Swim Lane Diagrams
In each company business-processes are allotted among workers and departments. One the same process may be fulfilled by several workers simultaneously or by turns. In such cases it is quite difficult to define the reasons of delays, defects and narrow places during the process. The documenting of business-processes in the company is required. One of the tools for documenting of business-processes is the Swim Lane diagram.
Swim Lane diagrams are the variety of process flow diagrams and are based on the IDEF3 standard. They were developed by Lynn Shostack for usage in projecting. With their help organization diagrams are combined with process flow, as they visually display an object of the production system which is charged with given concrete processes in general flow of processes of the production system.
Swim Lane diagram was named this way because all blocks which denote compound parts of processes are located on the definite lanes accordingly to belonging to responsible worker. Thus the diagram resembles a swimming pool with lanes. Lanes may be located either horizontally or vertically, depending on the existing process flow diagram. These lanes are denoted accordingly to resource name, which is charged with execution of the given part of the process.

Pic 1. Swim Lane Diagram
As s result, working process is found divided into parts, with indication of the responsibility for fulfillment of the given part of the process. This significantly facilitates the comprehension of the working process in general and helps to discover weak points, reasons of delays and defects and people responsible for them.

Pic 2. Swim Lane Diagram - Working Process
With the help of Swim Lane diagrams you can always represent working processes of any complication in a simple and visual graphic form and define participants of separate parts of the working process. Besides, Swim Lane diagrams is a simple way to show responsibility zones of personal and interaction points of separate participants of the working process.
Swim Lane diagrams are used in modelling of business processes BPMN and in UML methodology. Such diagrams are called Line of Visibility charts in IBM and Cross-Functional Flow Charts in MS Visio.
Pic 3. Swim Lane Diagram Example
How to Create a Swim Lane Diagram Using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
It's incredibly convenient to develop Swim Lanes Flowchart in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the predesigned vector objects offered by Swim Lanes library of Business Process Mapping Solution.
Drag the Swim Lanes Vertical object from the Swim Lanes library to the document’s page.
Next add text to the diagram and format the objects.
When releasing the mouse button, the object automatically resizes according to the page size. The Action button chain mode button mac allows you to easily add lanes and then equalize them.
Add the shapes to the diagram from the Cross-Functional Flowchart library. They appear on the flowchart as connected objects.
Result: A professional-looking flowchart, that demonstrates the document flow in your organization.
A waterfall model describes software development process as a sequence of phases that flow downwards. SSADM is one of the implementations of waterfall method. It’s easier to learn about structured systems analysis and design method (SSADM) with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM because this software has appropriate tools for creating data flow diagrams. You can use all the three main techniques of SSADM method with special tools and predesigned templates.
This data flow diagram illustrates the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method. This method method considers analysis, projecting and documenting of information systems. Data flow models are the most important elements of SSADM and data flow diagrams are usually used for their description. It includes the analysis and description of a system as well as visualization of possible issues.
Picture: Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method. SSADM with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
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This technical drawing demonstrates a schematic flow diagram of pulp reclaiming. This diagram of magnetite pulp reclaiming is created using ConceptDraw Chemical and Process engineering solution, The solution delivers more than 460 vector graphic icons and connectors. Generally, it is intended for designing process and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) for chemical and process engineering. block flow diagrams (BFD), process flow diagrams (PFD) for chemical industry.
Picture: Technical Drawing Software
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This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Business Process Diagram Solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. The Business Process Solution is based on the standard BPMN 2.0 and includes the set of libraries of ready-to-use objects.
Picture: BPR Diagram. Business Process Reengineering Example
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Picture: Data Flow Diagram Software
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Times when you had difficulties in searching for an appropriate software depending on your OS, had passed. If you still look for a great software to create flowcharts on Mac, here is the answer. ConceptDraw Pro is a great tool for creating diagrams, with tons of samples, libraries and tutorials.
Making flowchart diagram is the best way to represent a process as a sequence of steps. Flowcharting provides a simple way of organizing and representing data so that even complex and detailed processes become clear. That is why using a flowchart software tool is proven to be an ideal for structure and share an information on process workflow structure. This flow chart was created to depict the steps of certification process. This flow chart was created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software for Apple OS X. The Rapid Draw technology was used to create this flow chart. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM also supports popular Apple OS X features such as Quick Look, Full-Screen Mode, Version Browsing and Autosave. You can export your multi-page diagrams to SVG or graphic formats such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG and PDF.
Picture: Create Flow Chart on Mac
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Picture: Double-headed Cross Functional Flowchart
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Do you like the professional schemes that you can find on the Internet? Take into account that the most part of them is made using the Best Flowchart Software and Flowchart Symbols. Try you own powers in creating such diagrams!
Flowcharts are the most business diagramming tool. If you are a business manager, you can use flow chart to depict work flow in your organization, develop the effective organizational structure and present the information to investors or other stakeholders. Combining the smart management solutions with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming engine delivers the set of comprehensive flowchart tools necessary to support professionals in their creativeness and business activity.
Picture: Best Flowchart Software and Flowchart Symbols
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Picture: Work Process
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In software engineering, it is important to understand how the system would cooperate with external sources, like data sources. To give this information a visual representation, data flow diagrams (DFD) were used for years. The entire system is usually divided into smaller ones, and all of them process data flows in appropriate ways.
The visualizing business processes which engages the data transfer, is commonly preformed using DFDs (data flow diagrams). DFD is used to show the data flow processing and transformation. This DFD represents the electronic system of a customer purchase. It was created using Gane/Sarson notation. Data flow diagrams helps you to sort through and clarify transferring process making it available for analysis, and representation. ConceptDraw DFD solution introduces the vector library, containing the full set of icons from DFD notations.
Picture: Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
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