These samples demonstrate the solution's capabilities and the professional results you can achieve. An experienced user spent 10 minutes creating every of these samples.
Use Pictorial Infographics solution to draw your own design pictorial infographics documents quick and easy.
All source documents are vector graphic documents. They are available for reviewing, modifying, or converting to a variety of formats (PDF file, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, and many other graphic formats) from the ConceptDraw STORE. The Pictorial Infographics Solution is available for all ConceptDraw DIAGRAM or later users.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software enhanced with Metro Map Solution from the Maps Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides extensive drawing tools for fast and easy creating various metro maps, route maps, transport schemes, metro path maps, subway train maps, and many other types of maps.
Picture: Metro Maps
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Picture: How to draw Metro Map style infographics? (London)
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Processing Flow Chart is a simplified sketch which is used in chemical and process engineering for illustrating general plant streams, major equipments and key control loops.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM enhanced with Flowcharts Solution from the Diagrams Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful Processing Flow Chart software which will help save lots of your time.
Picture: Processing Flow Chart
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A database is a data collection, structured into some conceptual model. Two most common approaches of developing data models are UML diagrams and ER-model diagrams. There are several notations of entity-relationship diagram symbols and their meaning is slightly different. Crow’s Foot notation is quite descriptive and easy to understand, meanwhile, the Chen notation is great for conceptual modeling.
An entity relationship diagrams look very simple to a flowcharts. The main difference is the symbols provided by specific ERD notations. There are several models applied in entity-relationship diagrams: conceptual, logical and physical. Creating an entity relationship diagram requires using a specific notation. There are five main components of common ERD notations: Entities, Actions, Attributes, Cardinality and Connections. The two of notations most widely used for creating ERD are Chen notation and Crow foot notation. By the way, the Crow foot notation originates from the Chen notation - it is an adapted version of the Chen notation.
Picture: ERD Symbols and Meanings
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Picture: Basic Audit Flowchart. Flowchart Examples
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Software development flourishes nowadays. Students have tons of educational information and courses that would fit every taste. And it's no secret that knowing how to draw data flow diagrams is a useful skill for a future software architect. The diagrams help a lot in understanding how to storage data effectively and how data processes within a system.
This data flow diagram represents the model of small traditional production enterprise. It was created using Yourdon and Coad notation. The data flow diagram include four main objects: entity, process, data store and data flow. Yourdon and Coad notation uses circles to depict processes and parallel lines to represent data stores. Dataflows are shown as arrowed lines. They are labeled with the description of the data that move through them. Dataflow's role is to deliver the pieces of information. A process's function is to transform. the input data flow into output data flow. ConceptDraw Data Flow Diagrams solution contains the data flow diagram symbols of both Yourdon-Coad and Gane-Sarson notations and a set of handy templates to get started with DFD.
Picture: Data Flow Diagrams
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As restaurant industry is growing rapidly nowadays, researches show that almost half of the adults have worked in a restaurant or a cafe. Moreover, many of them dream to start their own someday. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time to write a business plan and to find a great location, although some know how to create a restaurant floor plan in minutes or how to plan budget effortlessly. Hiring employees can also cause a lot of headache, but this is crucial for further success, because every guest comes to restaurant for a good service and delicious food. It is also worth noting that restaurant concept is also important, because it defines target audience and influences the menu.
This diagram represents the floor plan of an ongoing sports-theme establishment - restaurant, cafe, or other food service. A number of widescreen monitors installed along the perimeter provide visitors the opportunity to follow the course of a match from anywhere in the dining room of restaurant or cafe. The most of sports fans believe that food and alcohol is a big part of any sports show. That is why the dining room takes the most space - almost 60% of the total establishment space. Nearly all sports fans consume beverages while watching sports - beer, soda or water at least. Thus, the restaurant floor plan designers added a large lavatory there. Moreover, project developers considered unnecessary the gender division of such delicate place - perhaps they guess that only men are watching football, or believe that alcohol will eliminate the most of gender differences.
Picture: How To Create Restaurant Floor Plan in Minutes
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Being involved in the process of planning some system of interacting the objects, or in other words, being engaged in the object-oriented design in order to solve some software problem as one of the approaches used in the software design, you may find the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and drawing software a really useful tool for making the needed drawings, such as the IDEF Business Process Diagrams.
Picture: Object-Oriented Design
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