Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet Mindmanager
The comparing of ConceptDraw MINDMAP to Mindjet Mindmanager allows to identify a lot of benefits. At first, the ConceptDraw MINDMAP has a lower price, the flexible licensing, the license is per-named-user, no charge for major product upgrades and no charge for support. ConceptDraw MINDMAP is effective for launching the stalled projects to new heights, it possess the excellent possibility of importing and exporting to other mind mapping program file formats. ConceptDraw MINDMAP easily integrates with wide set of programs, among them Evernote, Skype, Twitter, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Mindjet Mindmanager, ConceptDraw PROJECT, ConceptDraw PRO, with solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park. Now you have a freedom to choose the best format for each your document, it is incredibly easy to make the Skype presentation, to take and share critical information, to send your Mind Map to Evernote, to import / export MS Word documents, MS PowerPoint presentations, the project data, open and save Mindmanager files, to map out the long-term Twitter messages and publish them to your Twitter account directly from a Mind Map.How to make great presentation via Skype? ...how it works with ConceptDraw MINDMAP?
The Brainstorming session is successfully conducted, professional-looking Mind Map is designed, but how to present it to colleagues? The mindmapping software with ability of showing the business presentation via Skype is valuable. The Remote Presentation for Skype solution enhances the ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with useful ability to deliver the presentations via Skype. With it you can make great presentations, develop your own presentation style and remotely present the business documents to all participants of Skype conference call. Simply click the Show Presentation via Skype button in ConceptDraw MINDMAP application, the presentation file will be synchronized and Skype presentation will be demonstrated as a slide show at all computers of Skype conference participants, you need only control the presentation slides. Using current voice call you can tell your presentation story and discuss it. At the end of presentation made via Skype, each participant has its own copy of presentation document file saved in Presentation History folder and will be able to see it again, if he wants.How To Plan and Implement Projects Faster
ConceptDraw Office is the most effective tool for planning, tracking, and reporting all types of projects with strong management capabilities, user friendly functionality, and superior ease of use. In this tutorial video we will assist you in planning and managing a project using ConceptDraw Office.Mac Compatible Remote Presentation
Mac compatible remote presentation, A simple way to share your presentation remotely via Skype. All participants receive presentation file.
How to do presentation of Mind Maps via Skype conference call?
ConceptDraw MINDMAP is powerful and multifunctional mind mapping software with wide variety of relevant features, which make it comfortable for brainstorming, generating ideas, creating beautiful and professional-looking Mind Maps. ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides wide importing and exporting capabilities to variety of formats, among them MS PowerPoint, MS Word, MS Excel, FreeMind, XMind, MindJet Mindmanager, HTML, PDF, graphical formats. An innovative Skype conference call feature deserves the special attention of users, it is useful for teams, it lets to hold the presentations of Mind Maps via Skype and to collaborate in active Skype call. But how to do the presentation of Mind Map via Skype conference call by means of ConceptDraw MINDMAP software? Simply make the Skype conference call, share the presentation via Skype for active call participants using the Remote Presentation for Skype solution, keep the presentation file synchronized between all participants of Skype call. ConceptDraw MINDMAP lets also edit a Mind Map and to do slide show again with no interruption a call.How to Make SWOT Analysis in a Word Document
A SWOT Analysis is a popular tool of the strategic planning which is used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that are involved in any businesses. Use of mind maps allows you to collect a lot of information used for SWOT Analysis, visually structure it and also identify the relationships between different parts of this information. SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution for ConceptDraw Solution Park combines professional visual advantages of ConceptDraw MINDMAP software and presentation capabilities of ConceptDraw PRO, which together provide a complete work solution. The SWOT and TOWS diagrams, matrices or mind maps produced in ConceptDraw PRO using the predesigned vector objects or filling the ready templates, can be then easily exported to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, and many other electronic file formats. The possibility of export makes easy the use of SWOT diagrams designed in ConceptDraw PRO and lets you efficiently collaborate even with people who maybe don't have this software.Comparing ConceptDraw PRO to Omnigraffle
Comparing ConceptDraw PRO to Omnigraffle you can see a lot of benefits of ConceptDraw products. First the main, ConceptDraw applications are cross-platform and available in two independent and concurrent versions for Macintosh (OS X) and PC (Windows). ConceptDraw gives you the per named license, that you can use simultaneously for your both Macintosh and PC, at work and at home. Free access to the ConceptDraw Solution Park offers you great number of solutions with hundreds of templates and samples, and thousands of ready-to-use vector objects for quick and easy creation diagrams, drawings, illustrations and Mind Maps. Besides, thanks to the Ingyre Technology is provided the integration with Microsoft Office applications and capabilities of limitless exchange the information. The ConceptDraw Live Objects technology lets you design the visual dynamically-updated dashboards, the Rapid Draw technology allows create the diagrams in minutes. The extensive presentation capabilities help you create lush and beautiful presentation slideshows from your ConceptDraw documents.Presenting Documents with Skype
Presentation tools. A convenient tool to present documents via Skype. Share your desktop, collaborate on documents in real-time and run a web conference one-on-one or one-to-many. A tool for sharing and presenting business documents via Skype. Allows to present Microsoft® Word®, Microsoft PowerPoint®, Microsoft Project® and plenty mindmapping formats.
Visio Files and ConceptDraw
Visio Files and ConceptDraw. ConceptDraw PRO is compatible with MS Visio .VDX formatted files.VDX is Visio’s open XML file format, and it can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw PRO.Garrett IA Diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO
Garrett IA diagrams are used at development of Internet-resources, in particulars at projecting of interactions of web-resource elements. The diagram of information architecture of the web resource which is constructed correctly with necessary details presents to developers the resource in comprehensible and visual way.Small Office Design
Office design must to be well thought-out. It is especially important for the small offices, where each detail is in sight. ConceptDraw PRO software offers you the Office Layout Plans Solution from the Building Plans Area for quick and easy creating detailed Small Office Design plans.Building Drawing Software for Design Office Layout Plan
The building plans and blueprints are useful for designing and construction various premises, including definitely offices, small and large office buildings, and whole business centers. Comfort and convenience are the most important for office premises, they let configure on a working mood and increase the work productivity, so the architects and designers need to consider carefully all details. Often their construction on the paper is painstaking and labourious process, which doubly faster and easier to realize with the availability of specialized software, such as ConceptDraw PRO. Design of simple and extensive detailed Office Layout Plans, effective allocation a working space are easily with ConceptDraw PRO powerful vector diagramming and building drawing software tools, and ready-to-use vector design objects. Use they to develop the Office floor plans, Office layout plans, Blueprints for office space planning and furniture placement, Office electrical plans, Office emergency plans, etc. Thought Visio is not available for Mac, there are Visio alternatives which support MS Visio file formats. Try ConceptDraw PRO for both PC and Mac platforms to see its perpetual license privilege .
How to Input Data from MS Excel Into a Mind Map
Many people apply Excel documents to store data in the form of hierarchical lists. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP you can easily turn the linear structure of an Excel table in a radial structure of mind map ConceptDraw MINDMAP will create a mind map file (CDMZ) from your Excel (XLS) file. If you keep your information in the Microsoft Excel files, you can import them into ConceptDraw MINDMAP, converting the columns and rows to a hierarchical structured mind map. If you have multiple individual sheets in your Excel workbook, ConceptDraw MINDMAP will turn them into a single multi-page mind map. ConceptDraw MINDMAP lets you import an entire Microsoft® Excel file as well as insert data from the selected cells.- Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet ...
- Comparing ConceptDraw PRO to Omnigraffle | Applications ...
- How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files with Mindjet ...
- How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files with Mindjet ...
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- How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files with Mindjet ...
- Mind Map To Export To Microsoft
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- How to do presentation via Skype using mindmaps of Mindjet ...
- How to Create a PowerPoint® Presentation from a Mind Map | How ...
- Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet
- Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet
- Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet ...
- Process Flowchart | Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a ...
- Xmind Import Mindmanager
- SWOT Analysis | Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a ...
- How to Import Text to ConceptDraw MINDMAP | Mind Map Making ...
- Project Exchange | How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files ...
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