What is SWOT Analysis?
The SWOT analysis helps in matching the company resources and capabilities information of the competitive environment in which it operates. The ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and MINDMAP software allow professional to make well-designed SWOT matrix in minutes.
- Strengths: A firm's strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage.
- Weaknesses: The absence of certain strengths may be viewed as a weakness.
- Opportunities: The external environmental analysis may reveal certain new opportunities for profit and growth.
- Threats: Changes in the external environmental also may present threats to the firm.
Sample 1. SWOT analysis matrix diagram - instructional sample.
SWOT analysis (SWOT Matrix) is a structured planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. [SWOT analysis. Wikipedia]
See also:
Marketing — Matrices
- Marketing positioning matrix - Product positioning map
- Product-market matrix - Ansoff matrix
- BCG matrix - Boston growth-share matrix
- Feature comparison chart - Digital scouting cameras
- Marketing matrix diagram - Competitive strategies
- Marketing matrix diagram - Porters value chain
Marketing — Mind Maps
- Marketing mindmap - Marketing research project
- Marketing mind map - Strategic accomplishment mapping
- Twitter Compaign for New Software Product
- Marketing mind map - Sales Call
The Affinity Diagram shows the structure of large, complex factors that have an influence on a problem, and then divides them up into a smaller and simpler structure. The Affinity Diagram does not show a causal relationship between the factors. This diagram is designed to prepare the data for further analysis of the cause-effect relationships.
Picture: Affinity Diagram
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Any hierarchical structure of any company can be represented as a triangle or a pyramid. You can create a pyramid diagram and pyramid chart of any complexity using special libraries included in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Actually, any knowledge or chain of facts can also be depicted as a pyramid.
A wide range of graph and chart are utilized in marketing to maintain documentation and various visual issues, that deal with marketing information and data. The marketing value pyramid can be created to illustrate how the value of company, or product is based on its competitiveness. To design this diagram we used ConceptDraw DIAGRAM drawing tools in conjunction with Pyramid solution for Solution Park.
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Sometimes it’s quite useful to look on a problem from another view. To gain insight into an obstacle you should use SWOT analysis, and this will help you to see the whole situation. When composing a SWOT matrix, you divide your problem onto four elements - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and place them into matrix.
This sample SWOT analysis matrix of the athletic shoes producing company was designed on the base of template provided by ConceptDraw SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution. It delivers number of easy-to-use templates and samples of SWOT and TOWS matrices for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Applying one of these templates, enables to quickly find out Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. After creating a list managers can consider methods the business can use to amplify strengths and to decrease weaknesses; realize opportunities; and avoid threats.
Picture: SWOT Analysis
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