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UML Deployment Diagram

How To draw UML Deployment Diagrams

UML Deployment Diagram depicts the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes (nodes are the existing hardware components, artifacts are the software components running on each node); and how the different pieces are connected. ConceptDraw has four examples that help you to start using the software for drawing UML Deployment Diagrams.

UML Deployment Diagram Solution

Example 1. UML Deployment Diagram Solution

You can use the appropriate stencils of UML notation for drawing your own UML Deployment Diagram.

The vector stencils library "UML Deployment Diagrams" contains 31 symbols.

Symbols for Draw UML Deployment Diagrams

Example 2. Symbols for Draw UML Deployment Diagrams

This UML deployment diagram sample is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with Rapid UML solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

UML Deployment Diagram *

Example 3. UML Deployment Diagram

Rapid UML solution provides templates, examples and libraries of stencils for quick and easy drawing all the types of system and software engineering diagrams according to UML 2.4 notation.

UML Deployment Diagram Template

Example 4. UML Deployment Diagram Template

Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with UML deployment diagram templates, samples and stencil library from Rapid UML solution to model the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes of your software system.

When talking about engineering, one should define all the terms used, so anybody could understand the topic. Typical network glossary contains definitions of numerous network appliances, types of networks and cable systems. The understanding of basic is crucial for server management, network administration and investigating problems. The network glossary defines terms related to networking and communications. The most of glossary items has their visual representation in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM libraries of the Computer Network Diagrams solution. This illustration presents a local area network (LAN) diagram. It designed to show the way the interaction of network devices in a local network. The diagram uses a library containing symbols of network equipment, connections and the end-point devices such as network printer, hubs, server, modem and finally computers (PC, mac, laptop). This diagram depicts a physical LAN topology.Network Glossary Definition *
Picture: Network Glossary Definition
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Picture: Timing diagram
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Picture: UML Class Diagram Notation
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Picture: E-R Diagrams
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Picture: Data Flow Diagrams
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Picture: Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture
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Picture: Data Flow Diagrams
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Picture: UML Class Diagram Generalization ExampleUML Diagrams
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