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segmented cycle diagram, marketing diagrams, circular arrows diagrams Circular Arrows Diagrams

segmented cycle diagram, marketing diagrams, circular arrows diagrams
Circular Arrows Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v10 with extensive drawing tools, predesigned samples, Circular flow diagram template for quick start, and a library of ready circular arrow vector stencils for drawing Circular Arrow Diagrams, Segmented Cycle Diagrams, and Circular Flow Diagrams. The elements in this solution help managers, analysts, business advisers, marketing experts, scientists, lecturers, and other knowledge workers in their daily work.

How to Draw a Circular Arrows Diagram Using ConceptDraw PRO

The cyclic recurrence is a fundamental property of multiple systems. The cycle is a process which consists from elements (phases, stages, stages) following each other. Many processes in astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc. have a cycle properties. It is also widely used in information technologies and marketing analysis. Graphical representation of cyclic processes can have many forms. It can be a circle, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse and others. A Circular Arrows Diagram is used as one of the statistical charts in the business, mass media and marketing. ConceptDraw PRO provides its users tools for making easy drawing Circular Arrows Diagrams.

segmented cycle diagrams, basic circular arrows diagrams, circular flow Basic Circular Arrows Diagrams

segmented cycle diagrams, basic circular arrows diagrams, circular flow
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v10 (or later) with samples, templates, and a library of vector stencils for drawing circular arrow diagrams.

Process Flowchart

ConceptDraw is Professional business process mapping software for making process flow diagram, workflow diagram, general flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents. It is includes rich examples, templates, process flowchart symbols. ConceptDraw flowchart maker allows you to easier create a process flowchart. Use a variety of drawing tools, smart connectors, flowchart symbols and shape libraries to create flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange.
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)

ConceptDraw Solution Park ConceptDraw Solution Park

ConceptDraw Solution Park
ConceptDraw Solution Park collects graphic extensions, examples and learning materials
The vector stencils library "Circular diagrams" contains 42 templates of circular diagrams: circular arrow diagram, circular motion diagram, arrow ring chart, doughnut chart (donut chart), circle pie chart, diamond pie chart, circle diagram, pie chart, ring chart, loop diagram, block loop diagram, arrow loop circle, crystal diagram, triangular diagram, diamond diagram, pentagon diagram, hexagon diagram, heptagon diagram, cycle diagram (cycle chart), stacked Venn diagram (onion diagram), arrow circle diagram.
Use these shapes to illustrate your marketing and sales documents, presentations, webpages and infographics in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Target and Circular Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ marketing-target-and-circular-diagrams
Circular arrow diagram 1
Circular arrow diagram 1, circular arrow diagram, circular motion diagram,
Circular arrow diagram 2
Circular arrow diagram 2, circular arrow diagram, circular motion diagram,
Arrow ring chart
Arrow ring chart, circular arrow diagram, circular motion diagram,
Doughnut chart
Doughnut chart, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Diamond pie chart
Diamond pie chart, diamond pie chart, circular diagram,
Pie chart
Pie chart, pie chart,
Circle diagram
Circle diagram, circle diagram, circular diagram,
Circle pie chart 2
Circle pie chart 2, circle pie chart, circular diagram, marketing mix diagram,
Circle pie chart 1
Circle pie chart 1, circle pie chart, circular diagram, marketing mix diagram,
Ring chart 1 - 3 elements
Ring chart 1 - 3 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 1 - 4 elements
Ring chart 1 - 4 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 1 - 5 elements
Ring chart 1 - 5 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 1 - 6 elements
Ring chart 1 - 6 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 1 - 7 elements
Ring chart 1 - 7 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 2 - 3 elements
Ring chart 2 - 3 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 2 - 4 elements
Ring chart 2 - 4 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 2 - 5 elements
Ring chart 2 - 5 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 2 - 6 elements
Ring chart 2 - 6 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Ring chart 2 - 7 elements
Ring chart 2 - 7 elements, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
Crystal diagram - 3 elements
Crystal diagram - 3 elements, crystal diagram, triangular diagram,
Crystal diagram - 4 elements
Crystal diagram - 4 elements, crystal diagram, diamond diagram,
Crystal diagram - 5 elements
Crystal diagram - 5 elements, crystal diagram, pentagon diagram,
Crystal diagram - 6 elements
Crystal diagram - 6 elements, crystal diagram, hexagon diagram,
Crystal diagram - 7 elements
Crystal diagram - 7 elements, crystal diagram, heptagon diagram,
Stacked Venn diagram - 4
Stacked Venn diagram - 4, stacked Venn diagram, onion diagram,
Stacked Venn diagram - 5
Stacked Venn diagram - 5, stacked Venn diagram, onion diagram,
Stacked Venn diagram - 6
Stacked Venn diagram - 6, stacked Venn diagram, onion diagram,
Stacked Venn diagram - 7
Stacked Venn diagram - 7, stacked Venn diagram, onion diagram,
Basic loop diagram
Basic loop diagram, basic loop diagram,
Block loop diagram
Block loop diagram, block loop diagram,
Arrow loop circle
Arrow loop circle, arrow loop circle,
Arrow loop - 3 circles
Arrow loop - 3 circles, arrow loop diagram,
Arrow loop - 4 circles
Arrow loop - 4 circles, arrow loop diagram,
Arrow loop - 5 circles
Arrow loop - 5 circles, arrow loop diagram,
Arrow loop - 6 circles
Arrow loop - 6 circles, arrow loop diagram,
Arrow loop - 7 circles
Arrow loop - 7 circles, arrow loop diagram,
Arrow circle diagram - 3
Arrow circle diagram - 3, arrow circle diagram,
Arrow circle diagram - 4
Arrow circle diagram - 4, arrow circle diagram,
Stacked Venn diagram - 3
Stacked Venn diagram - 3, stacked Venn diagram, onion diagram,
Arrow circle diagram - 5
Arrow circle diagram - 5, arrow circle diagram,
Arrow circle diagram - 6
Arrow circle diagram - 6, arrow circle diagram,
Arrow circle diagram - 7
Arrow circle diagram - 7, arrow circle diagram,

business processes, business management, plan projects Business Package for Management

business processes, business management, plan projects
Package intended for professional who designing and documenting business processes, preparing business reports, plan projects and manage projects, manage organizational changes, prepare operational instructions, supervising specific department of an organization, workout customer service processes and prepare trainings for customer service personal, carry out a variety of duties to organize business workflow.

Sales Process Flowchart Symbols

The most easier way of creating the visually engaging and informative Sales Process Flowchart is to create the new ConceptDraw document and to use the predesigned vector symbols offered in 6 libraries of the Sales Flowchart Solution. There are more than six types of sales process flow diagrams, ConceptDraw PRO software is flowchart maker which include six collections of extended flowchart symbols for effective diagramming. There are main collections of color coded flowchart symbols: Sales Department, Sales Steps, Sales Workflow, Sales Symbols and special set of Sales Arrows and Sales Flowchart.

DFD Library — Design elements

Three DFD libraries, 49 vector shapes. Use these DFD symbol libraries to design the process-oriented models, data-oriented models, data flowcharts, data process diagrams, structured analysis diagrams, and information flow diagrams.

scrum, agile methodology, scrum methodology, scrum board Scrum Workflow

scrum, agile methodology, scrum methodology, scrum board
The Scrum Workflow Solution extends the capabilities of ConceptDraw PRO 10 with a large collection of professionally-designed samples and a selection of ready-to-use scrum design elements: scrum diagrams and arrows, scrum icons of people, artifacts, workflow, workspace and other colorful scrum clipart, and also scrum charts.

IDEF0 standard with ConceptDraw PRO

The activity of any organization is more or less branchy network of processes. The description of these processes is a hard technical task which requires definite methodology and standards.
According to the IDEF0 standard any process can be described in the form of a block (Activity Box) which has inputs and outputs. The process consists in transformation of inputs into outputs under the influence of the management and in the presence of necessary resources. Outputs of the given process later on can be either inputs for the next process or resources, or management means.

business process flow diagram, business process optimization, business process workflow diagram Business Process Workflow Diagrams

business process flow diagram, business process optimization, business process workflow diagram
The Business Process Workflow Diagrams solution enhances the ConceptDraw PRO v10 functionality with predesigned examples, samples and a numerous collection of predesigned vector objects of workflow chart elements, icons, arrows, connectors, and varied wor


What is Scrum? Scrum is the famous agile software development methodology which depicts an iterative and incremental approach for the work on the complex projects. Use ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with SCRUM Workflow solution to draw various types of professional-looking Scrum Charts, Scrum Workflow Diagrams, Scrum Mind Maps, Scrum boards and attractive Scrum Infographics.

target diagram, circular diagram, circle diagram Target and Circular Diagrams

target diagram, circular diagram, circle diagram
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates and library of design elements for drawing the Target and Circular Diagrams.

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an excellent alternative to waterfall and traditional sequential development. ConceptDraw PRO software extended with SCRUM Workflow solution is ideal for quick and easy designing various diagrams, charts, mind maps and schematics illustrating software development using Agile methodologies, and in particular Scrum methodology.