Using mind maps created by Mindjet MindManager for
Presentation via Skype to remote team
ConceptDraw MINDMAP
Capture What You Think, Do What You Plan
Yes, it is possible. Users of ConceptDraw MINDMAP can do that.
Thanks to Mind Map Exchange solution which provide lots of features for seamless importing and exporting documents of between ConceptDraw MINDMAP and MindJet Mindmanager.
Another great feature, at the end of presentation each participant of conference call have the copy of presentation document file. It saves in Presentation History folder. Later, its very easy to return back to presentation history and view it again or show for other team.

Pic. 1. Presentation via Skype
See also:
One formula of professional mind mapping.
How to use input and output features to prepare data for presentation:
- Video lessons for professional mindmapping
- Sample-1. Project Status report as mindmap presentation via Skype
- Sample-2. Solar System presentation via Skype, mindmap and data
How to make great presentation via Skype? it works with ConceptDraw MINDMAP?
See also Samples of mind maps:
- Mind Maps
- Mind Maps — Marketing
- Mind Maps — Idea Communication
- Mind Maps — Mind Map Exchange
Mind Maps — Presentation Exchange
TWO RELATED HOW TO's:Create a mind map from an existing MS PowerPoint presentation. This input gives you the capability to choose any.pptx file and convert it into a mind map.Picture: Presentation ExchangeRelated Solution:ConceptDraw MINDMAP an Alternative to MindJet MindManager - The power, economy, and versatility of ConceptDraw MINDMAP takes personnel and team productivity to another level. Discover today what this means to you.Picture: Why People Select ConceptDraw MINDMAPRelated Solution:ConceptDrawMINDMAP 16