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The vector stencils library "Android UI" contains 28 UI elements: screen, status bar, app bar, divider, navigation bar, page control, tab, search bar, flexible space, keyboard, cursor tooltip, touch UI tooltip, index scroller, Google Nexus 6 smartphone, Google Nexus 9 tablet.
Use it to design user interface of your Android 5 application.
The shapes example "Design elements - Android UI" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
User interface elements
User interface elements, ui element shadow, touch ui tooltip, tab bar, search bar, status bar, signal wifi statusbar 3 bar, status bar icon, signal cellular 2 bar, scrollbar, screen, page control, navigation bar, app bar, navigation bar, menu icon, keyboard, index scroller, scrollbar, index scroller notification, flexible space, divider, cursor tooltip, keyboard tooltip, battery, backspace, app bar, Nexus 9, Nexus 6,

android ui design, android gui, android ui design tool, android user interface Android User Interface‏

android ui design, android gui, android ui design tool, android user interface
The Android User Interface solution allows ConceptDraw DIAGRAM act as an Android UI design tool. Libraries and templates contain a variety of Android GUI elements to help users create images based on Android UI design.

Android UI Design

The Android operating system is one of the most popular platforms today. It was developed and now used on smartphones, tablets, netbooks, smartbooks, and many other electronic devices, and combines the reliability, flexibility and ease of use.
So, millions of people face daily with Android operating system on their devices, and thus one of important things for the developers of Android applications is developing of convenient and attractive Android UI design. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area will help you in this.
The vector stencils library "Android dialogs" contains 20 dialog elements.
Use it to design user interface of your software applications for Android OS with ConceptDraw PRO software.
The shapes example "Design elements - Android dialogs" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Dialog elements
Dialog elements, list item, full-screen dialog app bar, dialog, alert, dialog title text, dialog field, dialog content text, dialog, desktop dialog, close icon, action button, Android dialog, simple dialog, Android dialog,

Android GUI

Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel and developed by Google for smartphones, tablet computers, electronic books, netbooks, smartbooks, digital players, watches, game consoles, TV and other devices.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area is a powerful software with extensive drawing tools which can help you to build the intelligible, attractive and easy for perception Android GUI for your application.

graphical user interface, UI patterns, GUI interface iPhone User Interface

graphical user interface, UI patterns, GUI interface
iPhone User Interface solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and libraries with large quantity of vector stencils of graphical user interface elements, Apps icons, UI patterns for designing and prototyping of the iOS applic

Android User Interface

Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google.
One of the most important features of any Android app is, of course, its Android User Interface. It is all what the user sees on the screen of its device and interacts with. Creating of successful Android User Interface and developing Android UI prototypes may be the mighty task. But we recommend you to make it fast and easy in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM specially extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area.
This Android 7 user interface sample shows Material Design full-screen dialog.
"Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.
Dialogs contain text and UI controls. They retain focus until dismissed or a required action has been taken. Use dialogs sparingly because they are interruptive. ...
Dialogs should never be obscured, either by other elements or the screen edge. Dialogs always retain focus until dismissed or a required action has been taken. ...
Full-screen dialogs are best suited to complex tasks, or require an input method editor, as they group a series of tasks together before they can be saved." [ guidelines/ components/ dialogs.html]
The Android 7 UI design example "Full-screen dialog" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Full-screen dialog
Full-screen dialog, text field, floating label, text field, navigation bar, list item, inline menu icon, full-width text field, full-screen dialog app bar, flat button, drawing shapes, dimmed background, date picker, checkbox outline, Nexus 6,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - communication" contains 50 communication pictograms.
Use it to design user interface of your software applications for Android OS with ConceptDraw PRO software.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (communication)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Communication system icons
Communication system icons, vpn key icon, voicemail icon, textsms icon, swap calls icon, stop screen share icon, stay primary portrait icon, stay primary landscape icon, stay current portrait icon, stay current landscape icon, speaker phone icon, screen share icon, rss feed icon, ring volume icon, present to all icon, portable wifi off icon, phonelink setup icon, phonelink ring icon, phonelink lock icon, phonelink erase icon, phone icon, no sim icon, message icon, mail outline icon, location on icon, location off icon, live help icon, invert colors off icon, import export icon, import contacts icon, forum icon, email icon, dialpad icon, dialer sip icon, contacts icon, contact phone icon, contact mail icon, comment icon, clear all icon, chat icon, chat bubble outline icon, chat bubble icon, call split icon, call received icon, call missed outgoing icon, call missed icon, call merge icon, call made icon, call icon, call end icon, business icon,

wireframe tools, wireframing, wire frame, website wireframe, interface design, wireframe examples Website Wireframe

wireframe tools, wireframing, wire frame, website wireframe, interface design, wireframe examples
The innovative Website Wireframe solution enhances the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM functionality with newest wireframe tools, libraries with variety of predesigned icons, symbols, buttons, graphics, forms, boxes, and many other vector elements, templates and professionally designed samples, which make it the best wireframing software. Website Wireframe solution gives you significant advantages when designing and maintaining websites, creating skeletal and content-free depictions of website structure, making website prototypes and planning the content arrangement before committing to design, also speeds up the processes of sketching, producing and sharing wireframe examples of website style and interface design.