UML Collaboration Diagram Example Illustration
UML Collaboration Diagram Example Illustration. This sample was created in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software using the UML Collaboration Diagram library of the Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. This sample shows the creation process of the contact list and can be used at the staff training and staff working, at the attraction process the new clients.Diagramming Software for Design UML Collaboration Diagrams
ConceptDraw helps you to start designing your own UML Collaboration Diagrams with examples and templates.
UML Collaboration Diagram. Design Elements
UML Collaboration Diagram illustrates how components are wired together to larger components and software systems that shows the structure of arbitrarily complex systems. ConceptDraw has 393 vector stencils in the 13 libraries that helps you to start using software for designing your own UML Diagrams. You can use the appropriate stencils of UML notation from UML Collaboration library with 36 objectsDiagramming Software for Design UML Communication Diagrams
UML Communication Diagram depicts the interactions between objects or parts in terms of sequenced messages and describes both the static structure and dynamic behavior of a system.
UML Composite Structure Diagram. Design Elements
UML Composite Structure Diagram shows the internal structure of a class and the possible interactions at this structure. ConceptDraw has 393 vector stencils in the 13 libraries that helps you to start using software for designing your own UML Diagrams. You can use the appropriate stencils of UML notation from UML Composite Structure library.This vector stencils library contains 184 round icons.
Use it to design cloud computing infographics and diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Though service-oriented architecture advocates "everything as a service" (with the acronyms EaaS or XaaS or simply aas), cloud-computing providers offer their "services" according to different models, which happen to form a stack: infrastructure-, platform- and software-as-a-service.
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
In the most basic cloud-service model ... providers of IaaS offer computers — physical or (more often) virtual machines — and other resources. IaaS refers to online services that abstract the user from the details of infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, backup etc.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
PaaS vendors offer a development environment to application developers. The provider typically develops toolkit and standards for development and channels for distribution and payment. In the PaaS models, cloud providers deliver a computing platform, typically including operating system, programming-language execution environment, database, and web server. Application developers can develop and run their software solutions on a cloud platform without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.
Software as a service (SaaS)
In the software as a service (SaaS) model, users gain access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee.
In the SaaS model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and cloud users access the software from cloud clients. Cloud users do not manage the cloud infrastructure and platform where the application runs. This eliminates the need to install and run the application on the cloud user's own computers, which simplifies maintenance and support. Cloud applications differ from other applications in their scalability — which can be achieved by cloning tasks onto multiple virtual machines at run-time to meet changing work demand." [Cloud computing. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils library "Cloud round icons" is included in the Cloud Computing Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Use it to design cloud computing infographics and diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Though service-oriented architecture advocates "everything as a service" (with the acronyms EaaS or XaaS or simply aas), cloud-computing providers offer their "services" according to different models, which happen to form a stack: infrastructure-, platform- and software-as-a-service.
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
In the most basic cloud-service model ... providers of IaaS offer computers — physical or (more often) virtual machines — and other resources. IaaS refers to online services that abstract the user from the details of infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, backup etc.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
PaaS vendors offer a development environment to application developers. The provider typically develops toolkit and standards for development and channels for distribution and payment. In the PaaS models, cloud providers deliver a computing platform, typically including operating system, programming-language execution environment, database, and web server. Application developers can develop and run their software solutions on a cloud platform without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.
Software as a service (SaaS)
In the software as a service (SaaS) model, users gain access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee.
In the SaaS model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and cloud users access the software from cloud clients. Cloud users do not manage the cloud infrastructure and platform where the application runs. This eliminates the need to install and run the application on the cloud user's own computers, which simplifies maintenance and support. Cloud applications differ from other applications in their scalability — which can be achieved by cloning tasks onto multiple virtual machines at run-time to meet changing work demand." [Cloud computing. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils library "Cloud round icons" is included in the Cloud Computing Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML Sequence Diagram. Design Elements
UML Sequence Diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence, how processes operate with one another and in what order and illustrate the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects and classes involved in the scenario.
Concept Map
A concept map is a way of representing relationships between ideas, images, or words. How to draw a Concept Map quick, easy and effective? ConceptDraw PRO offers the unique Concept Maps Solution from the "What is a Diagram" Area that will help you!Diagramming Software for designing UML Sequence Diagrams
Sequence Diagrams shows how objects communicate with each other in terms of a sequence of messages. Also indicates the lifespans of objects relative to those messages.
Scrum board
ConceptDraw diagramming and vector drawing software extended with SCRUM Workflow solution from the Project Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is an ideal scrum tool and powerful software for creating pictorial and professional-looking Scrum board for easy tracking the workflow, for facilitating daily synchronization and productivity improvement.UML Deployment Diagram. Design Elements
UML Deployment diagram describes the hardware used in system implementations and the execution environments and artifacts deployed on the hardware. ConceptDraw has 393 vector stencils in the 13 libraries that helps you to start using software for designing your own UML Diagrams. You can use the appropriate stencils of UML notation from UML Deployment library.UML in 10 mins
It’s very simple and quick to create the UML Diagrams using the Rapid UML Solution for ConceptDraw PRO. This sample was created in 10 minutes. This sample describes the credit card processing system. It’s a UML Class Diagram with generalization sets. This sample can be used by the banks, business and financial companies, exchanges.Electrical Symbols — Switches and Relays
In electrical engineering, a switch is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. The mechanism of a switch may be operated directly by a human operator to control a circuit (for example, a light switch or a keyboard button), may be operated by a moving object such as a door-operated switch, or may be operated by some sensing element for pressure, temperature or flow. A relay is a switch that is operated by electricity. Switches are made to handle a wide range of voltages and currents; very large switches may be used to isolate high-voltage circuits in electrical substations. 26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw PRO make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.Online Collaboration via Skype
Collaborating with co-workers is very important, not only in order to get things done effectively, but also to keep in touch with the outside world. Great way for business collaboration is Skype.
Column Chart Software
ConceptDraw Column Chart software allows drawing column charts using predesigned objects or drawing tools. In ConceptDraw Column Chart software you can find a complete set of column chart tools and objects.- Cloud round icons - Vector stencils library | Icon Us Dollar White Flat ...
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