The UML diagrams in this Solution are divided into three broad categories:
Structure Diagrams
Behavior Diagrams
Interaction Diagrams
The seven Structure Diagrams are the core components that must be present in any system being modeled. These include:
Composite Structure,
Profile diagrams.
To assign functionality, we have three Behavior Diagrams:
UML Activity,
UML State Machine,
Use Case diagrams.
The Interaction subgroup controls the flow of control and data, including diagrams for
Interaction Overview,
and Timing.
For UML experienced users, the diagrams and objects will be familiar; while the Rapid Draw interface offers an intuitive way to connect and shape your diagrams. The solution is designed to make your UML diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. In the coming months, there will be more solutions making use of the Rapid Draw functionality.
Video 1. How to create your UML Diagram
ConceptDraw have released an exciting UML solution, using our intuitive RapidDraw technology. This video will take you through all the available diagrams, with a brief description of what each is capable of. This new solution can be found and downloaded through your ConceptDraw STORE.
Pic.1. UML Diagram solution (Mac OS and Windows®)
The 13 diagrams contained in the Rapid UML Solution offer an essential framework for systems analysts and software architects to create the diagrams they need to model processes from the conceptual level on through to project completion. Thanks to the tools in this Solution, UML diagramming has never been faster or easier.
There are many ways to track the system in a critical situation. To model a system behavior, uml notation is widely used. Usually, an UML diagram consists of elements such as actor and a case.
This diagram represents the structure of UML notations. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used in software engineering to depict graphically the software modeling process. UM Language uses graphic notations for developing models of object-oriented systems. These notations displays requirements, sub-systems, logical and physical elements, etc. We created this diagram using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM reinforced with Rapid UML solution. It can be helpful for students on software engineering, when learning UML.
A flowchart is a simple but very functional tool when it comes to understanding a workflow or to removing unnecessary stages from a process. When drawing flowcharts, keep in mind that there are four common types of flowcharts, like document flowcharts and data flowcharts that show control over a data or document flow over a system. To show controls on a physical level, use system flowcharts. In addition, to show controls in a program, you can draw a program flowchart.
This flowchart diagram represents the piece of an article editing process, that involves the author and editor. It was created using the Basic Flowchart notation that consists from the basic flowchart symbols. The start and the end of the process are indicated with "Terminator" symbols. The "Process" symbols show the action steps consisting from making edits and searching for a compromise, when the author does not agree with the suggestions of the editor. The "Process" symbol is the general symbol in process flowcharts. The "Decision" symbol indicates a branching in the process flow. There are two branches indicated by a Decision shape in the current flowchart (Yes/No, Disagree/Agree). This basic flowchart can be used as a repeating unit in the workflow diagram describing the working process of some editorial office.
UML Object Diagram shows the structure of a modeled system at a specific time.
ConceptDraw has 393 vector stencils in the 13 libraries that helps you to start using software for designing your own UML Diagrams. You can use the appropriate stencils of UML notation from UML Object library.
While developing software, it is very important to have a visual model, because it helps to represent the logic and the architecture of an application. Experienced engineers use UML diagrams to denote relationships between classes and their instances. UML is a general language for a set of diagrams like deployment diagrams, object diagrams or use case diagrams.
This diagram represents UML class diagram used for a software system development using an object-oriented method. Class diagrams are categorized as static structure diagrams that depict the physical structure of a system. Class diagram divides a software system's structure into "classes". Classes are defined by the methods and variables of objects. UML Class diagram is used to depict relationships and source code dependencies between objects.
The UML diagram is a powerful tool which lets visually represent all system's components, the interactions between them and relationships with external user interface.
The Rapid UML solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software offers diversity of UML flowchart symbols for drawing all types of UML diagrams.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Business Process Diagram Solution from the Business Processes Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park with powerful tools to help you easy represent the business processes and create the business process diagrams based on BPMN 2.0 standard.
The Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM vector graphics and diagramming software with the ability to describe a database using the Entity-Relationship (Chen) model. Use it for design your ERDs and verify that ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers the best ERD diagrams software tools for design element Chen notation.
Picture: Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD - Software for Design Chen ER Diagrams
This sample shows the Use Case Diagram of parking lot control system. On this sample you can see use cases represented as ovals and three actors represented as figures of persons that employ these use cases. Associations between actors and use cases are shown as lines.
UML Diagram of Parking - This diagram can be used for understanding the process of working the car parking, at the projection and construction the parking by building companies and for automation the existing parkings.