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How to Add a Bubble Diagram to PowerPoint Presentation

Bubble diagrams can be used to compare concepts, and identify areas of similarity and difference. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to make a MS PowerPoint Presentation from your charts in a few simple steps.

How to Create a Bubble Diagram

Bubble Diagram is a simple chart that consists of circles (bubbles) repesening certain topics or processes. Bubbles are connected by lines depicting the type of relationships between the bubbles. The size of each bubble is depended on the importance of the entity it represents. Bubble charts are widely used throughout social, economical, medical, and other scientific researches as well as throughout architecture and business management. Bubble charts are often used during the early stages of product development to visualize thoughts and ideas for the purpose of sketching out a development plan. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to draw a bubble diagrams using the Bubble Diagrams solution.

How to Add a Bubble Diagram to MS Word

A bubble chart is a diagram in which the data points are replaced with bubbles, and the size of the bubbles represents some additional dimension of the data. A bubble chart does not have the axis. A bubble chart can be used instead of a scatter diagram if the data has three dimensions, each of that containing the set of values. The sizes of the bubbles are determined by the values in the third dimension. Any additional information about the entities beyond their three primary dimensions can be depicted by rendering bubbles in colors and patterns that are selected in a certain way. The legend containing the further information can be added to a bubble diagram. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to easily create various business management and marketing charts, including bubble diagrams and then add them to a MS Word document.

Bubble Chart Maker

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Bubble Diagrams Solution from the "Diagrams" Area is a powerful Bubble Chart Maker.

How To Create Visio Bubble Chart

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to easily create business charts and diagrams of any complexity, including the bubbles diagram and then make a MS Visio file from your diagram in a few simple steps.

Bubble Chart

How to design a Bubble Chart? It’s very easy! All that you need is a powerful software. Never before creation of a Bubble Chart wasn’t so easy as now with tools of Bubble Diagrams Solution from the "Diagrams" Area for ConceptDraw Solution Park.

bubble diagram, circle-spoke diagram, marketing diagrams, circular arrows diagrams, segmented cycle diagram, Venn diagram, draw logical relations Business Diagrams

bubble diagram, circle-spoke diagram, marketing diagrams, circular arrows diagrams, segmented cycle diagram, Venn diagram, draw logical relations
The Business Diagrams Solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with an extensive collection of professionally designed illustrative samples and a wide variety of vector stencils libraries, which are the real help for all business-related people, business analysts, business managers, business advisers, marketing experts, PR managers, knowledge workers, scientists, and other stakeholders allowing them to design the bright, neat, expressive and attractive Bubble Diagrams, Circle-Spoke Diagrams, Circular Arrows Diagrams, and Venn Diagrams with different quantity of sets in just minutes; and then successfully use them in documents, reports, statistical summaries, and presentations of any style.

Interior Design. Site Plan — Design Elements

Site plans are large scale drawings that illustrate a lot of useful information, such as location of buildings on the surrounding territories, topography of the site, roads, footpaths, paved and hardstandings areas, ramps, parking areas, fencing, walls and gates, landscape elements, trees and plants, layout of external lighting and service runs, adjoining and adjacent structures, surrounding streets, and many other details. On each Site plan are also designated the scale, dimensions, site boundaries, key materials, and other additional notes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and interior design software extended with Site Plans solution from Building Plans area contains Parking and Roads, Site Accessories, Trees and Plants libraries with numerous collection of ready-to-use vector design elements for drawing detailed Site plans, Site design plans, Structural site plans, Landscape drawings for any locality and of any complexity without efforts. This software will be also useful for planning the parks, creation yard layouts, development residential and commercial landscape designs.

Cafe Design

Cafes and restaurants are the places for relax and recreation, so the most important is their design and atmosphere of comfort, harmony, and uniqueness. So Cafe Design requires great creativity and efforts from the designers. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Cafe and Restaurant Floor Plan solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is the most simple way of displaying your Cafe Design ideas and plans first on the computer screen, and then on the paper.

Best Diagramming Software for macOS

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM creates drawings, flowcharts, block diagrams, bar charts, histograms, pie charts, divided bar diagrams, line graphs, area charts, scatter plots, circular arrows diagrams, Venn diagrams, bubble diagrams with great visual appeal on Mac OS X.
How to Draw a Bubble Chart
How to Draw a Bubble Chart