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What Is a Picture Graph?

What is a Picture Graph? It's one of the most useful way which allows explain the information, statistical data in a visual form using the pictures.

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Picture Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area offers you the easiest way of Picture Graphs drawing.

What Is a Picture Graph?

Example 1. What is a Picture Graph?

Picture Graphs Solution from the Graphs and Charts area offers you the large collection of predesigned templates and samples, and library with ready-to-use vector objects that will help you design any desired Picture Graph.

How apply these tools? You have ability to create the new ConceptDraw document, drag the ready object from the Picture Graphs library and simply set your values to create a Picture Graph in minutes. If you want still more simplify your work - use the predesigned template or sample as is or quickly change it.

Picture Graph - Increse in subscibers on YouTube to anonymous videos

Example 2. Picture Graph — Increase in subscribers on YouTube to anonymous videos

This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Picture Graphs Solution and visually represents the increase in subscribers on YouTube to anonymous videos. This a very good example which excellently illustrates what is a Picture Graph. An experienced user spent 3 minutes creating this sample in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

All source documents are vector graphic documents. They are available for reviewing, modifying, or converting to a variety of formats (PDF file, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, and many other graphic formats) from the ConceptDraw STORE. The Picture Graphs Solution is available for all ConceptDraw DIAGRAM or later users.

Different organizations have different organizational structures. Matrix organization is one of the most popular and widely used type of organizational structure. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with 25 Typical Orgcharts solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park for fast and easy designing matrix organizational chart for your company.Matrix Organization *
Picture: Matrix Organization
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When thinking about data visualization, one of the first tools that comes to mind is a flowchart design. You can find flowchart symbols, shapes, stencils and icons easily on the Internet, but it might take time to systematize this information. Nevertheless, once you start flowcharting, you’ll love its simplicity and efficiency. This diagram consists from standard flowchart symbols, approved by ANSI (American National Standard Institute) for drawing flowcharts. A flowchart is a diagram that represents a step-by-step algorithm of any process, displaying the process stages as boxes that are connected with arrows. Flowchart design makes it clear and readable. Flowchart designed using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM flowchart software allows to make attractive and clear process presentation, it makes interpretation of the business process flow fresh and versatile. Great flowchart design view is a big advantage over the diagram created manually on a paper.Flowchart design
Picture: Flowchart design. Flowchart symbols, shapes, stencils and icons
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ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Flowcharts Solution from the "Diagrams" Area is a powerful software that will help you design the flowcharts for any business and technical processes, and software algorithms thanks to the predesigned flow chart symbols. Flowcharts solution offers 2 libraries with large collection of vector flow chart symbols: Flowchart Library, Flowcharts Rapid Draw Library that you can use to create your flowcharts quick and easy. Flowchart Solution is number of diagraming stencils including special set of flow chart symbols such as: terminator, process, decision which indicates a decision points between two or more paths in a flowchart, symbol of delay. Major symbols includes symbol of data, document or multiple documents, subroutine, preparation for processing of documents. Also includes symbols: display, manual input, manual loop, loop limit, stored data,connectors and suming junctions, sort and merge operations, symbols of database and internal storFlow Chart  Symbols
Picture: Flow Chart Symbols
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There are many tools to manage a process or to illustrate an algorithm or a workflow. Flowcharting is one of those tools. However, it may be difficult to show complex processes that require multiple attributes or several people in a simple flowchart, so a cross-functional flowchart would be a solution for that situation. To create such flowchart, group processes and steps to labeled rows or columns, and divide those groups with horizontal or vertical parallel lines. It is worth mentioning that there are different types of cross-functional flowcharts, like opportunity or deployment flowchart. This diagram shows a cross-functional flowchart that was made for a trading process. It contains 14 processes, distributed through 5 lines depicting the participants who interact with the process. Also there are connectors that show the data flow of information between processes. The cross-functional flowchart displays a detailed model of the trading process, as well as all participants in the process and how they interact with each other. The lines in the flowchart indicates the position, department and role of the trading process participants.Cross-Functional Flowchart
Picture: Cross-Functional Flowchart
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While creating flowcharts and process flow diagrams, you should use special objects to define different statements, so anyone aware of flowcharts can get your scheme right. There is a short and an extended list of basic flowchart symbols and their meaning. Basic flowchart symbols include terminator objects, rectangles for describing steps of a process, diamonds representing appearing conditions and questions and parallelograms to show incoming data. This diagram gives a general review of the standard symbols that are used when creating flowcharts and process flow diagrams. The practice of using a set of standard flowchart symbols was admitted in order to make flowcharts and other process flow diagrams created by any person properly understandable by other people. The flowchart symbols depict different kinds of actions and phases in a process. The sequence of the actions, and the relationships between them are shown by special lines and arrows. There are a large number of flowchart symbols. Which of them can be used in the particular diagram depends on its type. For instance, some symbols used in data flow diagrams usually are not used in the process flowcharts. Business process system use exactly these flowchart symbols.Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning
Picture: Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning
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Sample Pictorial Chart - Pictorial Infographics solution provides easy-to-use design infographics drawing tools, large collection of different sample infographics and infograms, sample pictorial chart and templates to be filled in, and 10 libraries with great quantity of predesigned vector pictograms. Use Pictorial Infographics solution to draw your own design pictorial infographics documents quick and easy.Sample Pictorial Chart. <br> Sample Infographics *
Picture: Sample Pictorial Chart. Sample Infographics
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You are probably familiar with diagrams. But have you ever thought that they are useless? This article will explain you why.Diagrams Mean Nothing *
Picture: Diagrams Mean Nothing
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A flowchart is a simple but very functional tool when it comes to understanding a workflow or to removing unnecessary stages from a process. When drawing flowcharts, keep in mind that there are four common types of flowcharts, like document flowcharts and data flowcharts that show control over a data or document flow over a system. To show controls on a physical level, use system flowcharts. In addition, to show controls in a program, you can draw a program flowchart. This flowchart diagram represents the piece of an article editing process, that involves the author and editor. It was created using the Basic Flowchart notation that consists from the basic flowchart symbols. The start and the end of the process are indicated with "Terminator" symbols. The "Process" symbols show the action steps consisting from making edits and searching for a compromise, when the author does not agree with the suggestions of the editor. The "Process" symbol is the general symbol in process flowcharts. The "Decision" symbol indicates a branching in the process flow. There are two branches indicated by a Decision shape in the current flowchart (Yes/No, Disagree/Agree). This basic flowchart can be used as a repeating unit in the workflow diagram describing the working process of some editorial office.Types of Flowcharts *
Picture: Types of Flowcharts
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A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic induction produces an electromotive force within a conductor which is exposed to time varying magnetic fields. Transformers are used to increase or decrease the alternating voltages in electric power applications. 26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.Electrical Symbols — Transformers and Windings *
Picture: Electrical Symbols — Transformers and Windings
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In your work activity you need regularly draw the line graphs? And each time you ask yourself a question "How to Draw a Line Graph easier and faster?". The desire to automate the line graphs drawing process led to the creation of Line Graphs solution from Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.How to Draw a Line Graph *
Picture: How to Draw a Line Graph
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