
House of quality 9 step - Template

This house of quality matrix template was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: House of quality 9 step.png. "An example of House of Quality including numbers (1-9) for easier relation between text and image." [commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:House_of_quality_9_step.png] "Product Design. Initially, information about customer requirements must be collected. Once done, these should be converted into qualitative properties in the form of design. A tool used to facilitate this is the House of Quality, which is based on a number of processes that generally follow the list below. 1. Customer characteristics 2. Priorities of customer characteristics (scale 1-5) 3. Technical characteristics 4. Relationships between customer and technical characteristics (1.3.9) 5. Competing products 6. Rating of products on the market by customer characteristics (scale 1-5) 7. Rating of products on the market by technical characteristics (scale 1-5) 8. Rating and comparison of measurable values ​​for product properties 9. The tool converts the information into measurable results Then a more precise requirement specification can be made. Where product requirements and technical characteristics are developed in detail." [sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_function_deployment] The HOQ template "House of quality 9 step" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
HOQ matrix
HOQ matrix, text block, right matrix, HOQ, bottom matrix, HOQ,