Critical Tasks
All project tasks are important, but only some of them are critical. A task that cannot be delayed without affecting the project end date is a critical task. In other words it is a task, which directly affects the project finish date and at the delay of its implementation the project's finish date will be postponed. Conversely, to move the project end date to an earlier date, you must reschedule the dates of tasks of critical path. During the life of a real project often happens that the critical path changes the time to time, because the tasks may be completed sooner or later than they were planned. A task stops to be critical when it is executed, since more it does not affect the execution of subsequent tasks and on the project finish date. The critical path lets easy to see the project was ended on time or not, and to determine the location of dangerous points on it. ConceptDraw Office applications and PM solutions offered by ConceptDraw Solution Park support the project managers and senior managers with perfect abilities of easy planning and managing projects, tracking the project statuses and critical tasks, with tools for creation Gantt Charts, depiction the critical path and easy generation wide range of project reports.HelpDesk
How to Use Critical Path Analysis for Scheduling Complex Projects
Critical Path Analysis helps you to identify the minimum length of time needed to complete a project. Where you need to run an accelerated project, it helps you to identify which project steps you should accelerate to complete the project within the available time.How to Discover Critical Path on a Gantt Chart
ConceptDraw PROJECT is the Gantt chart software that implements critical path method to provide the user with a wide set of project management tools.Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (abbr. PERT) is a method developed by Ministry of Defense of the USA in 1958 for the project of creation the missile system Polaris. PERT diagram is one of the tools for project management that lets greatly simplify the planning and scheduling of large and complex projects. PERT diagram provides evaluation of project run-time and labor forces, it helps to analyze the time necessary for execution each of project tasks and the whole project, and to calculate the project critical path. PERT chart depicts the set of tasks connected each other in order of their execution and is constructed according to one of definite rules - AOA (activity on arrow) or AON (activity on node). It doesn't give you ready concrete decisions, but helps to find them. Design easy the PERT diagrams in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software enhanced with Seven Management and Planning Tools solution from Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. You have a possibility to build the PERT chart of any type, but AON variant is easier for building and perception.Critical Path Method in ConceptDraw PROJECT
The Critical Path Method (CPM) is an algorithm for scheduling a set of project activities. It is an important tool for effective project management. ConceptDraw PROJECT implements this method to provide the user with a wide set of project management tools.HelpDesk
How To Show Critical Path in ConceptDraw PROJECT Server
The critical path in project management means the picked tasks that influence the start and finish date of a project. Changing date of these selected tasks leads to change of the finish date for the entire project. ConceptDraw PROJECT Server offers a set of tools to track your project tasks, including the possibility to highlight the critical path. Thus you can view, how much a date shift in one task will influence on your project date.HelpDesk
What Information to be Displayed in the ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt Chart View
What information can contain the project task list? Gantt Chart view is a graphical representation of a project outline that allows one to allocate tasks. You can customize a project’s tasks list view to include the columns you need to meet your information requirements. The columns of the ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt view contain the information you want to capture about each task in your project. The following article details what information can be contained in the columns of a project outline:<HelpDesk
How to Generate Tabular Reports in ConceptDraw PROJECT for macOS
Project reporting is one of the key functions of effective project management. Using regular project reports, project manager can constantly track and analyze the project’s execution. This analytic process can help to ensure that the team reaches the best possible solutions. ConceptDraw PROJECT is a professional software tool for project management with the advanced mechanism of reporting. You can create the set of regular reports on project activities, task statuses, cash flow and assignments in MS Excel format. Mind map reports are also available.Two Weeks Task Check List
The time management is a critical process for the success of any project, which requires the powerful software tools for its effective implementation. The ConceptDraw Solution Park offers a lot of solutions for realization of absolutely different tasks. In particular, the PM Personal Time Management solution helps each project participant to track effectively time frame, workspace and functions in a project with help of to-do lists, micro reports, calendars, etc. The PM Personal Time Management solution perfectly suits for collaborative work, for keeping everyone informed about the tasks that need to be done and in which time, it is ideal for creation the project check list, personal calendar, personal to-do list and personal assignment list. Thanks to this the project participants stay always informed about the calendars and future tasks for themselves and colleagues. ConceptDraw Office applications are equally helpful for creation the entire project checklist or partial project checklist for the upcoming month, or week, or two weeks, such as on the presented Two Weeks Task Check List diagram. ConceptDraw Office applications also contribute to easy communication the project participants via e-mail.How to Create Gantt Chart
To begin managing a new project, you will need to define the individual Tasks that must be completed to deliver it. The default view for a new project in ConceptDraw PROJECT is the Gantt Chart.- Project — Working With Tasks | How to Use Critical Path Analysis for ...
- How to Use Critical Path Analysis for Scheduling Complex Projects ...
- How To Find The Critical Path
- How To Create a PERT Chart | How to Use Critical Path Analysis for ...
- Project — Working With Tasks | Project — Task Trees and ...
- How to Add a Color Marker to Project Task on the Gantt Chart ...
- Construction Project Chart Examples | Project — Task Trees and ...
- Product Overview | Pert Cpm Diagram Sample For Application
- PERT chart - Project management plan | Project — Working With ...
- How to Use Critical Path Analysis for Scheduling Complex Projects ...