UML Activity Diagram. Design Elements
UML Activity Diagram is a type of Behavior Diagrams that graphically describes decomposition of the some activity on the components.
Activity Diagrams are used in modeling of business processes, technological processes, sequential and parallel computations.
UML Activity Diagram allows to show the sequence, branching and synchronization of processes.
To design UML Activity Diagrams use the following shape types:
- rounded rectangles to describe the actions;
- diamonds to describe decisions;
- bars to represent the start or end of the activities that occur at the same time;
- black circle to indicate the start of the workflow;
- encircled black circle to indicate the end of the workflow;
- arrows to represent the order in which activities happen.
Activity Diagrams were a specialized form of the State Diagrams in UML 1.x. In UML 2.x, the Activity Diagrams were reformed and now are based on Petri net-like semantics that allows to model a lot more situations.
The Rapid UML Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM contains 13 vector stencils libraries with 393 interactive shapes that you can use to design your UML diagrams.
To design an Activity Diagram use the UML Activity Diagram library.
UML Activity Diagram library contains 37 shapes:
- Object
- Data store
- Central buffer
- Expansion region
- Control flow (direct)
- Control flow (smart)
- Object flow (direct)
- Object flow (smart)
- Divider
- Decision/Merge
- Time event action
- Send signal node
- Receive signal node
- Expansion node
- Pin
- Vertical fork/join
- Horizontal fork/join
- Vertical swimlane
- Horizontal swimlane
- Connector
- Initial node
- Final node
- Flow final
- Control flow
- Condition
- Symbol { }
- Symbol << >>
- Subactivity state
- Call behavior
- Frame, fragment
- Note
- Action
- Swimlanes (vertical)
- Swimlanes (horizontal)
- UML connector (direct)
- UML connector
- Note connector
Pic.1. UML Activity Diagram Library
Pic.2. UML Activity Diagram Library Elements
ConceptDraw Rapid UML solution provides UML Activity Diagram library of vector stencils for activity diagram design elements like rounded rectangles of activities, diamonds of decisions, bars of the start (split) or end (join) of concurrent activities, black circle of the start (initial state) of the workflow, encircled black circle of the end (final state), etc.
Use UML Activity Diagram library to draw your own activity diagrams that show the business and operational stepwise workflows of components in your system.
All libraries for creating UML diagrams are available inside the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Templates and samples are located in the Rapid UML section of ConceptDraw STORE.
IDEF Business Process Diagrams solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM vector graphics and diagramming software with the ability of fast and easy drawing various types of IDEF diagrams.Picture: IDEF
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UML diagrams of business processes. The Rapid UML solution provides diagram examples, templates and vector stencils libraries for quick and easy drawing all types of UML 2.x and 1.x diagrams: UML activity diagrams, UML communication (collaboration) diagrams, UML component diagrams, UML composite structure diagrams, UML deployment diagrams, UML interaction overview diagrams, UML object diagrams, UML package diagrams, UML sequence diagrams, UML state machine diagrams, UML timing diagrams, UML use case diagrams.Picture: UML Business Process
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UML Activity Diagram illustrates the business and operational step-by-step workflows of components in a system and shows the overall flow of control. You can use the appropriate stencils of UML notation from UML Activity library with 37 objects. ConceptDraw is ideal for software designers and software developers who need to draw UML Activity Diagrams.
Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with Rapid UML solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park to create your own UML activity diagrams that show the business and operational workflows of components and overall flow of control in your systems. Such software provides coloring UML diagrams for various purposes and simplifying work of the engineers.Picture: UML Activity Diagram
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