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UML Diagram

What is UML diagram?

UML is a Unified Modeling Language, that can be applied in banking, finance, internet, aerospace, healthcare and other business activities. It is, in general, as simple as an accepted standard which is commonly used for modeling some system. There are lots of notations that can be used for creating UML diagrams. And these notations can visually represent any needed:

  • requirements,
  • subsystems,
  • logical and physical elements,
  • structural,
  • behavioral patterns,

which are especially relevant to systems built while using an object-oriented style.

The above mentioned Unified Modeling Language (or UML) is a standardized and general-purpose modeling language which is very popular and widely used in the field of software engineering business activity.

Types of UML Diagrams

This Unified Modeling Language contains a set of graphic notation techniques for generating the visual models of object-oriented software-intensive systems and there are all together 13 types of UML diagrams, which you can always create using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software. These types are:
  • “package” (or “class”),
  • “object”,
  • “use case”,
  • “sequence”,
  • “collaboration”,
  • “component”,
  • “state machine”,
  • “timing”,
  • “interaction overview”,
  • “composite structure”,
  • “activity”
  • “deployment”

UML diagrams. Each of these types we would like to describe and you can see their description below:

UML Class Diagrams

UML Class diagrams are the static structure diagrams with the help of which it is simple to describe a structure of some particular system in a way of showing the system's classes, attributes, operations (or methods), as well as the relationships among the objects within this system.

UML Class Diagram

Pic. 1 UML Class Diagram

UML Package Diagrams

UML Package diagram is used in the Unified Modeling Language for depicting the dependencies between the packages that can make a particular model.

UML Package Diagram

Pic. 2 UML Package Diagram

UML Object Diagrams

UML Object diagrams are used in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and these diagrams show a partial or complete view of some system’s structure at some specific period of time.

UML Object Diagram

Pic. 3 UML Object Diagram

UML Use Case Diagrams

UML Use Case diagrams are the representations of a user's interaction with some particular system, depicting the specifications of a use case.


Pic. 4 UML Use Case Diagram

UML Sequence Diagrams

UML Sequence diagrams are interaction diagrams with help of which it is simpler to show the way how processes operate with each other and in which order it happens.

UML Sequence Diagram

Pic. 5 UML Sequence Diagram

UML Collaboration Diagrams

UML Communication diagrams model the interactions between different objects or parts in terms of sequenced messages. Communication diagrams represent a combination of information taken from Class, Use Case and Sequence Diagrams describing both the static structure and the dynamic behaviour of some particular system.

UML Collaboration Diagram

Pic. 6 UML Collaboration Diagram

UML Activity Diagrams

UML Activity diagrams represent workflows of the actions and activities with support of choice, iteration as well as concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language activity diagrams are meant to model both organizational and computational processes (for example, workflows) and this type of diagrams represents the overall flow of control.

UML Activity Diagram

Pic. 7 UML Activity Diagram

UML Component Diagrams

UML Component diagrams help depict the way the components of some system are wired together in order to form larger components or software systems. This type of diagrams is used for illustrating the structure of arbitrarily complex systems.

UML Component Diagram

Pic. 8 UML Component Diagram

UML Deployment Diagrams

UML Deployment diagrams are used for modeling the physical deployment of some artefacts on nodes. These nodes look as boxes and the artefacts clustered with each node appear as rectangles within these boxes. Nodes may also have subnodes which can appear as nested boxes. A single node in this type of UML diagrams may conceptually represent many different physical nodes.

UML Deployment Diagram

Pic. 9 UML Deployment Diagram

UML State Machine Diagrams

"UML state machine, also known as UML statechart, is a significantly enhanced realization of the mathematical concept of a finite automaton in computer science applications as expressed in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation.

UML State Machine diagrams or UML state charts are used for boosting the realization of the mathematical concept of a finite automaton in computer science applications.

UML State Machine Diagram

Pic. 10 UML State Machine Diagram

UML Timing Diagrams

UML Timing diagram is a specific type of UML interaction diagram, which focuses on timing constraints. These types of UML diagrams are used for exploring the behaviours of objects throughout some particular period of time. This type of UML diagram is a special form of a Sequence diagram. The differences between them are the axes, which are reversed, so that the time is increased from left to right and the lifelines are shown in separate compartments that are arranged vertically.

UML Timing Diagram

Pic. 11 UML Timing Diagram

UML Interaction Overview Diagrams

UML Interaction Overview Diagram is included to the list of fourteen types of UML diagrams, which can illustrate a control flow with nodes that can contain interaction diagrams. This type of UML diagrams is similar to the Activity diagram, as they both visualize a sequence of activities. The difference in them is that each individual activity is pictured as a frame which can contain a nested interaction diagrams. This makes the interaction overview diagram to be very useful for deconstructing a complex scenario.

UML Interaction Overview Diagram

Pic. 12 UML Interaction Overview Diagram

UML Composite Structure Diagrams

UML Composite Structure diagram is such type of Static Structure diagrams that shows the internal structure of a class and the collaborations, which this structure makes possible. This type of UML diagrams can include internal parts, using which the parts of a system can interact with each other.

UML Composite Structure Diagram

Pic. 13 UML Composite Structure Diagram

Free Download UML Software and View All Examples

UML Diagram *

Example 1. UML Diagrams

UML can be applied to diverse application: banking, finance, internet, aerospace, healthcare, etc.

After describing so many different UML diagrams, which you can always create using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM we want to mention the way these diagrams may be created. Besides having ConceptDraw DIAGRAM it is also beneficial having ConceptDraw STORE as well, as this other product of CS Odessa is truly unique and it allows to download any needed solution for creating your own charts, flowcharts, schemes, plans, maps and diagrams, including any of the mentioned UML diagram any time you want them to be made within only a couple of hours or even minutes if you already know how to use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and so ConceptDraw STORE, including all of the available solutions.

UML Diagram Solution

Example 2. UML Diagrams solution

The solution called “Rapid UML” allows you to make any UML diagram, using the available samples, such as “Design Elements — UML activity”, “Design Elements — UML class”, “Design Elements — UML Communication”, “Design Elements — UML Composite structure”, “Design Elements — UML Deployment”, “Design Elements — UML Interaction Overview”, “Design Elements — UML Component”, “Design Elements — UML Object”, “Design Elements — UML Package”, “Design Elements — UML State Machine”, “Design Elements — UML Timing”, “Design Elements — UML Sequence”, “Design Elements — UML Use case”, “UML Activity Diagram — Alarm Trigger Processing”, “UML Activity Diagram — Cash Withdrawal from ATM”, “UML Activity Diagram — Cash Withdrawal from ATM”, “UML Activity Diagram — Catalogue Creation Process”, “UML Activity Diagram — Catalogue Creation Processing”, “UML Activity Diagram — Payment Process”, “UML Activity Diagram — Servlet Container”, “UML Activity Diagram — Snap in Process”, “UML Activity Diagram — Ticket Processing System” and many other.

On this diagram are used the flowchart symbols that represents the processes and documents.Credit Card Order Process Flowchart. Flowchart Examples
Credit Card Order Process Flowchart.
Flowchart Examples
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Picture: IDEF0 standard with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
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It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, a bar or a gym, there are common concepts for any of them. One of those concepts is accounting, and to facilitate the work with the figures, you can use accounting flowchart symbols and create a clear and representative scheme. You can create flowchart for auditing, tax accounting and even for planning your own budget. A graphical tool for displaying successive processes is flowchart. This method is mostly suited to represent an accounting process. The sequence of steps in the accounting process usually consists of standard accounting procedures, that can be depicted by using a minimal number of symbols, applied for the basic flowcharting. The advanced opportunity to create professional Accounting Flow charts is provided by ConceptDraw Accounting Flowcharts solution. It includes contains a library of accounting flowchart symbols used when drawing the accounting process flow.Accounting Flowchart Symbols
Picture: Accounting Flowchart Symbols
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Picture: Value Stream Mapping Symbols
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Describing a workflow or approval process can take hours and be too complicated, especially since there are options to do it quickly and vividly. Diagrams called flowcharts replace long paragraphs of boring text and represent information in a graphic way. You can draw one on paper or you can use flowchart software to do it quickly and scalable. This kind of software is easy to use and you don’t need any special skills to start using it. In addition, there are a lot examples and predesigned templates on the Internet. Flowcharts are a best tool for staking out a huge and complex process into some small readable parts. Surely, flowcharts can be drawn manually but the use of standard symbols that make it clear for a wide audience makes a software tool preferred for this task. The core for a successful flowchart is its simplicity. That is why often before beginning making flowchart through software, people draw the sketch on a piece of paper. Designing an effective flowchart means the combination of the data needed to be shown and the simplicity with which you depict it.Flowchart Software
Picture: Flowchart Software
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