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Tactical Dashboard

The Tactical Dashboard diagram opens in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software and represents four positive quadrants in Cartesian coordinate system, which allow comparing the actual values visually and the total values of four main metrics: Cost, Time, Man-hour and Human Resources Cost. The actual cost, the actual man-hour and the actual cost for human resources are calculated as sums of the values for these metrics for all project tasks, multiplied on their Complete. The total values for these metrics are calculated as the sums of actual values for all tasks of the project. The actual time is a period between the project start date and a more earlier date from the project finish or current date, while the total time is a project duration that is calculated as a difference between the project finish and start dates.

project management, dashboards, project, project indicators, KPI, key performance indicato PM Dashboards

project management, dashboards, project, project indicators, KPI, key performance indicato
The PM Dashboards solution extends the management boundaries of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and ConceptDraw PROJECT products with an ability to demonstrate changes to the budget status, to show the project progress toward its objectives, to display clearly the identified key performance indicator (KPI) or the set of key performance indicators for any project. This solution provides you with examples and ability to generate three types of visual dashboards reports based on your project data Project Dashboard, Tactical Dashboard, and Radar Chart. By dynamically charting the project’s key performance indicators that are collected on one ConceptDraw DIAGRAM document page, all project participants, project managers, team members, team leaders, stakeholders, and the entire organizations, for which this solution is intended, have access to the daily status of projects they are involved in.

project management, planning, meeting, dashboards, teams, presentation, solution park Project Management Area

project management, planning, meeting, dashboards, teams, presentation, solution park
Project Management area provides Toolbox solutions to support solving issues related to planning, tracking, milestones, events, resource usage, and other typical project management functions.

ConceptDraw PROJECT Project Management Software Tool

ConceptDraw PROJECT is simple project management software. If you are on the fast track in your career and start facing such challenges as coordination many people, coordination tasks and works, manage project with a great deal of time and money involved - it is the right time to get Project management tool involved in your work.

Project — Working With Costs

ConceptDraw PROJECT delivers a rich set of built-in functionalities and optional product extensions that support your daily workflow in time-saving and creative ways. This video lesson will teach you how to work with costs in your project document.

Gantt Project Management

Having such a full-featured project management tool as ConceptDraw PROJECT, you get all the needed features in order to successfully execute all the planned projects. The mentioned features include both task management, reporting, change control and resource management. As long as there is ConceptDraw Office installed on your desktop, you can always have the needed integration that helps improve project management in your organization. It can be done by leveraging the power of data visualization and mind mapping in particular.

project management, scrum, agile, business Project Management Package

project management, scrum, agile, business
Project Management Package includes a large set of graphical solutions from the ConceptDraw Solution Park. They are selected specially to help in completing the business and management goals, creating business models and modeling business processes, analyzing business progress and efficiency of projects implementation. The tools of this package's solutions are helpful to create number of diagrams and dashboards including Management Diagrams, Business diagrams, Bubble diagrams, Circle-spoke diagrams, Circular arrows diagrams, Venn diagrams, Scrum charts, Kanban boards, Business Intelligence maps, Business Metric charts, Dynamic charts, Project diagrams, Hierarchical charts, Influence diagrams, Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Resource Breakdown Structures (RBS), PERT Diagrams, Project management charts, Project timelines, Gantt Charts, Funnel diagrams, Stakeholder Onion diagrams, and many more.

Project —Task Trees and Dependencies

Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the program′s functions. This video lesson will teach you how to set up task trees and dependencies.

How to Track Your Project Plan vs. the Actual Project Condition

ConceptDraw PROJECT provides a user with the possibility to track how the project is going. Project Manager can compare the actual data with the planned and assess possible measures to resolve issues. ConceptDraw PROJECT has several types of visual reports that can help to assess visually the difference between planned and actual project data.

How To Create Project Report

ConceptDraw PROJECT contains an extensive tool set to help project managers. The rich data visualization capability that is provided by ConceptDraw products helps you create project dashboards, one-click reports, multi-project views, Gantt charts, and resource views. Let′s learn how to get maximum value using ConceptDraw PROJECT!

Project — Working With Tasks

A full-featured project management solution with all the necessary functions right at your fingertips. Generates an extensive variety of reports on project and task statuses. These videos provide a series of lessons that will enhance the understanding of all our users, from people just starting out with the software, through to expert users.

Project Management

Mind Maps is a visual tool that helps to structure, understand and analyze the information, to find new ideas and solutions to problems. They find their application in many areas of life due to the fact that are convenient graphical way of presenting information. The project management is one of the most popular applications of Mind Maps, which give you the opportunity to make your project plan, to navigate easier in the project and manage it visually, to systematize knowledge, to get a clear picture of what is happening in the project, to save time and quickly find the right solutions and possible defects. Mind Maps ideally suit as a way to make notes during the meetings, presentations, conferences, to record ideas generated during a brainstorming. ConceptDraw MINDMAP software is effective for using in project management. It offers the tools for brainstorming and Mind Maps construction, helps project managers to visually represent the whole project, its implementation phases, to track the current state and switch between the different levels of detailing, showing or hiding some branches. ConcepDraw MINDMAP lets the possibility to make the report or presentation from your Mind Map and provides the compatibility with ConceptDraw Project and MS Project.

Project — Assigning Resources

Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the program′s functions. Learn how to assign resources to tasks in ConceptDraw PROJECT with this comprehensive video lesson.
Lessons for Assigning Resources using project management software ConceptDraw PROJECT
Lessons for Assigning Resources using project management software ConceptDraw PROJECT

SWOT Analysis Tool for Small Business

SWOT analysis is effective method of making the plan to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project. SWOT analysis includes the specifying project objectives and attentive identifying the internal and external causes for accomplishing the main project goals. It is actively used in large and small business project management for effective and clear identifying the critical factors. SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution is included to ConceptDraw Solution Park and contains the high-quality analysis tools. This graphical solution turns the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software in an excellent marketing management and advertising agency software, the best SWOT analysis tool for small business or large, as you like and need. Included graphic tools, visual and project planning components make it the best marketing project management software for marketing project planning and for making marketing presentations. Use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to create professional and well-designed SWOT matrices in minutes.