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Pyramid Diagram

At the base of the identity of an organisational is its organizational culture.
"At the base of the identity of an organisational is its organizational culture. A culture is comprised of the shared values, customs, traditions, rituals, behaviours and beliefs shared by a social group (national, ethnic, organizational, etc.). Cultures also share languages, or ways of speaking. From a communication perspective, cultures are made and remade through the words we use to describe our world. Culture represents a common set of values (“shared meanings”), shared by members of a population, a organization, a project/ programme purpose unit or a profession (e.g., engineers versus scientists). Culture change with the times but the speed at which the culture of different institutions change varies widely." [Development Cooperation Handbook/ The development aid organization/ Organizational Culture. Wikibooks]
This organizational culture triangle diagram example derived from Parker and Benson's model. It's for explaination of the Regatta: Adoption Method.
The pyramid diagram example "Organizational culture" was redesigned using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software from Wikimedia Commons file Organization_ Triangle.png. [ wiki/ File:Organization_ Triangle.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 2.5/ deed.en]
The triangular chart sample "Organizational culture" is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Pyramid diagram
Pyramid diagram, triangle diagram, triangular diagram, triangle chart, triangular chart, triangle scheme, triangular scheme,

Using Fishbone Diagrams for Problem Solving

Problems are obstacles and challenges that one should overcome to reach the goal. They are an inseparable part of any business, and the success of an enterprise often depends on ability to solve all problems effectively. The process of problem solving often uses rational approach, helping to find a suitable solution. Using Fishbone Diagrams for Problem Solving is a productive and illustrative tool to identify the most important factors causing the trouble. ConceptDraw PRO extended with Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful tool for problem solving with Fishbone Ishikawa diagram graphic method.

UML Diagram Types List

Two types of diagrams are used in UML: Structure Diagrams and Behavior Diagrams. Behavior Diagrams represent the processes proceeding in a modeled environment. Structure Diagrams represent the elements that compose the system.

integration definition, database design, object-oriented design, idef IDEF Business Process Diagrams

integration definition, database design, object-oriented design, idef
Use the IDEF Business Process Diagrams solution to create effective database designs and object-oriented designs, following the integration definition methodology.