Sketching Software
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful diagramming, vector drawing and sketching software that can be successfully used for creating various sketches, illustrations, drawing in any field of science and life activity. In particular, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area to help you design the astronomy pictures, sun solar system drawings, constellation chart quick and easy.

Sample 1. Sketching Software
Astronomy solution provides 7 libraries with wide variety of astronomy vector objects, celestial bodies and constellations objects, astronomy symbols, solar system symbols:
- Astronomical Symbols
- Constellations Except Zodiac Northern and Southern
- Galaxies
- Northern Constellations
- Southern Constellations
- Elements Stars and Planets
- Zodiac Constellations
Sample 2. Astronomy Picture — Hubble Sequence
The samples you see on this page were created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the libraries of Astronomy Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM An experienced user spent 10 minutes creating every of these samples. These and more others samples and templates you can find in ConceptDraw STORE. Using them you will be able design your own astronomy sketches much faster.

Sample 3. Astronomy Picture — Summer Triangle Network
The following features make ConceptDraw DIAGRAM the best sketching software:
- You don't need to be an artist to draw professional looking diagrams in a few minutes.
- Large quantity of ready-to-use vector objects makes your drawing diagrams quick and easy.
- Great number of predesigned templates and samples give you the good start for your own diagrams.
- ConceptDraw DIAGRAM provides you the possibility to use the grid, rules and guides. You can easily rotate, group, align, arrange the objects, use different fonts and colors to make your diagram exceptionally looking.
- All ConceptDraw DIAGRAM documents are vector graphic files and are available for reviewing, modifying, and converting to a variety of formats: image, HTML, PDF file, MS PowerPoint Presentation, Adobe Flash, MS Visio.
- Using ConceptDraw STORE you can navigate through ConceptDraw Solution Park, managing downloads and updates. You can access libraries, templates and samples directly from the ConceptDraw STORE.
- If you have any questions, our free of charge support is always ready to come to your aid.
Samples, templates and libraries contain vector clip art for drawing the Aerospace Illustrations.
Picture: Aerospace - Design Elements
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Picture: TQM Diagram Tool
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Nowdays business people’s figures are most favourite vector illustrations among presenters and designers. It is easy to make them and use, but they can make your graphics look really good looking & eye catching.
Just check ConceptDraw business perople figusers pictures, you will see all kinds of silhouetes: Staff, Employed workers, Persons and Groups symbols.
Best popular vector pictures are: men, dancing people, business man.
Use human contours wise and it will help you to tell main idea of your design message.
Picture: Business People Figures
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Electrical plan is a document that is developed during the first stage of the building design. This scheme is composed of conventional images or symbols of components that operate by means of electric energy. To simplify the creation of these schemes you can use house electrical plan software, which will not require a long additional training to understand how to use it. You only need to install the necessary software ant it’s libraries and you’ll have one less problem during the building projection.
Any building contains a number of electrical systems, including switches, fixtures, outlets and other lightening equipment. All these should be depicted in a building electrical plans and included to general building documentation. This home electrical plan displays electrical and telecommunication devices placed to a home floor plan. On the plan, each electrical device is referenced with the proper symbol. Electrical symbols are used for universal recognition of the building plan by different persons who will be working on the construction. Not all possible electric symbols used on a certain plan, so the symbols used in the current home plan are included to a legend. The electrical home plan may be added as a separate document to a complete set of building plans.
Picture: How To use House Electrical Plan Software
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Biology is incredibly interesting and useful natural science which studies all living things on the earth (people, animals, plants), structure, functions, interactions, evolution of living organisms. Biologists of the whole world use actively illustrations and drawings in your science and education activity. To facilitate their task of biology drawing, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software was extended with Biology solution from the Science and Education area. Now, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful biology drawing software.
Picture: Biology Drawing Software
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ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Mathematics solution from the Science and Education area is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing software that offers all needed tools for mathematical diagrams designing.
Mathematics solution provides 3 libraries with predesigned vector mathematics symbols and figures:
Solid Geometry Library, Plane Geometry Library and Trigonometric Functions Library.
Picture: Mathematics Symbols
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Biology solution offers 3 libraries of ready-to-use predesigned biology symbols and vector clipart to make your biology drawing and biology illustration making fast and easy: Carbohydrate Metabolism Library, Biochemistry of Metabolism Library, Citric Acid Cycle (TCA Cycle) Library.
Picture: Biology Illustration
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MindMap Presentation via Skype, brainstorming and organizing ideas. Create and present Mind Maps using software.
The presentation via Skype conference call is part of solution Remote Presentation for Skype - from ConceptDraw Solution Park. It let presenter to control over the slide-show process which plays on each computer of conference call participants synchronously.
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ConceptDraw MINDMAP with the ability to import presentations from Microsoft PowerPoint, as well as enhancing its existing presentation capabilities.
Picture: Best Mind Mapping Program for Making Presentations
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