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Electrical Drawing Software and Electrical Symbols

Any electrical device could not be created without electrical diagram, wiring also cannot be laid without pre-designed and approved scheme or plan. Electrical drawing is a type of technical drawing that depicts scheme of some electrical device and includes the information about power, lighting, etc. Electrical plan designed for architectural or engineering project visually displays location of electrical devices and connections. ConceptDraw PRO is ideal electrical software for construction professional-looking Electrical Circuits, Electrical Schematics, Electrical Layouts, Electrical Wiring, Automotive Wiring, Cabling Layout Diagrams, Circuits and Logic Schematics, Logic Gate Diagrams, Digital Circuits, Parallel Circuits, Blue Prints with help of 926 standard electrical symbols offered by 26 libraries of Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area for ConceptDraw PRO. It makes drawing Electrical diagrams very easy even for beginners, and also extends your work with various export methods.

Electrical Diagram Software

Electrical engineering and electronic engineering are extensive fields dedicated to research, design, development, manufacturing, test, and montage of systems and devices of electricity, electronics, microelectronics, telecommunications, power engineering, etc. These fields use various types of schemes, diagrams, technical drawings and require a special precision, accuracy and attention at their construction and using. The availability of modern specialized software has great importance for electrical engineers and electronic specialists, it assists them in drawing Electrical schematics and diagrams, Electrical drawings and Wiring schemes, Electronic Circuit schematics, etc. One of such software is ConceptDraw PRO extended with Electrical Engineering Solution that offers powerful drawing tools, wide variety of samples and libraries with numerous quantity of predesigned electrical symbols and vector objects of electrical devices. All they help design with minimal efforts Electrical diagrams and blueprints of any complexity, now drawing process is easy even for beginners.
Create an Electrical Diagram
Create an Electrical Diagram

Technical Drawing Software

Technical drawing or draft is a form of specialized graphic communication, exchange of ideas in industry and engineering. It is a visual representation of object with indication of dimensions and used material, constructed with maintaining the proportions between its parts. Technical drawings are constructed by architects, technologists, engineers, designers, drafters, and other technical professionals according to defined rules, specifications, internationally accepted standards and standardized notations allowing to make unambiguous, clear and understandable technical drawings. ConceptDraw PRO extended with Electrical Engineering solution, Mechanical Engineering solution, Chemical and Process Engineering solution from Industrial Engineering Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is ideal technical drawing software. Its powerful drawing tools, predesigned vector objects, templates, samples are helpful for creation all kinds of Technical Drawings and Technical Diagrams, Electrical and Mechanical Schematics, Circuit and Wiring Diagrams, Structural Drawings, and many other.

electrical diagram, electrical engineering, electrical schematic, electrical schematic symbols, electrical diagram symbols  Electrical Engineering

electrical diagram, electrical engineering, electrical schematic, electrical schematic symbols, electrical diagram symbols
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v.9.5 (or later) with electrical engineering samples, electrical schematic symbols, electrical diagram symbols, templates and libraries of design elements, to help you design electrical schematics, digital and analog

How To use Electrical and Telecom Plan Software

When drawing Electrical and Telecom plans, you need to depict electrical circuit, schematics of electrical wiring and digital circuits, house electrical plans, etc. Electrical plan shows all electrical devices and their location, and scheme of telecom and electric wiring clearly and concisely enough. Start easy with Electric and Telecom Plans solution templates and samples which are opened from ConceptDraw STORE right with standard electrical and telecom symbols and icons libraries. Or create your own Electrical Telecom diagrams on the blank sheet also using the predesigned libraries' objects separately or combining, joining, or grouping them. Try now to make sure how neat and easy could be drawing various electrical and telecom plans with ConceptDraw PRO, among them: Home electrical plan, Telecom wireless plan, Residential electric plan, Electrical circuit diagram, and other Electric visual and telecommunication floor plans for design and construction, including switches, outlets, and fixtures.

How To use House Electrical Plan Software

How we can conduct the electricity at house correctly without a plan? It is impossible. The House electrical diagram depicts locations of switches, outlets, dimmers and lights, and lets understand how you will connect them. But design of House Electrical Plan looks a complex task at a glance, which requires a lot of tools and special experience. But now all is simple with all-inclusive floor plan software - ConceptDraw PRO. As a house electrical plan software, the ConceptDraw PRO contains libraries with a large range of professional lighting and electrical symbols, ready-to-use electrical plans samples and examples, and built-in templates for creating great-looking Home floor electrical plans. It is a fastest way to draw Electrical circuit diagrams, Electrical wiring and Circuit schematics, Digital circuits, Electrical equipment, House electrical plans, Satellite television, Cable television, Home cinema, Closed-circuit television when are used the tools of Electric and Telecom Plans Solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park. Files created in Visio for Mac app can be easily imported to ConceptDraw PRO. Also you may import stencils and even libraries. Try for free an alternative to Visio that Apple users recommend.
Create an Electrical Diagram
Create an Electrical Diagram

Wiring Diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO

A Wiring Diagram is a comprehensive schematic that depicts the electrical circuit system, shows all the connectors, wiring, signal connections (buses), terminal boards between electrical or electronic components and devices of the circuit. Wiring Diagram illustrates how the components are connected electrically and identifies the wires by colour coding or wire numbers. These diagrams are necessary and obligatory for identifying and fixing faults of electrical or electronic circuits, and their elimination. For designing Wiring Diagrams are used the standardized symbols representing electrical components and devices. ConceptDraw Solution Park offers the Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area with 26 libraries of graphics design elements and electrical schematic symbols for easy drawing various Wiring Diagrams, Electrical Circuit and Wiring Blueprints, Electrical and Telecom schematics of any complexity, Electrical Engineering Diagrams, Power Systems Diagrams, Repair Diagrams, Maintenance Schemes, etc. in ConceptDraw PRO software.

Circuits and Logic Diagram Software

Circuit diagram is a graphical representation of electrical circuits, wire connections between devices, among them power and signal connections. Circuit diagrams are successfully used during design, construction and maintenance of different electrical and electronic equipment, and also for visualizing expressions using a boolean algebra in the computer science. These diagrams don't show a physical arrangement of components. One of advanced application of ConceptDraw PRO software is electrical engineering. Included to ConceptDraw Solution Park, Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area offers templates, samples and incredibly large quantity of vector design elements of circuits and logic symbols, which are helpful for professional drawing Circuit diagrams, Logic circuit diagrams, Wiring diagrams, Electrical schematics, Digital and Analog logic designs, Integrated circuit schematics, Circuit board and Amplifier diagrams, Power systems diagrams, Maintenance and Repair diagrams of any difficulty.
The circuit diagram example "Bipolar current mirror" was redesigned from the Wikipedia file: Current mirror.png.
[ wiki/ File:Current_ mirror.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"A current mirror is a circuit designed to copy a current through one active device by controlling the current in another active device of a circuit, keeping the output current constant regardless of loading. The current being 'copied' can be, and sometimes is, a varying signal current. Conceptually, an ideal current mirror is simply an ideal inverting current amplifier that reverses the current direction as well or it is a current-controlled current source (CCCS). The current mirror is used to provide bias currents and active loads to circuits. ...
Basic BJT current mirror.
If a voltage is applied to the BJT base-emitter junction as an input quantity and the collector current is taken as an output quantity, the transistor will act as an exponential voltage-to-current converter. By applying a negative feedback (simply joining the base and collector) the transistor can be "reversed" and it will begin acting as the opposite logarithmic current-to-voltage converter; now it will adjust the "output" base-emitter voltage so as to pass the applied "input" collector current.
The simplest bipolar current mirror ... implements this idea. It consists of two cascaded transistor stages acting accordingly as a reversed and direct voltage-to-current converters." [Current mirror. Wikipedia]
The circuit diagram example "Bipolar current mirror" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Circuit diagram
Circuit diagram, junction, indicator, meter, galvanometer, ground connection, ground, fixed resistor, resistor, bipolar transistor, bipolar junction transistor, BJT, NPN,

Electrical Design Software

ConceptDraw PRO is a powerful electrical design software. The Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park allows you easy, quick and effective draw the professional looking electrical, circuit and wiring diagrams and schemes, maintenance and repair diagrams for electronics and electrical engineering, and many other types of diagrams.
The vector stencils library "Electrical circuits" contains 49 element symbols of electrical and electronic devices, including ignitors, starters, transmitters, circuit protectors, transducers, radio and audio equipment.
Use it for drawing electronic circuit diagrams and electrical schematics.
"An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, voltage sources, current sources and switches. An electrical circuit is a network consisting of a closed loop, giving a return path for the current. Linear electrical networks, a special type consisting only of sources (voltage or current), linear lumped elements (resistors, capacitors, inductors), and linear distributed elements (transmission lines), have the property that signals are linearly superimposable. They are thus more easily analyzed, using powerful frequency domain methods such as Laplace transforms, to determine DC response, AC response, and transient response.
A resistive circuit is a circuit containing only resistors and ideal current and voltage sources. Analysis of resistive circuits is less complicated than analysis of circuits containing capacitors and inductors. If the sources are constant (DC) sources, the result is a DC circuit.
A network that contains active electronic components is known as an electronic circuit. Such networks are generally nonlinear and require more complex design and analysis tools." [Electrical network. Wikipedia]
The symbils example "Design elements - Electrical circuits" was drawn using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Electrical circuit elements
Electrical circuit elements, variable capacitor, capacitor, valve surge protector, surge protector, transducer, surge protector, step function, squib ignitor, electric squib ignitor, sphere gap surge protector, sphere gap, surge protector, solid material, material, sensing link squib, electric sensing link squib, semiconducting material, material, saw tooth, signal, pulse, protective gap surge protector, protective gap, surge protector, pickup head, reproducing pickup head, pickup head, recording pickup head, non-capacitive transducer, transducer, multigap surge protector, surge protector, material, insulating material, material, loop antenna, antenna, liquid, liquid material, junction, igniter plug, horn gap surge protector, horn gap, surge protector, ground connection, ground, gas, gas material, fuse, fixed capacitor, capacitor, explosive squib, electric explosive squib, equipotentiality, electrolytic surge protector, surge protector, electret, electret material, material, component, circuit breaker, chassis, frame ground connection, carbon block surge protector, surge protector, capacitive transducer, transducer, antenna, alarm fuse, fuse,

engineering, mechanical, electrical, chemical, process, diagram, scheme, technical, drawing Engineering

engineering, mechanical, electrical, chemical, process, diagram, scheme, technical, drawing
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v9.4 with the ability to visualize industrial systems in electronics, electrical, chemical, process, and mechanical engineering.
The vector stencils library "Electrical circuits" contains 49 element symbols of electrical and electronic devices, including ignitors, starters, transmitters, circuit protectors, transducers, radio and audio equipment.
Use it for drawing electronic circuit diagrams and electrical schematics in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ engineering-electrical
Ground, ground connection, ground,
Equipotentiality, equipotentiality,
Igniter plug
Igniter plug, igniter plug,
Junction, junction,
Chassis, chassis, frame ground connection,
Chassis 2
Chassis 2, chassis, frame ground connection,
Capacitor, fixed capacitor, capacitor,
Variable capacitor
Variable capacitor, variable capacitor, capacitor,
Capacitor 2
Capacitor 2, fixed capacitor, capacitor,
Variable capacitor 2
Variable capacitor 2, variable capacitor, capacitor,
Antenna, antenna,
Antenna 2
Antenna 2, loop antenna, antenna,
Circuit breaker
Circuit breaker,
Fuse, fuse,
Fuse 2
Fuse 2, fuse,
Alarm fuse
Alarm fuse, alarm fuse, fuse,
Alarm fuse 2
Alarm fuse 2, alarm fuse, fuse,
Circular generic component
Circular generic component, component,
Rectangular generic component
Rectangular generic component, component,
Transducer, transducer,
Capacitive transducer
Capacitive transducer, capacitive transducer, transducer,
Non-capacitive transducer
Non-capacitive transducer, non-capacitive transducer, transducer,
Recording pickup head
Recording pickup head, pickup head, recording pickup head,
Reproducing pickup head
Reproducing pickup head, pickup head, reproducing pickup head,
Positive pulse
Positive pulse, pulse,
Negative pulse
Negative pulse,
Alternating pulse
Alternating pulse, pulse,
Saw tooth
Saw tooth, saw tooth, signal,
Positive step function
Positive step function, step function,
Negative step function
Negative step function,
Explosive squib
Explosive squib, explosive squib, electric explosive squib,
Sensing link squib
Sensing link squib, sensing link squib, electric sensing link squib,
Squib ignitor
Squib ignitor, squib ignitor, electric squib ignitor,
Unspecified material
Unspecified material, material,
Solid material
Solid material, solid material, material,
Semiconducting material
Semiconducting material, semiconducting material, material,
Liquid, liquid, liquid material,
Insulating material
Insulating material, material, insulating material,
Gas, gas, gas material,
Electret, electret, electret material, material,
Surge protector
Surge protector, surge protector,
Multigap surge protector
Multigap surge protector, multigap surge protector, surge protector,
Valve surge protector
Valve surge protector, valve surge protector, surge protector,
Electrolytic surge protector
Electrolytic surge protector, electrolytic surge protector, surge protector,
Carbon block surge protector
Carbon block surge protector, carbon block surge protector, surge protector,
Protective gap surge protector
Protective gap surge protector, protective gap surge protector, protective gap, surge protector,
Sphere gap surge protector
Sphere gap surge protector, sphere gap surge protector, sphere gap, surge protector,
Horn gap surge protector
Horn gap surge protector, horn gap surge protector, horn gap, surge protector,
Circuit breaker
Circuit breaker, circuit breaker,

How to Create an Electrical Diagram Using ConceptDraw PRO

There are many of different electric circuit symbols that can be used in a circuit diagram. Knowing how to read circuit diagrams is a useful skill not only for professionals, but for any person who can start creating his own small home electronic projects. The circuit diagram shows the scheme of a location of components and connections of the electrical circuit using a set of standard symbols. It can be use for graphical documentation of an electrical circuit components. The ability to  create electrical diagrams and schematic using ConceptDraw PRO is delivered by the Electrical Engineering solution. The solution supplied with samples, templates and libraries of design elements for drawing electrical schematics, digital and analog logic, circuit and wiring schematics and diagrams, power systems diagrams, maintenance and repair diagrams for electronics and electrical engineering.
"In electronics, a vacuum tube, electron tube (in North America), tube, or thermionic valve or valve (in British English) is a device controlling electric current through a vacuum in a sealed container. The simplest vacuum tube, the diode, contains only two elements; current can only flow in one direction through the device between the two electrodes, as electrons emitted by the hot cathode travel through the tube and are collected by the anode. Addition of a third and additional electrodes allows the current flowing between cathode and anode to be controlled in various ways. The device can be used as an electronic amplifier, a rectifier, an electronically controlled switch, an oscillator, and for other purposes.
Vacuum tubes mostly rely on thermionic emission of electrons from a hot filament or a cathode heated by the filament. Some electron tube devices rely on the properties of a discharge through an ionized gas." [Vacuum tube. Wikipedia]
"The EL34 is a thermionic valve or vacuum tube of the power pentode type. It has an international octal base (indicated by the '3' in the part number) and is found mainly in the final output stages of audio amplification circuits and was designed to be suitable as a series regulator by virtue of its high permissible voltage between heater and cathode and other parameters. The American RETMA tube designation number for this tube is 6CA7. Russian analog is 6P27S (Cyrillic: 6П27C )" [EL34. Wikipedia]
This circuit diagram sample was redrawn from the Wikipedia Commons file: EL34 schematics (circuit diagram).gif. [ wiki/ File:EL34_ schematics_ %28circuit_ diagram%29.gif]
The example "Circuit diagram - EL 34 schematics" was drawn using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
EL34 shemathics
EL34 shemathics, tube triode, tube pentode, transformer, magnetic-core, terminal, switch point, junction, fixed resistor, resistor, fixed capacitor, capacitor, direction, flow, transmission path, chassis, frame ground connection,

Making Mechanical Diagram

The engineering diagrams produced with ConceptDraw PRO are vector graphic documents and are available for reviewing, modifying, and converting to a variety of formats (image, HTML, PDF file, MS PowerPoint Presentation, Adobe Flash or MS Visio XML).

Electrical Symbols, Electrical Schematic Symbols

Electrical Schematics and Electrical Circuit Diagrams are included to the number of obligatory diagrams and documents while developing the package of construction documentation for the building project. It is comfortable to use the special drawing software for designing diagrams of this type. ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Electrical Engineering solution from Industrial Engineering Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides the powerful drawing tools, a lot of specific samples and templates, and numerous libraries with incredibly large quantity of predesigned electrical schematic symbols, including analog and digital logic electrical symbols, electrical circuits symbols, inductors, power sources, lamps, resistors, transistors, delay elements, switches and relays, terminals and connectors, and many other useful electrical symbols, which will be helpful for easy designing professional looking Electrical Schematics, Electrical Engineering Diagrams, Circuit and Wiring Diagrams, Power Systems Diagrams, Digital and Analog Logic Schematics.
The vector stencils library "Terminals and connectors" contains 43 element symbols of terminals, connectors, plugs, polarized connectors, jacks, coaxial cables, and conductors.
Use it for drawing the wiring diagrams, electrical layouts, electronic schematics, and circuit diagrams.
"An electrical connector is an electro-mechanical device for joining electrical circuits as an interface using a mechanical assembly. Connectors consist of plugs (male-ended) and jacks (female-ended). The connection may be temporary, as for portable equipment, require a tool for assembly and removal, or serve as a permanent electrical joint between two wires or devices. An adapter can be used to effectively bring together dissimilar connectors.
There are hundreds of types of electrical connectors. Connectors may join two lengths of flexible copper wire or cable, or connect a wire or cable or optical interface to an electrical terminal.
In computing, an electrical connector can also be known as a physical interface... Cable glands, known as cable connectors in the US, connect wires to devices mechanically rather than electrically and are distinct from quick-disconnects performing the latter." [Electrical connector. Wikipedia]
"A terminal is the point at which a conductor from an electrical component, device or network comes to an end and provides a point of connection to external circuits. A terminal may simply be the end of a wire or it may be fitted with a connector or fastener. In network analysis, terminal means a point at which connections can be made to a network in theory and does not necessarily refer to any real physical object. In this context, especially in older documents, it is sometimes called a "pole".
The connection may be temporary, as seen in portable equipment, may require a tool for assembly and removal, or may be a permanent electrical joint between two wires or devices.
All electric cell have two terminals. The first is the positive terminal and the second is the negative terminal. The positive terminal looks like a metal cap and the negative terminal looks like a metal disc. The current flows from the positive terminal, and out through the negative terminal, replicative of current flow (positive (+) to negative (-) flow)." [Terminal (electronics). Wikipedia]
The shapes example "Design elements - Terminals and connectors" was drawn using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Terminal and connector symbols
Terminal and connector symbols, terminal board, terminal strip, small, D connector, D-type connector, shielded, RCA, plug, shielded, RCA, jack, normalled, jack, circuit, male contact, large, D connector, D-type connector, female contact, coaxial, outside conductor, coaxial plug, coaxial jack, circuit terminal, center conductor coaxial, outside conductor, chassis, cable termination, single line, cable termination, complete, adapter, male-male, adapter, male-female, C header connector, 15 pin, type C, AC out, AC power out, 3-conductor, polarized connector, male, 3-conductor, polarized connector, female, 2-conductor, plug, 2-conductor, nonpolarized connector, male, 2-conductor, nonpolarized connector, female, 2-conductor, jack,

Electrical and Telecom Plan Software

Electrical and Telecom Plans is an important part of architectural and engineering projects. They are technical drawings that display information about power, lighting, communication and telecommunication, and visually depict all electrical and telecom details including outlets, wires, circuit panels, etc. Created by architects, engineers, and designers, Electrical and Telecom Plans are necessary and obligatory for builders and electricians for correct installation electrical and telecom systems at different buildings, power plants, communication centers, electrical distribution systems, homes, flats, etc. ConceptDraw PRO with Electrical and Telecom Plans solution is a fast and effective way to draw: Electrical circuit diagrams, Electrical wiring diagrams, House electrical plans, Telecom plans, Control wiring diagrams, Power-riser diagrams, Reflected ceiling plans, Cabling layout schemes, Lighting panels layouts, etc. using vector symbols of electrical and telecommunication equipment, special symbols, lines, dimensions and notations.
The vector stencils library "Transformers and windings" contains 29 element symbols of transformers, windings, couplers, metering devices, transductors, magnetic cores, chokes, and a variometer.
Use it to design the electromechanical device schematics and electronic circuit diagrams.
"A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy between two circuits through electromagnetic induction. Transformers may be used in step-up or step-down voltage conversion, which 'transforms' an AC voltage from one voltage level on the input of the device to another level at the output terminals. This special function of transformers can provide control of specified requirements of current level as an alternating current source, or it may be used for impedance matching between mismatched electrical circuits to effect maximum power transfer between the circuits.
A transformer most commonly consists of two windings of wire that are wound around a common core to induce tight electromagnetic coupling between the windings. The core material is often a laminated iron core. The coil that receives the electrical input energy is referred to as the primary winding, while the output coil is called the secondary winding.
An alternating electric current flowing through the primary winding (coil) of a transformer generates an electromagnetic field in its surroundings and a varying magnetic flux in the core of the transformer. By electromagnetic induction this magnetic flux generates a varying electromotive force in the secondary winding, resulting in a voltage across the output terminals. If a load impedance is connected across the secondary winding, a current flows through the secondary winding drawing power from the primary winding and its power source." [Transformer. Wikipedia]
"An electromagnetic coil (or simply a "coil") is formed when a conductor is wound around a core or form to create an inductor or electromagnet. When electricity is passed through a coil, it generates a magnetic field. One loop of wire is usually referred to as a turn or a winding, and a coil consists of one or more turns. For use in an electronic circuit, electrical connection terminals called taps are often connected to a coil. Coils are often coated with varnish or wrapped with insulating tape to provide additional insulation and secure them in place. A completed coil assembly with one or more set of coils and taps is often called the windings.
Windings are used in transformers, electric motors, inductors, solenoids, loudspeakers, and many other applications." [Electromagnetic coil. Wikipedia]
The shapes example "Design elements - Transformers and windings" was drawn using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Transformer and winding symbols
Transformer and winding symbols, variometer, triplex, induction voltage regulator, transformer, magnetic-core, mutual inductor, transformer, magnetic-core, 2 windings, adjustable, transformer, magnetic-core, 1 winding, adjustable, transformer, magnetic-core, transformer, air-core, mutual inductor, transformer, air-core, 2 windings, adjustable, transformer, air-core, 1 winding, adjustable, transformer, air-core, transformer, transductor, saturating transformer, potential transformer, winding, potential transformer, outdoor metering device, magnetic core, linear coupler, induction voltage regulator, current transformer, bushing-type, current transformer, coaxial choke, magnetic core, choke, reactor, adjustable transformer, 1 winding, adjustable transformer,  mutual inductor, 1-phase, induction voltage regulator,