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Relationships Analysis

Relationships Analysis. Relations Diagram - factors analysis, factors relations. Create Relations Diagram with ConceptDraw PRO.
The Seven Management and Planning Tools is a tool for Interaction diagram drawing. This diagram identifies causal relationships. Determine what factors are causes and which factors are effects. Interaction diagram helps establish KPIs to monitor changes and the effectiveness of corrective actions in resolving the problem.


Risk Diagram (PDPC) - ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for Risks Diagram making. This diagram identifies possible risks in accomplishing corrective actions. With the Risks Diagram, one analyzes each action separately in a tree of all actions and develops a preventive action in response of each potential obstacles or circumstances which may be a risk.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

Think and act effectively

Many people who use mind mapping software for personal organizing find ConceptDraw MINDMAP sufficiently useful mind mapping tool in their business and daily life. Especially many positive responses receive ConceptDraw MINDMAP as cross platform tool to mind maps for Macintosh and Windows.