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Supply Chain

A supply chain is a sequence of all individuals and companies involved in creating a product and delivering it to the end consumer, beginning from the producers of the raw materials. Supply chain management, improvement and optimization to the sustainable level is a crucial process. It helps to improve the efficiency of the production cycle and reduce costs.

Efficient supply chain management is based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. These criteria are the most important for supply chains, ensuring righteous supply chain activities, environmental friendliness, and social acceptability. This concerns all supply chain stages, including purchasing, actions for search suppliers and communication with them, and other stages.

ESG standards and their impacts on a supply chain are in the focus of both investors and consumers, who use them to evaluate the conscientiousness of the companies. ESG standards serve guidelines for supply chain management strategies and ensure competitive advantage. They help to evaluate a company’s growth, bottom line, and ability to attract and retain professional specialists, investors, and consumers.

The environmental component is one of the most important. Because the supply chains have a great environmental impact, about 80 percent of business emissions are from the supply chains. Therefore the issues of sustainability and the introduction of ESG principles aimed at the decrease risks to the environment, reducing emissions, and implementing sustainability obligations are currently in focus.

Sustainable supply chain management has a lot of advantages, the main one is avoiding or minimizing risks. To achieve success in building a sustainable business, the companies should manage the impact across the entire supply chain. Because the sustainable supply chain is one of the key points that brings sustainability to a business as a whole.

Supply Chain Development in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Example 1. Supply Chain Development in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution and included drawing tools help to construct a sustainable supply chain. Assessment of the supply chain sustainability helps to measure, track and manage the risks and opportunities across your supply chain. You can easily determine emissions hotspots within your supply chain, prioritize actions, create a plan of decarbonization of the supply chain and accelerate the introduction of this plan. Show the advantages and challenges of developing sustainable supply chain management, using renewable resources. Develop supply chain management strategies and depict them easily on the diagram using the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software.

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution in ConceptDraw STORE

Example 2. Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution in ConceptDraw STORE

The diversity of libraries with vector design elements and a set of ready-made samples are included in the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution. Use these tools to create your own professional-looking ESG infographics of any complexity in a few minutes.

ESG Infographics - Life Cycle Assessment

Example 3. ESG Infographics — Life Cycle Assessment

The ESG infographic samples you see on this page were created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software using the drawing tools of the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Solution. These examples successfully demonstrate the solution's capabilities and professional results you can achieve using it. An experienced user spent 5-10 minutes creating each of these samples.

Use the drawing tools of the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution to design your own ESG Infographics quick, easy, and effective.

All source documents are vector graphic documents. They are available for reviewing, modifying, or converting to a variety of formats (PDF file, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, and many other graphic formats) from the ConceptDraw STORE. The Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Solution is available for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users.
