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How to Create Education Infographics

Education Infographics is used to display a lot of education-related information in a single, visually-appealing graphic. Infographics, created for education purposes can contain different illustrations, detailed charts, and data. ConceptDraw PRO can be used as a tool for creating education infographics. It allows you to draw infographics quickly and easily using the special templates and vector stencils libraries. Infographics can be used to quickly communicate a message, to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data, to see data patterns and relationships, and to monitor changes in variables over time. It can contain bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, line charts, e.t.c.

How to Draw an Organizational Chart Using ConceptDraw PRO

The organizational chart software is a valuable tool for modern business. It is important for any business to build a clear organizational structure that determines the responsibilities and relationships between different positions in the organization. The clear structured organization - means the clear structured business workflow, which is the core of success in the business. ConceptDraw PRO is an org chart software that allows you to draw an organizational structure of your company quickly and easily.

How to Draw a Сonstellation Сhart

Astronomic maps are used to locate stars, planets and other objects in the sky for a certain date, time and observing location. ConceptDraw Astronomy solution can be used as a tool for creating astronomy maps, charts and illustrations that contains astronomy symbols of constellations, galaxies, stars and planets. It allows you to draw the map of any constellation quickly and easily using the special templates and vector stencils libraries.

How to Draw the Different Types of Pie Charts

Using the Pie Chart, you can visually estimate the relative contribution that different data categories contribute to a whole value. The pie chart displays the statistics in a visual format. The main use of pie charts to show comparisons. The larger piece of the pie, the more the value of this value compared to the rest. Various applications of pie charts can be found in business and education. For business, pie charts can be used to compare the success or failure of the goods or services. They may also be used to display the business market share.