SWOT Analysis
The success of the company depends on how successfully it is able to react on different outside influences. When analyzing the external situation, it is necessary to identify the factors most significant on a specified period of time. An interrelated consideration of these factors with the company's possibilities allows to solve effectively appearing problems. One of the most common methods of assessment together internal and external factors influencing the company's development is a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis (acronym composed of the first letters of the words: strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) is one of the most common and effective types of analysis in marketing and marketing researches. It allows to identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise, as well as potential opportunities and threats of the market, to make conclusion in which direction a given organization needs to develop its business and to formulate the organization's strategy. Use the ConceptDraw MINDMAP software and offered SWOT analysis templates for easy holding SWOT analysis for your company. This Mind Map displays the SWOT analysis for a company and variety of performance measures that influence its work.HelpDesk
How to Make SWOT Analysis in a Word Document
A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps to identify and compare strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats to make a decision and create an action plan. When performing a SWOT analysis, one can create a table split up into four columns so as to list each impacting element side-by-side for comparison, but typically it is conducted using a four-square SWOT analysis template. Using mind map allows you to collect and structure a piece of information involved in SWOT Analysis then, you can export your SWOT mind map into an MS Word document that allows you to present and collaborate your business strategic SWOT analysis matrix in MS Word document.Flowchart design. Flowchart symbols, shapes, stencils and icons
A flowchart is a type of diagram which represents an algorithm, process or workflow, displays the steps as boxes of various kinds and depicts their order by connecting them with arrows. Any business graphic document will be more colorful and understandable if will use professional-looking and visual diagrams and flowcharts. Flowchart design gives versatile presenting and explaining of the process. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM flowchart software enhanced with Flowcharts solution helps effectively make Flowchart Design. Use of predesigned flowchart symbols and bright color palette offers a fresh view and favorably distinguishes the flowcharts designed in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM from the black and white flowcharts on a paper. Preferably to use no more than three or four colors and apply identical for the same shape types. The best flowchart design can be achieved by starting with Flowchart template, or any of suitable ready examples or samples offered in ConceptDraw STORE, open one of them and enter the proper text into each Flowchart shape. Each symbol of the flowchart has a definition that can't be changed. This means that all flowcharts shapes can be grouped in according to their meaning. Users with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM flowchart software can style groups of symbols with close definitions by color sets chosen from complementary palette. Almost all workflows can be depicted as a flowchart. Colored diagrams are more light for perception of the certain information, this is part of flowchart design. Bright colors need to be used in the key points of Decision symbols, to focus attention on their importance for whole process flow.
How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation from a SWOT Matrix
You can use SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation to represent strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats involved in your SWOT matrix. We recommend using ConceptDraw MINDMAP for identifying and structuring factors employed in SWOT Analysis. Then, you can export the SWOT Matrix to PowerPoint slides.HelpDesk
How to Create a Fishbone (Ishikawa) Diagram Quickly
A Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram is also called cause-and-effect diagram. Fishbone diagram is often used in business to determine the cause of some problem. The diagram illustrates the main causes and sub-causes leading to an event. The main goal of the Fishbone diagram is to illustrate in a graphical way the relationship between a given outcome and all the factors that influence this outcome. The complete diagram resembles a fish skeleton as its name implies. The ability to create a Fishbone Diagram is supported by the Fishbone Diagram solution. Use ConceptDraw MINDMAP for structuring data and then ConceptDraw DIAGRAM for generating a Fishbone Diagram from mind map structure.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with features, templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing SWOT and TOWS analysis matrices and mind maps.
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a visual presentation of entities and relationships. That type of diagrams is often used in the semi-structured or unstructured data in databases and information systems. At first glance ERD is similar to a flowch
Business Processes description with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Business Processes description with ConceptDraw. Business-processes it allows to describe functional blocks, for example production and marketing. ConceptDraw lets creation of business processes description using IDEF0 and IDEF2 methods.HelpDesk
How to Create a SWOT Matrix Quickly
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allow create SWOT Matrix in just one click for presenting analysis results preformed in mimd map structure using ConceptDraw MINDMAP.
Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the Ishikawa diagrams for cause and effect analysis.
SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams
SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with features, templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing SWOT and TOWS analysis matrices and mind maps.
Software Work Flow Process in Project Management with Diagram
This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Workflow Diagrams Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.This sample shows the Workflow Diagram that clearly illustrates stages a BPM consists of and relations between all parts of business. The Workflow Diagrams are used to represent the transferring of data during the work process, to study and analysis the working processes, and to optimize a workflow.
How to Draw a Line Chart Quickly
A common line chart is a graphical representation of the functional relationship between two series of data. A line chart that is created by connecting a series of data points together with a straight line is the most basic type of a line chart. A line chart can be used for depicting data that changes continuously over time. It is extensively utilized in statistics, marketing, and financial business. ConceptDraw Basic Line Graph solution provides the possibility to make 2D line charts quickly and effortlessly.Optimize a Workflow
The first step to optimize a workflow is to get its visual depiction. Then you can analyse and optimize the workflow making changes to your workflow diagram. We recommend to use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with the Workflow Diagram solution to visualize and optimize your workflow. It allows you produce easy-to-change scalable vector graphic workflow and then present it to your team or partners.- SWOT | SWOT Analysis | Orgchart | Data Collection Of Partnership ...
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