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The vector stencils library "Android product icons" contains 50 application icons.
Use it to design user interface of your Android software application.
The app icons example "Design elements - Android product icons" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Android application icons
Android application icons, YouTube icon, Translate icon, Slides icon, Sheets icon, Settings icon, Play Store icon, Play Store Alt icon, Play Movies icon, Play Games icon, Play Books icon, Photos icon, Phone icon, Newsstand icon, News And Weather icon, Movie Studio icon, Messenger icon, Market Unlocker icon, Maps icon, Keep icon, Home icon, Headphones Play Music icon, Headphones Apollo icon, Hangouts icon, Google plus icon, Google+ icon, Google icon , Google Settings icon, Gmail icon, Fit icon, Equalizer icon, Email icon, Earth icon, Drive icon, Drawer icon, Downloads icon, Docs icon, Dictionary icon, Contacts icon, Clock icon, Chrome icon, Chrome Beta icon, Camera icon, Camera Nexus icon, Camera Next icon, Camera Moto icon, Calendar icon, Calculator icon, Browser icon, Blogger icon, Aptoide icon,

android ui design, android gui, android ui design tool, android user interface Android User Interface‏

android ui design, android gui, android ui design tool, android user interface
The Android User Interface solution allows ConceptDraw PRO act as an Android UI design tool. Libraries and templates contain a variety of Android GUI elements to help users create images based on Android UI design.

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The vector stencils library "Android system icons - communication" contains 38 communication pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (communication)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Communication system icons
Communication system icons, vpn key icon, voicemail icon, textsms icon, swap calls icon, stay primary portrait icon, stay primary landscape icon, stay current portrait icon, stay current landscape icon, ring volume icon, quick contacts mail icon, quick contacts dialer icon, portable wifi off icon, phone icon, no sim icon, messenger icon, message icon, location on icon, location off icon, live help icon, invert colors on icon, invert colors off icon, import export icon, forum icon, email icon, dnd on icon, dialpad icon, dialer sip icon, contacts icon, comment icon, clear all icon, chat icon, call split icon, call received icon, call missed icon, call made icon, call icon, call end icon, business icon,

Android User Interface

Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google. One of the most important features of any Android app is, of course, its Android User Interface. It is all what the user sees on the screen of its device and interacts with. Creating of successful Android User Interface and developing Android UI prototypes may be the mighty task. But we recommend you to make it fast and easy in ConceptDraw PRO specially extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area.

Android GUI

Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel and developed by Google for smartphones, tablet computers, electronic books, netbooks, smartbooks, digital players, watches, game consoles, TV and other devices. ConceptDraw PRO extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area is a powerful software with extensive drawing tools which can help you to build the intelligible, attractive and easy for perception Android GUI for your application.
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - AV" contains 50 audio video pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (av)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Audio video system icons
Audio video system icons, web icon, volume up icon, volume off icon, volume mute icon, volume down icon, videocam off icon, videocam icon, video collection icon, surround sound icon, subtitles icon, stop icon, snooze icon, skip previous icon, skip next icon, shuffle icon, replay icon, repeat one icon, repeat icon, recent actors icon, radio icon, queue music icon, queue icon, playlist add icon, play shopping bag icon, play circle outline icon, play circle fill icon, play arrow icon, pause icon, pause circle outline icon, pause circle fill icon, not interested icon, new releases icon, my library music icon, my library books icon, my library add icon, movie icon, mic off icon, mic none icon, mic icon, loop icon, high quality icon, hearing icon, games icon, fast rewind icon, fast forward icon, explicit icon, equalizer icon, closed caption icon, av timer icon, album icon,
Used Solutions
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - notification" contains 34 system icons of notifications.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (notification)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android 5 UI" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
System icons of notifications
System icons of notifications, vpn lock icon, voice chat icon, vibration icon, time to leave icon, tap and play icon, system update icon, sync problem icon, sync icon, sync disabled icon, sms icon, sms failed icon, sim card alert icon, sd card icon, play install icon, play download icon, phone paused icon, phone missed icon, phone locked icon, phone in talk icon, phone forwarded icon, phone bluetooth speaker icon, network locked icon, more icon, folder special icon, event note icon, event busy icon, event available icon, drive eta icon, do not disturb icon, dnd forward slash icon, disc full icon, bluetooth audio icon, adb icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - toggle" contains 7 toggle pictograms: check boxes, radio buttons, stars.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (toggle)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Toggle system icons
Toggle system icons, star outline icon, star icon, star half icon, radio button on icon, radio button off icon, check box outline blank icon, check box icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - navigation" contains 21 navigation symbols and pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (navigation)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Navigation system icons
Navigation system icons, unfold more icon, unfold less icon, refresh icon, more vert icon, more horizontally icon, menu icon, fullscreen icon, fullscreen exit icon, expand more icon, expand less icon, close icon, chevron right icon, chevron left icon, check icon, cancel icon, arrow forward icon, arrow drop up icon, arrow drop down icon, arrow drop down circle icon, arrow back icon, apps icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - image" contains 137 system icons of image processing.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (image)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android 5 UI" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
System icons of image processing
System icons of image processing, wb sunny icon, wb irradescent icon, wb incandescent icon, wb cloudy icon, wb auto icon, tune icon, transform icon, tonality icon, timer off icon, timer icon, timer auto icon, timer 3 icon, timer 10 icon, timelapse icon, texture icon, tag faces icon, switch video icon, switch camera icon, style icon, straighten icon, slideshow icon, rotate right icon, rotate left icon, remove red eye icon, portrait icon, photo library icon, photo icon, photo camera icon, photo album icon, panorama wide angle icon, panorama vertical icon, panorama icon, panorama horizontal icon, panorama fisheye icon, palette icon, navigate next icon, navigate before icon, nature people icon, nature icon, movie creation icon, loupe icon, looks two icon, looks 2 icon, looks one icon, looks 1 icon, looks icon, looks 6 icon, looks 5 icon, looks 4 icon, looks 3 icon, lens icon, leak remove icon, leak add icon, landscape icon, iso icon, image icon, image aspect ratio icon, healing icon, hdr weak icon, hdr strong icon, hdr on icon, hdr off icon, grid on icon, grid off icon, grain icon, gradient icon, flip icon, flash on icon, flash off icon, flash auto icon, flare icon, filter vintage icon, filter tilt shift icon, filter none icon, filter icon, filter hdr icon, filter frames icon, filter drama icon, filter center focus icon, filter b and w icon, filter 9 plus icon, filter 9 icon, filter 8 icon, filter 7 icon, filter 6 icon, filter 5 icon, filter 4 icon, filter 3 icon, filter 2 icon, filter 1 icon, exposure zero icon, exposure plus 2 icon, exposure plus 1 icon, exposure minus 2 icon, exposure minus 1 icon, exposure icon, edit icon, details icon, dehaze icon, crop square icon, crop portrait icon, crop original icon, crop landscape icon, crop icon, crop free icon, crop din icon, crop 7 5 icon, crop 5 4 icon, crop 3 2 icon, crop 16 9 icon, control point icon, control point duplicate icon, compare icon, colorize icon, color lens icon, collections icon, center focus weak icon, center focus strong icon, camera roll icon, camera rear icon, camera icon, camera front icon, camera alt icon, brush icon, brightness 7 icon, brightness 6 icon, brightness 5 icon, brightness 4 icon, brightness 3 icon, brightness 2 icon, brightness 1 icon, blur on icon, blur off icon, blur linear icon, blur circular icon, audiotrack icon, assistant photo icon, adjust icon, add to photos icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - content" contains 34 content pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (content)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Content system icons
Content system icons, undo icon, text format icon, sort icon, send icon, select all icon, save icon, report icon, reply icon, reply all icon, remove icon, remove circle outline icon, remove circle icon, redo icon, markunread icon, mail icon, link icon, inbox icon, gesture icon, forward icon, flag icon, filter list icon, drafts icon, create icon, content paste icon, content cut icon, content copy icon, clear icon, block icon, backspace icon, archive icon, add icon, add circle outline icon, add circle icon, add box icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - editor" contains 52 editor pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (editor)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Editor system icons
Editor system icons, wrap text icon, vertical align top icon, vertical align center icon, vertical align bottom icon, publish icon, mode edit icon, mode comment  icon, merge type icon, insert photo icon, insert link icon, insert invitation icon, insert emoticon icon, insert drive file icon, insert comment icon, insert chart icon, functions icon, format underline icon, format textdirection r to l icon, format textdirection l to r icon, format strikethrough icon, format size icon, format quote icon, format paint icon, format list numbered icon, format list bulleted icon, format line spacing icon, format italic icon, format indent increase icon, format indent decrease icon, format color text icon, format color reset icon, format color fill icon, format clear icon, format bold icon, format align right icon, format align left icon, format align justify icon, format align center icon, border vertical icon, border top icon, border style icon, border right icon, border outer icon, border left icon, border inner icon, border horizontal icon, border color icon, border clear icon, border bottom icon, border all icon, attach money icon, attach file icon,